Not every woman is alone and surviving in this precarious world.

  At least these women who were deceived by Fang Xin all have families.

  But Fang Xin is Hua Mi's cousin. Everyone knew how good Hua Mi was to Fang Xin back then.

  Hua Mi has a good relationship with the Garrison, which is actually not a secret.

  So Fang Xin came forward and said that Hua Mi could find them a job, making it easy for them and making a lot of money. They didn't have to set up a stall or dredge the highway and move bricks to do hard work.

  The working environment is comfortable, decent, safe and stable.

  In such a shabby world, who can not be tempted?

  These women were tempted, and so were their families.

  So word spread, and almost everyone who knew Fang Xin rushed to beg Fang Xin to find a job for them.

  This is why Fang Xin was able to find so many good-looking women in a short period of time, and they volunteered and their family members also volunteered not to cause trouble.

  "Don't you have any brains?"

  Hua Mi was blocked by two guards and yelled at the women angrily,

  "The work is easy, the environment is good, you make a lot of money, it's stable, safe and decent, I want this job too, you guys! Try finding a job like this for me!"

  Even she is now an unemployed vagrant. She earns a lot by tossing through wind and rain every day, but how about safety?

Safe ass!

  You earn your life by yourself. If there is a good thing like a pie falling from the sky, you have to think about it first, why does this pie fall on your head?

  The women in the room cried for a while and started arguing again,

  "Fang Xin is your cousin. You said she lied to us, but we also said you lied to us. Who knows what happened between you and your cousin?"

  "That's right, your cousin is recruiting people in your name. Do you dare to say that you have no responsibility?" "

  "If we hadn't considered your identity and your relationship with the garrison, we wouldn't have been deceived so easily. "

  "Do you think we are the only ones who have been deceived? Who doesn't want to have a stable and good job now? There are countless beautiful women rushing to find Fang Xin for your name."

They talked all over the place. As they spoke, they're full of dissatisfaction and self-pity for what they had experienced after being deceived.

  Hua Mi sneered when she heard this,

  "You are greedy for the rewards you didn't pay for, and you still want to rely on me?"

  "Just dream."

  She didn't care, it was already pretty good if she could rescue these women from the tiger's mouth.

  Believe it or not, in other cities, once a woman falls into prostitution, there is very little chance of getting her back.

  However, Fang Xin, a bitch, really impressed Hua Mi. After not seeing her for many days, Fang Xin had evolved from a white lotus to a black-hearted poisonous lotus.

  Her behavior has seriously disgusted Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi turned around and said to Liu Shengyuan, "What did Boss Gong said you going to do with those street gangsters after they are caught?"

  Liu Shengyuan looked serious,

  "Commander Gong said, they will be detained in a centralized manner and executed publicly."

  "Then , Okay, you are busy here, I will kill two people."

  After saying that, Hua Mi picked up a street gangsters who was still conscious on the ground and asked him to take her to find Fang Huai and his daughter.

  "I'm just a subordinate .I don't know anything, Sister Hua." The skinny street kid, wearing only a pair of underpants, was kicked on the back by Hua Mi.

  He was kicked to the ground and did not dare to stop. Once he stopped, the woman behind him would act like a devil and punch and kick him.

  The street kid got up and staggered forward, shivering from the cold, and the cold rain hit him. He cried bitterly, " I was wrong, I was really wrong. I didn't mean it. I won't do it again next time."

" I don't dare anymore, please let me go, Sister Hua."

  He never thought that doing this business would be so risky. In fact, he just wanted to make more money.

  The streets are full of people, and the people around him are street gangsters. He is just influenced by the people around him. When others pull him to do it, he just makes some money.

  Hua Mi drove the street kid forward with an expressionless face,

  "What's not intentional? Why should I let you go? You've made a mistake in life, do you think you have a chance to start over again?"

  She believes that many people choose to be lazy and take shortcuts because they are ignorant and do not understand the seriousness of the problem.

  But so what? If you do something that hurts others, can you admit your mistake and apologize?

  Some mistakes are okay to make, and some mistakes are fatal if you make them.

  The street kid who was as thin as a hemp pole, brought Hua Mi to Fang Huai and Fang Xin's tent. In the cold rain, his whole body was frozen and white, and he was trembling, "Here, this is Fang Huai's tent, he, his daughter may have followed Brother Monkey to Brother Fan."

  "Brother Fan?!"

  Hua Mi glanced at the kid, and she heard a familiar name, Brother Fan.

  At the end of the last life, Brother Fan was the biggest dick in the mouths of many base prostitutes.

  The boss behind Fan Ge is Chen Hu.

  So in this life, Brother Big Chicken Head Fan is actually in Xiangcheng?

 Hua Mi clenched the kitchen knife in her hand and pointed at the thin street kid,

  "Wait for me here. If you dare to run, I will chop you to death."

  Fang Huai's tent was in a group of tents some distance away from the city gate.

  The ground was muddy, and the rainwater fell and slowly slid into the ditch beside it.

  Because the weather was cold, no one came out for a walk in the open space.

  In several large tents nearby, someone heard some movement, but no one came out to see.

  Hua Mi ignored the freezing street kid who was about to die. She used a kitchen knife to open the curtain of Fang Huai's tent, and a smell came out.

  Hua Mi couldn't smell it, she was wearing a respirator.

  She saw the dark light in the tent, and Fang Huai lying on the wet bed, incontinent, holding up his skinny chest, heaving slightly.

  His body was covered with injuries from Brother Monkey's last time, and they never healed.

  Because he had no money to buy medicine or food.

  There is even less energy to go out and find help.

  "Fang Xin."

  Fang Huai lay on the bed, the cold air going straight into the seams of his bones.

  His cloudy eyes only saw a figure coming in, and he thought it was his daughter who came back.

"Give me something to eat."

  "Fang Xin."

  "I'm so cold."

  In such a cold weather, Fang Huai was still wearing a pair of clothes. Can a thin sweater keep him from getting cold?

It seems that Fang Xin has not taken care of his father for a long time.

  Hua Mi stood in the wet tent full of indifference, looking down at Fang Huai, who was lying on the sheets and had entered the countdown to his life.

  The living conditions here are so bad.

  "It's Ah Mi."

  Fang Huai finally saw something clearly. He raised his withered hand and tried to pull Hua Mi's hand, but he couldn't reach it.

  He took a few quick breaths and said with a smile: "Ah Mi, you visit uncle."

  Before he finished speaking, Fang Huai slowly closed his eyes and dropped his dry hands heavily.

  He died.