Hua Mi raised her eyebrows and looked at Yang Honglin, "Do you believe it?"   

Yang Honglin shook his head and tapped his forehead, "I have a brain."   

According to professional interrogation techniques, Yang Honglin and other veteran police officers found out the details of these unscrupulous women in just two sentences. Clearly.   

On the edge of the Xiang-A Expressway, between Xiangcheng and A-city, there is a large group of unfinished villas.   

Rather than saying that they were deceived by Hua Mi, it is better to say that they were recruited by using Hua Mi's name.   

"There are some women here who have never been to Xiangcheng at all. They were deceived by a woman named Fang Xin on the way to Xiangcheng." "The world is so chaotic. People should behave well. It's too hard to survive, so Fang Xin almost cheats everyone."   

Yang Honglin explained solemnly.   

In fact, some women don't care if they are cheated, when they are cold, hungry, their lives are threatened, and there is no guarantee of survival.   

So, at this time, it didn't matter whether Fang Xin deceived them, Hua Mi deceived them, or they took the bait voluntarily.   

Survival is what matters.

 "But it's still disgusting to be used by others."

  Hua Mi took the confession expressionlessly, looked at it one by one, pointed at "Brother Fan" on it, and said,

 "This den is not good. You ,three police officers are definitely not enough, so we have to notify the garrison."

  Brother Fan and Chen Hu have a close relationship. If Chen Hu is going to Xiangcheng or B City, then it is very likely that he will be in this huge red light district.

  Chen Hu had already taken down the arsenal of weapons in City A. He was a man with heavy firepower. Yang Honglin and three policemen came to the door rashly, which was like hitting a stone with an egg.

  After hearing Hua Mi's explanation, Yang Honglin immediately turned around and informed Gong Yi of what happened here.

  Gong Yi asked a few questions about the situation and notified Cao Feng to send troops to support him.

  He hung up the phone on Yang Honglin, and immediately after, Hua Mi's cell phone rang.

  Hua Mi lowered her head and saw that the call was from Gong Yi, but she didn't answer it.

  She knew what Gong Yi wanted to say, which was to tell her to go back to Xiangcheng quickly.

  Why would she answer the phone?

  At this time, prostitutes were missing one after another on the Xiang A Expressway, which finally aroused the vigilance of the red light district ahead.

  A group of men contacted several workers at the dredging site.

  Those workers were very unhappy. They used their hard-earned money to have fun, but Hua Mi severely prohibited them from doing so.

  They couldn't stand Hua Mi being so domineering.

  So Brother Fan's people came to inquire about the situation, and they informed Brother Fan's men about what Hua Mi had done.

  In the red light district, Brother Fan was wearing a decent suit. In the beautifully lit dark room, he lowered his hands and said, "Boss, what do you think?"

  Chen Hu, who was sitting in the dark, had not yet spoken, but Zhu Xianjun, who was sitting on the sofa, spoke. He asked,

  "It's this woman named Hua Mi again, why is she everywhere?"

  Not long ago, he took the last remaining men in his hand to the medical and medicinal materials market in B City, hoping to catch Hua Mi. Then after having a good time, send it to Brother Fan.

  As a result, Zhu Xianjun stayed outside the medicinal materials market all day long, and none of the men who went in came out.

  No one knows what happened.

  Zhu Xianjun also waited for the garrison and Chi Chuan people who were transporting goods to leave before entered the medicinal materials market alone to take a look.

  There wasn't a trace of his men, not a single clue left.

  It was as if his boys suddenly disappeared from this world, leaving no trace at all.

  As a result, Zhu Xianjun no longer dared to provoke Garrison and Hua Mi single-handedly, so he came to Brother Fan.

  As a result, Hua Mi appeared again before he had even spent two peaceful days in Brother Fan's red light district.

  In the magnificent light, Chen Hu lit a cigar,

  "Some people just like to pretend to be noble. How long has it been before, and they are still minding other's lives."

In the quiet room, Chen Hu laughed, "Gong Yi is difficult to deal with, but can't we deal with a little woman?"

  "Ajun, here you go. You and your team will find your place."

  As Chen Hu finished speaking, someone entered the office carrying several large boxes of weapons and placed them heavily in front of Zhu Xianjun.

  Chen Hu said, "No one from the engineering team that dredged the Xiang A Expressway needs to be alive anymore."


  Zhu Xianjun stood up excitedly and walked out of Chen Hu's office, armed with weapons.

  As soon as he left, Chen Hu said to Brother Fan, "Your place is pretty good. It's big and spacious. But Gong Yi is not a master who can be bribe. Please move as soon as possible."

Originally, the red light district was placed in this location. Xiangcheng and B City are very popular.

  Indeed, in the past few months, the red light district has grown bigger and bigger, and more and more men are coming to patronize it.

  Business is getting better and better.

  However, the garrison commanders of Xiangcheng and City B were settled, and Gong Yi was a good person.

  The scale of the red light district has grown to this day. If there are no people above to protect it, it will be quite troublesome.

  Brother Fan's current development has reached its limit.

  Brother Fan, standing in front of Chen Hu, asked in a low voice:

  "Does the boss have a suitable place?"

  Chen Hu said nothing, the sparks of the cigar in his hand flickered, and finally looked at City C on the map.

Hua Mi He and Yang Honglin were heading to the construction site. The garrison support from Xiangcheng had not yet arrived, so they had to withdraw the workers from the construction site as soon as possible.

  As soon as they entered the construction site, Hua Mi asked all the workers to stop working and go to the toll station immediately.

  One worker seemed to be unable to bear it anymore. He threw the shovel in his hand on the ground, pointed at Hua Mi and said angrily: "Now you let us work, and now you don't let us work. You stinky bitch, give us some money but you treat us like cattle and horses."

  Hua Mi slapped the man and knocked the man to the ground,

  "What are you making a fuss about? You didn't know the problem was so serious just now. The further you move forward, the closer we get to Brother Fan's territory. So we have to get out quickly!"

  Most of the workers were very obedient and quickly packed up their tools and lined up to evacuate to the toll station.

  After all, they took Hua Mi's money and supplies, and they were just people who wanted to live and work well. Although they didn't know what happened, they just had to listen to Party A.

  But there were also a few workers who took advantage of the chaos to exchange glances and rushed towards Hua Mi.

  It was rumored that Hua Mi was a pregnant woman, just a pregnant woman. They and the other grown men came together and beat Hua Mi up.

  When Brother Fan sends someone, they will hand over Hua Mi to Brother Fan's people.

  At that moment, in the distance, the first gunshot rang out, and with a "pop", the construction site suddenly turned into a mess.

A/N: Thank you for the power stones. Especially to Eboni_Lewis. I always see this username. Thank you! Happy Monday to everyone.