If you want to break into a villa complex with armed forces, it must be stupid to take the main road.

  Who carried out the assault and entered through the gate?

 Of course Liu Shengyuan and Cao Feng left the Xiang A Expressway and went around the overturned mountains and rivers nearby.

  They and Gong Yi split into two groups, one on the left and one on the right. Like two sharp knives, they penetrated the villas. When they saw street gangsters or men holding weapons, they immediately killed them!

  Click, click, click, the sound of the AK47 echoed in the night sky.

  On the Xiang A Expressway outside the main entrance of the red light district, Hua Mi and Yang Honglin were as lonely as snow.

  Each of them held a handful of Gatling, separated by a highway, and their bodies were covered with white snow particles.

  Hearing the gunshot, Hua Mi sighed faintly,

  "What are they doing in this red light district? It's so lively."

  Yang Honglin on the opposite side moved. He took out his mobile phone and sent Hua Mi a message,

 [Yang Honglin : Miss Hua, how long will we continue to lie in wait? ]

  Hua Mi saw Yang Honglin sending a message. She took out her mobile phone and was about to reply to Yang Honglin when she saw a lot of missed calls on her mobile phone.

  They were all calls from Gong Yi.

  Hua Mi called Gong Yi back.

  After what seemed like a long time, Gong Yi picked up the phone. The voice on the other end was very noisy, and the sound of gunshots came one after another, just like a firecracker.


  Gong Yi's voice was trembling.

  Hua Mi raised her head, looked in the direction of the red light district, and asked,

  "It's like New Year's Eve in the red light district. Are you in there?"


  The man's voice was a little muffled as he asked, "Where are you?"

  "I'm working as an ice sculpture at the gate. What's wrong?"

  Hua Mi looked lonely at the bustling red light district. She had been standing here, waiting for the garrison to show up and take action together.

  Why didn't the garrison call her when they rushed in?

 On the other end of the phone, Gong Yi's trembling hands finally calmed down. He shot away a street kid rushing towards him and leaned against the wall to rest.

  His heart was shaking all the way in.

  In the surrounding villas, women were screaming in fear, but Gong Yi breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said to Hua Mi on the phone, "It's okay, there's a bit of chaos in here, you first need to find a place to avoid the wind and snow. Let's go back to Xiangcheng together, and I'll accompany you to the prenatal check-up."

  He hid all the thrills and earth-shattering in a few words.

  As a grown man, he doesn't need to rush to tell her all his worries and fears along the way.

  Everything became a thing of the past after learning that Hua Mi was safe.

  Hua Mi responded and asked Gong Yi,

  "Have you seen Fang Xin inside?"

  "There are too many dead people, we haven't counted them yet."

  Gong Yi replied to Hua Mi, stood up straight, and continued to move forward. Rush.

  They will not kill women, nor men without weapons.

  But there were still many people dead here. It was too dark and there were too many people. People on the roadside were squatting on the ground with their heads in their hands, or raising their hands in a gesture of surrender.

  Guardsmen kept running past Gong Yi, holding sophisticated AK47s in their hands.

  In a large red light district, more than 200 people were stationed at once. It would be easy to destroy the power in this place.

  In a villa, Fang Xin hurried upstairs and grabbed Qin Xiaolan who was locked in the room,

  "Come with me quickly, I will take you to a safe place. Gangsters have entered here, and they are all murderous people. "

  Not long after Qin Xiaolan arrived in this red light district and she was settled by Fang Xin, she encountered a fire attack and had no idea what happened.

  Under heavy firepower, Fang Xin was actually confused, but the message passed down from above was for those who were willing to follow Brother Fan to make money to find their own way out of the red light district.

  If there is a women that can bring in your hand, try to bring it.

  After all, if Brother Fan changes places, he still has to make money from women.

  Fang Xin thought about it over and over. If she wanted to take others away, they would probably have to struggle a few times and attract the attention of the garrison, which would be miserable.

  Qin Xiaolan is easy to deceive, and she has just arrived, so she has no idea about the situation.

  Sure enough, Qin Xiaolan hurriedly followed Fang Xin out of the villa. Looking at the gun-wielding garrison running in front of her, Qin Xiaolan asked in shock,

 "Fang Xin, what on earth is this place? Why is there a garrison killing people?"

  "Shh, don't. Speak, or we will be killed together."

  Fang Xin pulled Qin Xiaolan and squatted down directly. After the garrison in front ran away, she pulled Qin Xiaolan and continued to run outside the villa complex.

  After running for a while, Qin Xiaolan stopped and said, "Where is my boyfriend? Is he okay?"

  She came to see her brother with Ma Zhixuan.

  It's such a mess outside now, where is her boyfriend?

  Fang Xin thought about it and realized that when Qin Xiaolan and Ma Zhixuan entered the red light district, they were taken away by the people here.

  After Ma Zhixuan was replaced, he was either in a woman's bed or dragged into gambling.

  And now, Fang Xin didn't know where to find Ma Zhixuan.

  So she eagerly said to Qin Xiaolan,

  "It's too chaotic here. Let's go find your brother first and then contact your boyfriend later." "

  Don't worry, your boyfriend is such a big man. He knows how to protect himself. He will be fine."

  Qin Xiaolan hesitated, " But..."

  But her brother has been missing for a long time, and Qin Xiaolan and her mother also searched everywhere for him at first.

  However, there are too many missing people in this world. While their mother and daughter were looking for someone, there were also many, many people who lost their loved ones while fleeing to Xiangcheng.

  They are also looking for someone.

  Who would notice a Qin Ziran who disappeared without a trace and had no importance?

 Therefore, Qin's mother and Qin Xiaolan achieved nothing during that time.

  Qin Xiaolan and her mother were very sad.

  Later, it was Qin Xiaolan's boyfriend Ma Zhixuan who comforted her.

  It was only after listening to her boyfriend that Qin Xiaolan gave up looking for Qin Ziran.

  If Fang Xin hadn't provoked this matter, saying that Hua Mi had the whereabouts of her brother, and wanted to discuss with her how to find Hua Mi.

  Qin Xiaolan and Ma Zhixuan will not come here.

  Thinking of this, Qin Xiaolan decisively shook off Fang Xin's hand, "No, I won't go with you, I want to find my boyfriend."

  Before she could say anything, a wooden stick hit Qin Xiaolan on the back of the head.

  Her eyes darkened and her body softened, revealing Brother Monkey behind her.

  When Fang Xin saw it, she said angrily:

  "Be gentle, she is so pretty, don't beat her to death."

  "You can't beat her to death."

  Brother Monkey smiled at Fang Xin, picked up Qin Xiaolan, and said to Fang Xin, " You go in front, I'll take the back, and we'll go find Brother Fan."

  Fang Xin nodded, taking Brother Monkey and Qin Xiaolan, and ran all the way to the main entrance of the red light district.

  There were other prostitutes and male clients along the way, trying to escape from the red light district.

  If they encounter a garrison, they will disguise themselves as victims and male guests, protect Qin Xiaolan, and squat down with their hands on their heads.