Ma Zhixuan wanted to explain, but he happened to see Gong Yi walking out of the depths of the red light district under a colorful signboard.

  Behind him, the signboard "Good deep throat work, Phoenix in the building" flashed.

  Ma Zhixuan didn't know Gong Yi, but he knew the garrison commander's epaulettes.

  They saw Gong Yi standing in front of Hua Mi, with a tall and muscular figure. He lowered his head and spoke to Hua Mi, then reached out and held Hua Mi's wrist.

  "Who is that man?"

  Gong Yi raised his eyes and glanced at Ma Zhixuan, who was stopped.

  Hua Mi curled her lips meaninglessly,

  "Qin Ziran's sister's boyfriend and his girlfriend was tricked here by Fang Xin. But instead of looking for his girlfriend, he kept asking me about Qin Ziran's whereabouts."

  This person has nothing to talk about. Gong Yi nodded slightly, took Hua Mi's hand and walked to the place where the supplies were found.

  Hua Mi asked again:

  "You raided the red light district this time. Among the people who ran away, there must be many people from Chen Hu and Brother Fan."

  Gong Yi in front said "hmm", they all knew that there is no way around this.

  They are a garrison, not a terrorist armed organization. If the other party does not use weapons to try to fight back, then they cannot kill people directly.

  What's more, among the men who ran out, there were indeed many real prostitutes and gamblers.

  "Since they want to do business, they must have a market. Otherwise, they won't be able to do business if they go to a place where no one is around." Gong Yi said, taking Hua Mi to a large townhouse.

 "Now , In addition to Xiangcheng and B City, C City is a little more popular. I will contact Zhou Cheng, the garrison commander of C City, and ask him to rescue the prostitutes standing on the street along the way."

"Ma Yongchun serves as the management commander of C City . He has a good tacit understanding with Zhou Cheng, and he will also help."

  The popularity of City C is closely related to the tacit understanding of Ma Yongchun and Zhou Cheng, and they kept Qin Zhen in Xiangcheng.

  Every day, almost every day, Qin Zhen wholesales a large amount of supplies from the RV Supermarket and sends them to City C.

  They are also very cool in City C. The roads on the ground are all broken down, so they use passenger planes, fighter planes, and transport planes to transport supplies several times a day.

  Any aircraft that could be found were requisitioned by City C.

  By transporting supplies like ants moving, it is inevitable that City C will be very popular.

  In the front, Gong Yi finished talking about City C and pointed to the large row of townhouses in front of him.

  "Every villa here is filled with supplies. Take a look. I'll go and count the casualties first."

  He let go of Hua Mi. Just as he was about to leave, he stopped sideways and placed one hand on Hua Mi's belly. He frowned and asked through the raincoat and coral velvet maternity clothes, "Are my girls okay?"

  They must be so tormented. Their mother is completely different from ordinary pregnant women. She is jumping and doing things everywhere.

  Gong Yi was really too worried, worried about his two daughters, and worried about Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi reflexively took two steps back because of Gong Yi's sudden intimacy.

  By the way, she stretched out her hand to hold Gong Yi's wrist, moved her knees, and her muscles reflexively moved towards Gong Yi's descendants, giving him a hard knee.

  Just, really, a muscle reflex.

  Gong Yi raised his eyes and looked at Hua Mi with deep eyes,

"What are you hiding from?"

  Hua Mi pushed down her raised knees and smiled awkwardly at Gong Yi,

 "I thought you were going to beat me."

  These words made Gong Yi glare. He glanced at Hua Mi and didn't need Hua Mi to answer. His girls were in Hua Mi's belly and looked very good.

  She's still pregnant, so she dares to fight with people.

  "From now on, you can control your conditioned reflex a little bit. No one can beat you and I won't beat you."

 " Okay, you're busy, don't be too tired."

  Gong Yi raised his hand and rubbed Hua Mi's head. Turn around and clear the casualties.

  Hua Mi was left alone in front of this townhouse filled with supplies.

  Hua Mi looked back at Gong Yi's back. Considering some irrationality, Gong Yi asked the garrison to clean up the townhouses.

  There is no one in this area now.

  Not a single one, whether garrisoned or dead.

  It greatly facilitates Hua Mi's search for supplies.

  She walked into the first villa. Indeed, as Gong Yi said, the villa was full of supplies.

  This should be the warehouse used by Brother Fan to store goods.

  Hua Mi casually opened a carton, which contained brand new, unopened rolls of toilet paper.

  An entire villa of toilet paper.

  Hua Mi put the toilet paper from this villa into the Level 23 No. 1 warehouse, and then went to the second villa.

  There are long-acting and short-acting birth control pills throughout the villa.

  It seems that Brother Fan has studied this aspect very deeply and even keeps such things on hand.

  After all, if the prostitutes in his hands become pregnant, they will have no time to make money.

  And some men just don't like wearing condoms.

  Hua Mi also collected the contraceptive pills from this villa, and she planned to sell them to Xin Qiuru.

  Let Xin Qiuru arrange it.

  There are also condoms in the remaining villas, the ordinary ones, which are incomparable to the condoms produced in Hua Mi's Level 16 factory.

  There are also some anti-inflammatory and anti-itching gynecological drugs, which can be taken internally or externally.

  For example, potassium permanganate solution, Sophora flavescens lotion, and metronidazole chlorhexidine lotion. Hua Mi collected them all and kept a few thousand bottles for herself, and planned to sell the rest to Xin Qiuru for money.

  Other than that, it's just food, all kinds of food.

  The basement of every villa is filled with freezers, and each freezer is filled with frozen food, including steaks, pizzas, pork, chicken legs, etc. Hua Mi collects all of them together with the freezers.

  Finally, she found a large amount of diesel and several large generator sets next to these townhouses.

  The red light district created by Brother Fan not only collects money from clients, but also supplies from clients.

  There is food, drink, and as long as you have supplies, you can sleep with a woman here.

  Of course, there is also a casino here, which attracts most of the old gamblers like Fang Huai.

  There are also pigs of all sizes.

  The so-called pig refers to people like Qin Xiaolan's boyfriend, Ma Zhixuan.

  This kind of young man has money and supplies, but for various reasons, he is deceived into the red light district for entertainment. In the end, it is like killing a pig, and they defrauds people like Ma Zhixuan out of nothing.

  These prostitutes, old gamblers, and pigs are a huge and inexhaustible group that will continuously supply Brother Fan with a large amount of money and materials.

  But now that the money has been taken away, Hua Mi believes that the materials that cannot be taken away are just a drop in the bucket in Brother Fan's hands.

  She collected all the supplies in this red light district, including several large generator sets and a large amount of diesel.

  She still keeps the generator set for use. Now that the mat weaving factory has been built, Hua Mi plans to install a generator set for the weaving factory.

  Let the workers in the mat weaving factory work in three shifts 24 hours a day.