This is probably the first time Qin Zhen has been so angry with her brother-in-law.

  Ma Zhixuan was completely confused.

  He looked at Qin Zhen in disbelief, wondering what he had done wrong?

 Gong Yi on the side pulled Hua Mi a little further away,

 "Let's go, I'll take you back first."

  After walking a little further, Gong Yi told Hua Mi, "This Second Young Master Ma from City C doesn't seem to have a very bright mind. Too ignorant, don't have anything to do with him in the future."

  Hua Mi rolled her eyes at Gong Yi, feeling that Gong Yi was not like her husband, but more like her father,

  "Do I look like such an idiot? This person is not clear-minded. I can tell."

  After coming out of the red light district, Hua Mi saw that Ma Zhixuan didn't look that worried about Qin Xiaolan.

  Now he can openly instigate Gong Yi for Qin Xiaolan, and even look down on the commander's wife.

  Although Hua Mi didn't like Qun Zhen diplomacy, she could still imagine Qin Zhen's inner anger.

  At the entrance of the emergency area, Qin Zhen didn't go to her prenatal check-up. She turned around and walked to her car with her belly held out.

  Ma Zhixuan hurriedly caught up, followed Qin Zhen, and asked loudly and aggrievedly:

  "Sister-in-law, why did you hit me? What did I say wrong today?"

  Qin Xiaolan is indeed missing. As the commander of the garrison, shouldn't he take care of it?

 In a blanket of fine snow, Qin Zhen stopped, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.

  She turned around and looked at Ma Zhixuan, "Your fault is that you take yourself too seriously, and you take an insignificant human life too seriously."

  "Zhixuan, your brother sent you away and let you come to Xiangcheng, not because Xiangcheng is the safest city among all cities at present, but because you can use your power in Xiangcheng to connect Xiangcheng and City C more deeply."

"The future is still uncertain. None of us know what will happen."

  "The only thing we know is that in such a magical world, the death rate is rising sharply. Maybe one day, there will be you and me among those corpses, and even your brother."

  These words were a bit harsh. Ma Zhixuan frowned and looked at Qin Zhen with disapproval, "Sister-in-law, how come you have cursed my brother?"

  Qin Zhen laughed and fixed her curly hair very delicately. After a while, it was covered with a layer of fine white snow,

  "Ma Yongchun is very smart in his life, but he has a confused brother like you. He doesn't know what you did today. If he knows, what would he think?"

  There are some questions that you can't just cover your ears and eyes and pretend you don't know.

  How long has it been since the sun came out? When the darkness is at its highest, street lights are still on in Xiangcheng.

  At this time, Ma Zhixuan told Qin Zhen that she should not curse people when she spoke?

Qin Zhen was about to laugh angrily at Ma Zhixuan.

  She said to Ma Zhixuan with disappointment in her eyes,

  "From today on, I don't want to care about you anymore. Except not leaving Xiangcheng, you can do whatever you like."

She had already understood that Ma Zhixuan had never been able to do anything since he was a child. What hardships have he endured?

  Even when disaster strikes, he is well protected by Ma Yongchun and Qin Zhen.

  A child who has not yet been weaned has not grown up at all. Psychologically, Ma Zhixuan is still frighteningly naive.

  In the past, Qin Zhen only thought that there was nothing wrong with boys being simple-minded, but today's incident reminded her.

  C City now completely relies on Xiang City for its survival. No matter what kind of person Hua Mi is, this is something C City cannot offend.

  A child whose emotions and anger can be expressed on his face and who has not yet been weaned on a psychological level is simply not suitable for appearing in diplomatic situations where survival is concerned.

  Qin Zhen has heard about Hua Mi's ruthlessness. Today, Hua Mi is in a good mood. Faced with Ma Zhixuan's repeated provocations, Hua Mi did not get angry.

  In a deserted place, if Hua Mi killed Ma Zhixuan without anyone noticing, Qin Zhen wouldn't know either.

  Even if she knew, what could Qin Zhen do? She still have to greet Hua Mi with a smile.

  In the adult world, where does so much right and wrong come from? Most of them are gray areas.

  Qin Zhen walked away in the snow that was falling heavier and heavier, leaving Ma Zhixuan standing alone.

  After a while, Ma Zhixuan received a transfer on his mobile phone.

  Qin Zhen no longer cares about Ma Zhixuan and only keeps him in Xiangcheng. As long as Ma Zhixuan cannot leave Xiangcheng, Ma Zhixuan can do whatever he wants.

  As soon as she walked to her car, she immediately told the driver,

  "Prepare some gifts that the newborn baby can use. Let's go find Mrs. Gong."

  Here, Hua Mi had just been taken to the RV supermarket by Gong Yi. Cao Feng came up immediately and asked about the prenatal checkup report.

  Gong Yi squinted at Cao Feng's natural look and asked,

  "Why should I give you my wife's prenatal checkup report?"

  Cao Feng stood at attention and said with a serious face,

  "Commander, Sister Hua's prenatal checkup report , everyone wants to know as soon as possible. Because you are the father of the child, we are reluctant to bear it and do not ask you for the report immediately. Please cooperate."

"What?"Gong Yi frowned, "Please be careful. Tell me, what do you want to do?"

  Looking at Cao Feng's attitude, it seems that he wants to steal the child. Is this status correct?

 Gong Yi is the father of the two girls, right?

 Cao Feng sighed, as if facing an outsider, and explained patiently.

  This is a huge baby-raising plan with 5,000+ garrisons. Because their commander is very busy and rarely comes with Sister Hua for a prenatal check-up, everyone has the greatest understanding of the commander.

  But in fact, it has been booked for today, and the other three team captains will accompany Sister Hua for a prenatal check-up. This matter has been arranged in the schedule.

  The three garrison team captains have even been assigned to their posts.

  Everyone works hard.

  The garrison responsible for telling jokes now has to memorize 10 jokes every day, and must know these jokes by heart.

  The garrison responsible for taking care of the confinement child reads the maternal care manual every day.

  The garrison responsible for childcare was studying early childhood education, preschool education, primary school studies, middle school puberty, etc.

 However, the appearance of the commander disrupted the plan of 5,000+ garrison, and everyone had hundreds of millions of opinions on this.

  No one said anything.

  After Gong Yi listened, he pointed a finger at Cao Feng. His fingers trembled with anger,

  "What plan is this? Why didn't you report it to me for approval? You are making your own decisions!"

  Does this also need to be approved? Cao Feng looked at Gong Yi hesitantly. They all felt that this was a private matter and had nothing to do with protecting the city or the survivors.

  Private matters outside their responsibilities.

  Why do they still need to report to their superiors?

 He saw Gong Yi protecting Hua Mi's prenatal checkup report and yelling at him,

  "Bastards, what do you want to do? Go and do your business and make me miserable every day!"

Do you want him to cooperate? He cooperates with these melon boys, what does he, a serious father, do?