Seeing Qin Zhen stunned, Hua Mi took out ten stacks of teleportation tickets from [Xiangcheng. Watchtower],

 "A stack of 10,000 tickets, each worth 10,000 yuan. If your people from City C really can't stand the cold, you can go shopping in the stalls in Xiangcheng and see if you can buy some second-hand thick clothes from private vendors. Or, buy some wood."

  She currently has 27 square meters of unused space. In the black land, if the people in C City want to warm themselves up by the fire, Hua Mi can plant trees all over.

  Cut down trees that can make fire.


  Qin Zhen looked at the teleport ticket in Hua Mi's hand hesitantly,

  "If there is really no other thermal equipment that can be sold to us, then wood is not impossible."

  If there is enough wood, they can build several in City C. A large burning furnace was used to collectively heat the survivors.

  But, there is so much wood in Xiangcheng?

  There is another problem. Qin Zhen lowered her eyes and looked at Hua Mi's neatly stacked coupons. "Are these coupons so expensive?"

  She wondered if Hua Mi was trying to make money, just like before the economic collapse, where she issued crazy tickets.

  Hua Mi stacked ten stacks of teleportation tickets and pushed them towards Qin Zhen,

  "Believe me, your C City won't spent this money unjustly."

  If it really comes to an emergency, even if the roads in Hunan and C are cleared and people from City C want to come to Xiangcheng, there will be no time.

  When the time comes, not only will Qin Zhen not feel that Hua Mi's teleportation tickets are too expensive, she will regret that she bought too few in the first place.

  Qin Zhen accepted the ten stacks of [Xiangcheng. Watchtower] teleportation tickets with suspicion.

  She looked at the instructions on the back of the teleport ticket and thought it looked like a kid's trick. Can you teleport by tearing up the ticket?

 But she was smart enough not to ask any more questions, and just assumed that Hua Mi wanted to make money. As someone who could sell such a large amount of supplies to City C at this time, Qin Zhen was willing to give money to Hua Mi.

  The two began to discuss the quantity of wood to purchase.

  Hua Mi only sells wood per pound and ensures that the wood is dry.

  She can't get 100,000 cotton-padded jackets, but she can give 100,000 kilograms of wood to City C in batches.

  A pound of wood costs 5 yuan, which is not expensive. After all, a few sticks of firewood can burn for a long time.

  Qin Zhen has no objection to the price.

  Although the mountains and rivers are now overturned, if a large number of survivors are mobilized to endure the cold and brave the snow to search outside the city, many downed trees can be brought back.

  However, no matter how many trees there are outside City C, when all the survivors in the city begin to burn a lot of firewood, and the season of heavy snowfall, no one knows when it will pass.

  It is especially important to bring in trees from outside to use as firewood.

  "I want unlimited."

  Qin Zhen opened her mouth and looked at Hua Mi seriously,

  "We in City C have no objections to the price, but you can't decide the number for us. After all, no one can say when winter will pass. If it's 100,000 kilograms, what if all the wood is burned?"

  "Hua Mi, you and I both know that no one can guarantee what will happen next."

  She didn't know where Hua Mi's supplies came from, but since Hua Mi proposed , can provide 100,000 kilograms of wood to City C, which proves that Hua Mi can actually produce more wood.

  Otherwise, how could she ensure that Xiangcheng and City B could survive this long winter?

  People should take care of themselves first, and only then can they have the remaining heat to warm others.

  Isn't it?

 Hua Mi smiled and said, "Happy cooperation."

  At this time, in Xiangcheng City, Ma Zhixuan was walking aimlessly in the cold weather.

  He still couldn't understand why his sister-in-law was so angry and left him alone in such a cold weather.

  So Ma Zhixuan took a gamble and didn't want to go back to the group of tents where his sister-in-law was.

  But where can he go now?

 There was a man running in the snow in front of him, and two guards behind him chased him and threw the man down in the snow.

  "Lu Shubo, you have violated the new regulations. We will take you back according to the law. Be honest!"

  Lu Shubo, who was on the ground, was obviously angry and laughed.

  "What new rules did I break? I broke the new rules by asking my legal wife to have an abortion? You just found an excuse to arrest me."

  "Yu Mengmeng, tell Yu Mengmeng, don't think that she is sleeping with Hua Mi. Bitch, she can do whatever she want, I'm right, in this world, women who raise children are the ones who are wrong!"

  He cursed, but was still pressed away by two guards wearing five pieces of cashmere thermal underwear.

  And when this scene fell into Ma Zhixuan's eyes, he felt extremely terrifying.

  Moral issues have indeed evolved into torture. Ma Zhixuan feels that it is not just God who is cruel.

  There are also these devils who want to disrupt the order of the entire world.

  Among these devils, there is Hua Mi, as well as his brother and sister-in-law.

  He was confused and unknowingly, Ma Zhixuan walked to the front of Qin Xiaolan's tent in Xiangcheng.

  After meeting Qin's mother, Ma Zhixuan felt uncomfortable in his heart when facing Qin's mother eager and expectant eyes.

  He said nothing about not finding Qin Xiaolan.

  As if he was afraid that Qin's mother would blame him for not taking good care of Qin Xiaolan, Ma Zhixuan told the whole story again.

  In order to prove that it was Qin Xiaolan who was going to the red light district, he even repeated what Fang Xin said to Qin's mother.

  Mother Qin frowned when she heard this.

  Mother Qin sat at the door of the tent with a look of disdain on her face, licking her lips in the direction of the RV.

  "I went out for a walk and met a few acquaintances, and then I found out that the boss behind the famous RV supermarket in the city is actually Hua Mi."

Therefore, Fang Xin's words can be believed in all likelihood.

  No matter how capable Hua Mi was, if she hadn't met many men, would she have opened this RV supermarket?

 In such a messy world, without the help of many people, Hua Mi would have been robbed without any bones left.

  Believe it or not?

He also said that Hua Mi's official husband is Gong Yi. This kind of statement is just a lie to a child. Qin's mother doesn't believe it anyway.

  "Even Hua Mi's cousin said that Hua Mi dumped my son because she met many men. As Hua Mi's younger sister, how could Fang Xin talk nonsense?" Qin's mother said angrily,she said to Ma Zhixuan, "Think about it, Gong Yi was just a garrison captain in Xiangcheng. No matter how powerful he was, he would never be able to find so many supplies."

"There must be someone behind Hua Mi. There are still people, many, many people, providing supplies to Hua Mi.nMaybe my son also contributed to the source of these supplies."

  Before the earthquake, Qin Ziran worked in a company that did procurement for the management.

  Hua Mi is also in this company.

  Both of them have good jobs and receive very good remuneration, which is like holding half of an iron rice bowl.

  So Hua Mi wants to purchase a large amount of supplies, and she has the resources.

  The operation of these resources is actually inseparable from the efforts of the entire procurement company's employees.

  Rounding it all off, it is inseparable from Qin Ziran's efforts.