Hua Mi held the mobile phone in her hand and said "hmm" to Ye Rong, "Let me take a look."

  What's going on? She just made an agreement with Qin Zhen a few days ago to sell unlimited wood to City C for heating.

  As a result, today Ye Rong told Hua Mi that City C refused to accept the wood.

  City C really doesn't want those tens of thousands of kilograms of wood?

  Hua Mi quickly teleported to the RV Supermarket. As soon as she walked out of the warehouse, she met Ah Fu who was walking in a hurry.

  When Ah Fu saw Hua Mi, he hurriedly said,

  "Quick, there's a quarrel over there."

  Hua Mi frowned and followed Ah Fu to the right side of the RV Supermarket.

  Those three trees had just been thrown into the RV Supermarket's warehouse by Hua Mi, and the wood cutting hadn't started yet.

  But the transport plane on the other side of City C has stopped in the open space.

  Ye Rong had already cleared an open space at the edge of the warehouse. The tarpaulin and heater were quickly set up, and a simple wood chipping factory was built.

  Strong workers are already in place.

  As soon as the wood was cut, it was immediately loaded onto a transport plane and transported to City C.

  When Hua Mi was led there by Ah Fu, Ma Zhixuan was quarreling with Ye Rong.

  Speaking of quarreling, it was actually Ye Rong who was blushing and arguing with Ma Zhixuan about something.

  "What's wrong?"

  Hua Mi walked over and stood beside Ye Rong.

  Seeing Hua Mi coming, Ye Rong angrily held a document in her hand and said, "This Mr. Ma said that our wood is too expensive and that it is a resource for everyone's joint efforts. No, if we don't lower the price , he won't buy it."

  When talking to Qin Zhen, it was agreed that the wood would be weighed on the spot and then loaded onto a transport plane, and City C would pay for it.

  It can be said that you pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the same hand.

  Qin Zhen made this decision at that time just to prevent Hua Mi from being limited.

  There is no limit, as long as Hua Mi's wood chipping factory has wood, she can keep buying it.

  As a result, now, Ma Zhixuan jumped out and said that wood was expensive.

  Not buying!

  Hua Mi smiled and nodded,

  "Okay, if you don't want to buy it, don't buy it. Ye Rong, we will start work as usual. The wood we cut will be sold to Commander Gong and Ke Minghong, together with the smokeless stove." She was too lazy to talk to Ma Zhixuan. What's the point? She only has three trees at the moment, and Xiangcheng and B City are already under heating conditions.

  If it weren't for the fact that Qin Zhen was a person worth dealing, Hua Mi would not have agreed to Qin Zhen's request for an unlimited supply of wood.

  Isn't it just right now? It's not that Hua Mi doesn't want to sell wood to City C, but Ma Yongchun's younger brother Ma Zhixuan doesn't want to buy it.

  Hua Mi took Ye Rong back. On the way, Hua Mi was very satisfied with the current situation.

  She looked at the cold weather in her life. At this level, it was quite good, far from freezing to death.

  But if it gets colder, it won't be that good.

  In her previous life, the extremely cold weather entered from summer to night. Many people wore short-sleeved skirts and did not react at all. They froze to death in the snow.

  In this life, from wearing single clothes to snowy weather, she still gave a few days to the survivors.

  So Hua Mi didn't hear anyone say someone froze to death.

  Now that cotton and wood are abundant, it would be even better if zero people in Xiangcheng and City B could freeze to death.

  Moreover, when the wood is sold to Gong Yi, Gong Yi will not bargain with Hua Mi. He will pay whatever Hua Mi says.

  Let Hua Mi settle the accounts on her own.

  In front of the transport plane, Li Wangsheng, captain of the City C garrison, looked at Ma Zhixuan with blazing eyes.

  He walked up to Ma Zhixuan and whispered,

  "Second Master Ma, we still need to discuss this matter with Mrs. Ma."

  As soon as he stopped the transport plane today, he received a message from Ma Yongchun, saying that Ma Zhixuan wanted to exercise. He recommended himself and wanted to work in the material transportation team.

  To be honest, Ma Yongchun was very obedient to this younger brother. They were the only two brothers left in their family, and Ma Yongchun was older than Ma Zhixuan.

  They are brothers in name, but in fact Ma Yongchun is like his father, who raised Ma Zhixuan.

  Since the disaster struck, Ma Zhixuan, who was still in college, had nothing to do.

  In today's environment, if you want to study, there is no place to study, and you don't know what to do if you want to study.

  So Ma Zhixuan has been idle.

  Just as Qin Zhen said, Ma Yongchun sent this younger brother to Xiangcheng because he actually wanted Ma Zhixuan to get to know a group of people in Xiangcheng and use his own methods and connections to connect Xiangcheng and City C more deeply.

  Ma Zhixuan said he wanted to do something, and Ma Yongchun was very happy.

 He feel as happy as if he had a younger brother growing up in his family.

  But unexpectedly, Ma Zhixuan began to have objections to the wholesale price of wood on the first day he took office.

  Wood costs 5 yuan per catty. In this weather, Ma Zhixuan feels that it is too expensive. He wants to sell it to 1 yuan per catty.

  As the name suggests, Hua Mi's supplies are the result of everyone's hard work, which means that Hua Mi's supplies came from an unfair source and made too much money, so they have to give the profits to everyone.

  Li Wangsheng didn't even know how smart this second-generation ancestor was. After negotiating the contract, he kept the price down.

  The wood hadn't even been loaded onto the transport plane, and the business was about to go bankrupt. Li Wangsheng was really annoyed.

  Ma Zhixuan looked sideways at Li Wangsheng, "Am I the one who calls the shots here, or is my sister-in-law? She is a pregnant woman who doesn't understand the market of supplies at all. A pound of wood sells for 5 yuan. Why doesn't Hua Mi grab it?"

  There are trees everywhere outside the city. The earthquake has crushed the entire ground. As long as the management is willing to mobilize survivors to find them, the trees outside the city are free.

  Ma Zhixuan couldn't understand. He stubbornly believed that his sister-in-law was trying to please Hua Mi, so he bought Hua Mi's wood at a high price.

  Li Wangsheng looked at Ma Zhixuan with cold eyes, "I'm afraid Mr. Ma doesn't know that our garrison camp is as cold as an ice cellar. Because we are busy with rescue operations, our garrison should not have time to go out and search for trees in large quantities. "

What's more the trees had to be cut down after they were brought back. It rained every day some time ago, and it has been snowing these past few days. Many trees are soaked in jelly-like water. The wood is all wet.

  The wood provided by Hua Mi was dry, and her trees were not soaked by water in such bad weather.

  Ma Zhixuan put his hands into his trousers pockets, frowned, and said to Li Wangsheng of course,

  "You are stationed in the garrison. You are inherently more hardworking than ordinary survivors. Can't you squeeze out time to do more things? Don't learn from the garrison troops under Gong Yi. These garrison troops don't know what they are busy with every day. They don't even have the time or kindness to save an innocent girl."

"While rescuing survivors, you should collect trees and satisfy the survivors. Heating needs."

  The more he said, the more outrageous he became.

  Li Wangsheng's face was livid with anger at Ma Zhixuan. He looked at Ma Zhixuan in shock and anger, "Does Second Master Ma regard our garrison as an envoy, or does he think that our going out to the city for rescue is just like going on an outing, with one hand carrying the injured and the other carrying a piece of wood back?"