Qin Zhen has not received any news from Ma Yongchun.

  The lawyer she stayed with at the RV Supermarket told her that there was a problem with the lumber reception.

  Ma Zhixuan forcefully told the C City lawyer team to modify the contract and unilaterally change the price of the wood to 1 yuan per catty.

  Qin Zhen rushed to Ma Zhixuan with a big belly, and said angrily to Ma Zhixuan:

  "Who allowed you to make your own decisions? Do you know that in order to negotiate this business, I almost beg and you will lower the price if you say it?our wings haven't hardened yet!"

  Hua Mi was planning to sell 100,000 kilograms of wood to City C. It was Qin Zhen who made a lot of efforts and tried her best to gain favor in front of Hua Mi, so that the quantity could be unlimited.

  As a result, it was ruined by Ma Zhixuan's words.

  Can Qin Zhen not be angry?

 Ma Zhixuan, however, didn't take it seriously at all. He frowned and said, "Sister-in-law, you should be tougher. This is not how you negotiate the business. We give money, and C City is not short of money. Why must we pay whatever price she says?"

  City C is a very wealthy city. Before the sudden change in the world order, City C's annual GDP ranked first among all cities.

  According to statistics, the wealthy people in City C are also ranked first among all cities.

  So why is City C so groveling?

 They have money, why can't they be more expressive?

 Looking at Li Wangsheng again, Ma Zhixuan said angrily: "There are always some people who jump out to cause trouble at this time. Hua Mi can be so arrogant, isn't it because these people continue to feed her resources."

From his point of view, it seems that ,Hua Mi seems that the relationship with Zhou Cheng and Li Wangsheng is unclear.

  Qin Zhen's stomach ached with anger. She pointed at Ma Zhixuan and said, "Go away, hurry up and get back to City C. No, for people like you, the same thing will happen if you go to City C. You are causing trouble to your brother, please leave!"

  At this time, Ah Fu turned around and walked back to Li Wangsheng and said,

  "Miss Hua said that she agreed to your terms of exchange, but she currently does not have more wood in her hand, so she can only give Your City C garrison will wholesale 10,000 kilograms first, and the price will remain unchanged at 5 yuan per kilogram. We will see how the situation is in two days. We must first focus on the garrison in Xiangcheng, B City, and A City."

  Gong Yi held it in his hand the garrisons in three cities, with a total of 5,000+ people, and about a thousand sentries need to be heated.

  On top of that, she had to retail to the survivors.

  The remaining excess wood can be sold to City C for garrison.

  Therefore, the garrison in City C had to wait. Even if they had hundreds of thousands of tons of cloth, they still had to wait.

  Ma Zhixuan said angrily: "This is a money grab, I don't agree with it."

  Li Wangsheng glanced at Ma Zhixuan and said with a sneer, "The garrison in City C found the fabric. Our garrison was afraid of being frozen to death, so Commander Zhou agreed."

  Immediately afterwards, Li Wangsheng handed Ah Fu another cigarette, lowered his posture and said to Ah Fu, "Commander Zhou said , all our fabrics were brought to Xiangcheng and stored here with Sister Hua. When the supply of wood in Sister Hua's hands is sufficient, just ask us to pick up the goods.mLet Sister Hua do a good jobbfor the commander . Just don't freeze our city C garrison to death."

  At this time, whoever gets the supplies will win the world.

  It is up to Hua Mi to decide how many goods there are and how many goods can be shipped. No one can comment on the shipment volume.

  If she can give them a little, just a little, it's already good. If she doesn't give out a piece of wood, who can do anything to her?

  Qin Zhen on the side was anxious. She walked to Li Wangsheng and said, "Can we talk about this batch of fabrics again? What I mean is that we can also exchange some cotton with A Mi. She has cotton in her hand recently."

This is the latest news that Qin Zhen has learned. If City C has cloth and cotton, the problem of winter clothes can be solved.

  By then they can solve the problem of wood for burning fires, and this cold winter in C City will be warmer.

  But she heard Li Wangsheng's intention to use all the cloth to exchange firewood for the garrison.

  This has completely disrupted her and Ma Yongchun's plans. Hundreds of thousands of tons of fabric were all replaced by firewood.

  Somewhat miscalculated.

  Li Wangsheng said in a strong tone, "Mrs. Ma, tell me, I also obey orders. I am a garrison, not an administrator of your management. I will do whatever Commander Zhou tells me to do."

Qin Zhen was getting more and more anxious, and at this moment, her stomach hurt terribly.

  Ma Zhixuan yelled at Li Wangsheng and Qin Zhen again, "You guys are trying to fawn over Hua Mi. It's so ugly, so ugly! Why can't you just refuse? If she don't want to sell it, we won't buy it. We have money in City C."

  Qin Zhen grabbed a stack of documents from the lawyer beside her and threw them at Ma Zhixuan without even looking at them.

  Out of instinct, Ma Zhixuan pushed Qin Zhen in the stomach with his backhand, pushing Qin Zhen to the ground.

  She felt a warmth under her body, and screamed at Ma Zhixuan's,

  "Go away, don't you hear me? You are just a drag that fails to accomplish anything."

  "Phone, give me the phone, I..I need to call Ma Yongchun, and if he doesn't get this thing away from me, I will divorce him."

  She couldn't bear the pain, clutching her big belly, her face was pale, she pointed at Ma Zhixuan angrily, and wanted to scold him again.

  Ah Fu and Li Wangsheng on the side looked under her and were immediately shocked,

  "Mrs. Ma"

  "Mrs. Ma, there are a lot of blood under you, Mrs. Ma."

  Ma Zhixuan also gasped,

  "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, I didn't mean to ,sister-in-law."

  Qin Zhen was angry and anxious. On the way here, she felt very uncomfortable in her stomach.

  At this moment, Ma Zhixuan pushed her and fell to the ground, causing her amniotic fluid to break.

  In front of the wood chipping plant and the transport plane, there was a mess.

  Ye Rong rushed over to take a look, was startled, and hurriedly beat Ah Fu,

  "Send her to the emergency area quickly, why are you still standing there?"

  Although Xiangcheng now has enough capital to stand out from the crowd, Qin Zhen, after all, she is the wife of the commander of city C management.

  Moreover, Qin Zhen is really good at getting things done. She usually pays great attention to maintaining interpersonal relationships. She has given small gifts that are not expensive but very thoughtful to Dafu and Xiaofu several times.

  Ah Fu's family has a good impression of Qin Zhen.

  A bunch of people scrambled to pick up Qin Zhen and hurriedly took her to the emergency area.

  The news quickly spread to Hua Mi.

  She was peeling apples in her luxurious double-extended roof-top RV. When she heard the news from Xiaofu, she was stunned, "Qin Zhen was born prematurely? How old is her baby?"

  As she said that, she turned to look out the window, fluttering goose feathers. Heavy snow fell from high altitude.

  The snow on the ground is getting deeper and deeper, and soon the city tow truck team will be busy shoveling the snow again.

  In such extreme weather, Qin Zhen's child was born prematurely. Can she survive well?