Qin Zhen, who was lying on the bed, looked at Hua Mi in astonishment.

  When Hua Mi stood up to leave, she suddenly said, "A Mi, you are much more mature than I thought, much, much more."

  In the past, Qin Zhen only thought that Hua Mi was hot-tempered and was just messing around. Many people think like this. She think Hua Mi is unique, so her character is not mature.

  But she wasn't. In fact, she entered a war-ready mindset faster than anyone else.

  Even Qin Zhen, in fact, she has not thought about the problems in a few years. It is good to be able to survive now. Who would have thought that if she survives, she will be beaten for falling behind.

  Hua Mi said, if you fall behind, you will be beaten!

 In fact, Hua Mi's words were very serious and she didn't spare Qin Zhen any kindness at all.

  But Qin Zhen didn't mind at all. On the contrary, Qin Zhen was very grateful to Hua Mi for telling her this.

  This made Qin Zhen feel that she must become stronger as soon as possible, both physically and mentally.

  Because no one would pity her because she had just given birth prematurely, whether it was Hua Mi or this extremely cruel world.

  Looking at Hua Mi's leaving figure, Qin Zhen closed her eyes, and the look on her face became firmer little by little.

  When Hua Mi walked out of Qin Zhen's RV, Ma Yongchun was still wandering outside the RV.

  He was on the phone while wandering around, yelling at the other end of the phone.

  Because his voice was so loud, Hua Mi was forced to listen. It must be that Ma Zhixuan knew that he had done something wrong and now he ran to hide somewhere.

  Ma Yongchun asked Ma Zhixuan to come and apologize to Qin Zhen, but Ma Zhixuan did not dare to come.

  Sigh, coward!

 In her heart, Hua Mi looked down upon people like Ma Zhixuan more and more. This person didn't even have the most basic responsibility. If he really apologized to Qin Zhen, Qin Zhen would be angry again but he deserves it.

  Hua Mi passed by Ma Yongchun quietly, and suddenly heard Ma Yongchun shouting loudly with his mobile phone, "Ma Zhixuan, why are you still tossing with Qin Xiaolan's mother? Come back here quickly."

  Ma Zhixuan disagreed, he was on the other end of the phone and begged, "Brother, if I go back now, my sister-in-law will definitely scold me to death. She has disliked me for a long time. I will come back when my sister-in-law's anger subsides."

He knew that he had done something wrong, and Ma Zhixuan admitted it, but everyone knows how he will be scolded by Qin Zhen when he stands in front of Qin Zhen.

  So as soon as Qin Zhen was sent to the emergency area, he ran away. He didn't dare to run far for fear of danger outside the city. After thinking about it, Ma Zhixuan went to find Qin's mother.

  At this time, Mother Qin was the only place he could go.

  After forcibly hanging up his brother's call, Ma Zhixuan sat in the tent with a dejected look on his face.

  If he could have resisted pushing Qin Zhen back, wouldn't things have turned out like this?

  "Zhixuan, Zhixuan."

  Mother of Qin's voice sounded, and immediately after, Mother of Qin led a man into the tent, "I found an acquaintance. He is a college classmate of Ziran and Hua Mi."

  During this time, Mother Qin has been thinking about Hua Mi sources of materials.

  She discussed with Ma Zhixuan, and Ma Zhixuan found a way to ask his brother Ma Yongchun to put pressure on Gong Yi.

  So Ma Zhixuan went to take charge of the material receiving work in City C.

 Qin's mother happened to contact a college roommate of Qin Ziran named An Xiaoyu.

  In this extreme weather, one disaster followed another, and the survivors gradually began to form groups and stick together to survive.

  People who knew each other put up each other's tents together, forming a community.

  It was easy for Qin's mother to find An Xiaoyu. She already knew some of Qin Ziran's college classmates.

  "He said that the last time he saw Qin Ziran was with Hua Mi."

  Qin's mother looked back at An Xiaoyu and said, "If you have any questions, tell Zhixuan ,he is Xiaolan's boyfriend and the manager of C City us his brother will definitely help us."

  An Xiaoyu and Qin's mother sat down opposite Ma Zhixuan and said, "We have gathered a group of people here, all of whom are our college classmates and related relatives. The total.are more than 1,000 people and now we have prepared a development plan."

  He described that because in Xiangcheng now, although everyone has food and drink, their life is very bad.

  Specifically, their living environment is very bad and they can only live in tents all day long.

  But there is no management class in Xiangcheng now. The garrison is busy here and there all day long, and there is no time or energy to improve the happiness index of the survivors.

  "So it's better to ask for help than to ask for ourselves. We thought about joining a group to save ourselves."

  An Xiaoyu said, then said with a pale face,

  "Build a survivor gathering place of our own outside Xiangcheng."

  He is this the main leader of the project, as their numbers grew, at first just a few college classmates putting the tents together.

  Later, it was the parents and relatives of his college classmates, and then the relatives and friends of their parents and relatives.

  This is the inevitable trend of the development of the times. At this time, the birth of the team can allow all of them to survive better.

  Another point, what An Xiaoyu didn't actually say is that anyone who has seen Hua Mi kill someone will feel scared.

  He thought that he no longer wanted to stay in Xiangcheng, nor did he want to stay under the same sky with Hua Mi.

  But where can he go in this freezing weather?

A team of more than 1,000 people gave An Xiaoyu a sufficient sense of security. He urgently needed development and used the development of the team to protect himself.

  Mother Qin looked at Ma Zhixuan encouragingly and said to An Xiaoyu,

  "We can borrow money from City C and use Huami's materials to develop our team.nAnyway, those materials provided by Huami are also due to my son's hard work."

  After that, Qin's mother said to Ma Zhixuan,

  "Zhixuan, if you can help, you can become the leader of this team."

  An Xiaoyu nodded and said seriously,

  "We will all listen to Master Ma's arrangements."

  Ma Zhixuan's blood boiled after hearing these words. He has always been never thought that one day he would be the leader of more than 1,000 people.

  His sister-in-law always said he was too naive, his brother said he was ignorant, and they all looked down on him.

  They all despised him.

  But they never thought that one day, Ma Zhixuan would be able to lead a team and become the team's most decisive presence.

  Maybe one day, his team will be able to grow and become a presence that can compete with Gong Yi.

  Then Ma Zhixuan got excited and nodded,

  "Don't worry about money. I can get the money from my brother, and the amount will not be small."

  Ma Yongchun's study is undefended from Ma Zhixuan, and Ma Zhixuan can even open Ma Yongchun's computer at will .

  He also knows the reserve fund account and password of City C.

  It is too easy to get money from the reserve fund account of City C.

  Ma Zhixuan did not need to discuss this matter with his brother and sister-in-law in advance, because Ma Yongchun and Qin Zhen would definitely not agree.