Although Hua Mi felt no psychological burden for cheating Ma Zhixuan, she still decided to go see Qin Zhen.

  So she got out of her RV and walked through the cleared snow to Qin Zhen's RV.

  Outside the RV where Qin Zhen was confinement, Hua Mi was not surprised to see Ma Yongchun.

  Ma Yongchun was on the phone with the management of City C. When he saw Hua Mi coming over, he hurriedly hung up the phone, went up to her, and said with some distress,

  "Mrs. Gong, I haven't been able to find Zhixuan these days."

  He said he wanted his brother to apologize to Qin Zhen and Hua Mi.

  But Ma Zhixuan made up his mind to avoid punishment, and he didn't even answer Ma Yongchun's calls these days.

  Ma Yongchun was so anxious that he ran between Xiangcheng and C City. He lost weight from exhaustion.

  Hua Mi looked at Ma Yongchun with a half-smile,"You can't find your brother, why are you asking me? As a pregnant woman with a big belly, can I still help you find your brother?"

  After saying that, Hua Mi continued to Qin Zhen.

  Ma Yongchun followed behind and explained, "I know what he did this time was very wrong, but the survivors in City C are really freezing, and the temperature has dropped too fast."

In just a few days, the snow on the ground fell and accumulated up to the knees, and all the firewood that could be picked up for burning near C City has been swept away.

  This is really no exaggeration. Due to the lack of effective management by the management, City C does not even have a smokeless firewood stove.

  This kind of smokeless firewood stove that is popular in Xiangcheng is not available in C City!

 Some of these stoves were purchased by Chichuan from friends of friends, and some were purchased from survivors and resold.

  Some of them were actually made by survivors who saw business opportunities, found materials and made them themselves, and sold them on the market themselves.

  Because Xiangcheng has sufficient supplies, after the market for stalls is saturated, various craftsmen become popular.

  Anyway, if the things they make cannot be sold, they will be sold to Chi Chuan. Behind Chi Chuan stands the well-funded Hua Mi, who will accept everything.

  Over time, Hua Mi collected a bunch of messy supplies and supported many craftsmen.

  Among them are those who are ingenious and good at making smokeless firewood stoves.

  This smokeless firewood stove can save heat energy, and a few firewood can burn for several hours.

  In City C, where there is no such smokeless firewood stove, everyone opens the firewood after gathering firewood, and then goes to collect firewood from the wild.

  Not to mention causing a huge waste of energy.

  The key is that there are no branches left near City C.

  A large number of survivors had to trek very far in knee-thick snow every day to carry back a bundle of firewood.

  The living environment has declined sharply.

  If firewood and smokeless firewood stoves can no longer be purchased from Xiangcheng, Ma Yongchun's estimates that many survivors in City C may freeze to death.

  At this time, everyone can realize how destructive the butterfly effect caused by Ma Zhixuan's failed firewood business.

  Ma Yongchun meant that Ma Zhixuan must apologize to Hua Mi.

  Maybe Hua Mi feels at ease, and she can continue to supply unlimited wood to the survivors in City C.

  Everyone got through this difficulty in a friendly manner.

  Hua Mi was walking in front. She couldn't help but laugh when she heard Ma Yongchun's difficult explanation. So Hua Mi stopped and said to Ma Yongchun, "Commander Ma, it's not that I don't help. I agreed to your wife's business deal before. I didn't think about the seriousness of the problem, so I didn't know the truth and said that I could provide unlimited wood to City C."

  "But, I really, sincerely, don't have that much wood for the time being, so I can't help City C to make sure the survivors in your city have been heated."

  She was wrong. She had previously thought that 27 square meters of black land could grow unlimited trees.

  As a result, the trees on the 27 square meters of black soil did grow very fast, but their output was only tens of thousands of kilograms per day at most.

  After a pause, Hua Mi continued,

  "Yesterday, my college classmate came and asked me to buy 10,000 kilograms of wood, but I didn't even sell it. There is really no supply and there is no other way."

  Ma Yongchun opened his mouth,

  "No, you have tens of thousands of kilograms of wood every day, so the inventory is quite high."

  Hua Mi ignored him and continued walking forward. She had no inventory of wood, and the inventory was 0.

  But she didn't say.

  Before Ma Yongchun could say anything more, a secretary hurried over and said,

  "Commander, we have found the second young master. He is with a team at the Xiangcheng Rescue Center. This team has just bought 300,000 portions of semi-finished pickled fish, and 2,000 trucks of supplies."

  This is not a secret, but it has become so public in Xiangcheng that everyone knows about it.

  Many wealthy people in City C are asking about this.

  They donated a lot of money to City C, just to make the survivors of City C live a better life.

  As a result, Ma Zhixuan suddenly created such a team, and the rich people came to C City's management to ask, what was going on?


  Ma Yongchun suddenly shouted,

  "Ma Zhixuan? Where did he get so much money?"

  The secretary had an ugly look on his face, but he said nothing.

  Although Ma Zhixuan is generous, there is no shortage of money for food and drink in Xiangcheng, and he can easily spend tens of thousands of dollars.

  But swallowing 300,000 servings of pickled fish and 2,000 trucks of supplies in one go, is this something that can be accomplished with tens of thousands of dollars?

 Everyone who knows about this matter is speculating on Ma Zhixuan's source of funds.

  Everyone knows that this matter is inseparable from the reserve fund account of City C.

  Hua Mi, who was standing beside Qin Zhen's RV, shrugged. Of course she didn't know where Ma Zhixuan got the money.

  Hua Mi didn't even know who was buying the supplies she had in bulk.

 She was just a businessman and didn't care about other people's private affairs.

  When they got into the RV, Ma Yongchun did not follow her. He continued to look for Ma Zhixuan.

  Qin Zhen was sitting in the car with a headscarf wrapped on her head and a large stack of documents placed in front of the table.

  Seeing Hua Mi coming in, Qin Zhen pinched her eyebrows and said,

  "What is Ma Zhixuan doing?"

  She was in the car and heard what Hua Mi and Ma Yongchun said.

  Hua Mi shrugged and handed Qin Zhen a stack of photos, "I treat you as a friend, so I'm telling you this. If your husband asks, I definitely won't tell him."

  Qin Zhen looked at the photo in her hand . The more she looked at the photo, the uglier her face became. Finally, she silently put down the photo in her hand.

  Hua Mi, who was sitting opposite Qin Zhen, was curious for a moment and asked:

  "You don't want to check? He has become rich recently."

  There was a struggle in Qin Zhen's eyes, which finally turned into a kind of extreme rationality.

  She looked at Hua Mi and said,

  "Isn't his brother gone? Let his brother take care of it. I don't know about this either."