Facing He Xinghui, Zhou Cheng racked his brains to protect his chastity.

  So when He Xinghui expressed that she wanted to follow Zhou Cheng and never be separated for the rest of his life.

  Zhou Cheng couldn't wait to take He Xinghui to the direction of City C's material warehouse.

  He and another garrison left first with He Xinghui, and Hua Mi, Gong Yi, and another garrison followed behind.

  During the whole process, He Xinghui never saw Hua Mi and Gong Yi again.

  As He Xinghui expected, City C's material warehouse was actually not far from Hua Mi's nanny van.

  So Hua Mi didn't waste any time and didn't put in the nanny car into the No. 1 warehouse on Level 24.

  She graciously left the nanny car to Zhou Cheng, so that those stationed on patrol in the wild could enter the nanny car to rest.

  A group of people trekked through the snowfield.

  Not long after Hua Mi and Gong Yi left, the group of men who were ambushing nearby rushed up.

  Someone patted the hood of the nanny car covered with snow and said with a smile:"I picked up a car for free, hahaha."

  "These garrisons are really generous. This car looks like the best nanny car."

  Some men also said,

  "Actually, it's useless for us to find such a car. The snow is too high and the car can't drive out at all."

As he spoke, the man looked down and saw a red dot aimed at his heart .

 "Damn, what is this?"

  The man with flowing yellow hair looked down at the red spot on his heart.

  The men next to them also lowered their heads. Why are there red dots on their hearts?

  Although these men are all arrogant, in this kind of world, they are used to doing things that rob families and homes.

  But they have little chance to experience high-precision weapons.

  There was a street kid who used to like watching gun fight movies. He looked down at the red dot on his heart in confusion.

  Suddenly his face changed, "Damn it, run!"

  This was because they were being targeted by the scope.

  They thought they had hunted many garrison men many times on the outskirts of City C, and had defeated several lone garrison guards, but today they were actually hunted.

  what happened?

  Why do they fall into the trap?

  The men beside the nanny car didn't have time to think about it and just scattered on the spot.

  But no matter how they ran, the red dots on their bodies still followed them closely.

  Among them, a street kid took out a gun and shouted loudly on the snowy field,

  "Don't come here. If you come here again, I'll kill you."

  Hua Mi in the distance was holding Gong Yi's garrison-specific high-power telescope in her hand, looking at the people walking around the nanny car.

  She couldn't help but sneered,

  "These people are really, if one more person dies, the world will not know how peaceful it will be."

  Beside her, Gong Yi held an umbrella for her, and around the two of them were C City garrison.

  That's right, Zhou Cheng and He Xinghui had already left, but Gong Yi stayed behind just to ambush the gangsters who were in contact with He Xinghui.

  "Commander Gong, the gun in his hand." The garrison closest to Gong Yi had red eyes. He looked at the snowy field in front of him. There were several street gangsters who took out a few guns of the C City garrison.

  These street gangsters did not have hot weapons on their bodies, and Chen Hu would not equip such gangsters with guns.

  The guns in their hands were left over from the garrison that was attacked by these street gangsters.

  Those few garrison troops who were attacked were killed by this group of people!

 The C City garrison had red eyes. Thinking of the tragic corpses of those brothers, the hatred in his heart was almost unstoppable.

  Gong Yi pursed his lips and looked silently at the guns taken out by the street gangster in the distance.

  "Kill!" he ordered without hesitation.

  Chen Hu and Brother Fan must give an explanation for the lives of those stationed in City C.

  On the pure white snowfield, with a "pop" sound, a blood flower exploded from the heart of the first man.

  The man who ran the farthest looked back and moved forward with all his strength.

  As a result, his heart also exploded.

  One man after another fell down, and little red plum blossoms bloomed on the white snow.

  The guns they held had no idea who they were shooting at.

  This group of rubbish, once they are separated from the sneak attack, they will be dead.

  Death is cheap for them.

  Because the few garrison soldiers who were attacked by them were tortured to death by them.

  After killing these street gangsters, several City C garrisonmen armed with sniper rifles came forward and began to search for the bodies.

  Gong Yi deployed his mental power and walked around the area again. He turned around and told the guards stationed on the snowfield, "There are no suspicious people nearby. Please pay attention to protection. Collect their corpses and leave one behind. Go to the gate of City C."

  The first few words were said by Gong Yi to the garrison of City C.

  The last two sentences were said by Gong Yi to Hua Mi.

  He vaguely knew that the corpses around Hua Mi would always disappear suddenly.

  Some of the corpses that passed through Hua Mi's hands were not sent to the crematorium at all.

  But Gong Yi didn't say anything about this, so there was no need to investigate.

  He wanted to leave a body behind to warn Chen Hu and Brother Fen that C City was garrisoned and had officially begun to counterattack.

  If you have the ability, fight!

 The C City garrison in the open space was busy piling all the corpses into the distance, leaving Hua Mi to "cremated" it.

  Gong Yi was in the nanny car and set up a patrol post for the C City garrison.

  Using the nanny car as a stronghold, a new, more thorough, and more powerful patrol post was built.

  After doing all this, Gong Yi went back to find Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi has done the "cremation". Not only are there no shadows of the corpses in the open space, but Hua Mi's shadow is also gone.

  By the time Gong Yi called Hua Mi, she had already arrived outside the material warehouse in City C. "I was thinking that you would be busy for a long time. Shi Caixia has already contacted me. I can get things done here in a few minutes, so don't wait.You're welcome."

  Hua Mi answered Gong Yi's call and had already walked up to Shi Caixia.

  The honest little secretary girl was shivering from the cold at the door of the material warehouse.

  He Xinghui, who was also standing at the door of the material warehouse, looked viciously at Hua Mi, who was following her with a big belly walking from the horizon of the snowy field.

  She asked Zhou Cheng, "Why is she here too?"

  Zhou Cheng and He Xinghui had just arrived not long ago.

  At this moment, the heavy door of the material warehouse was open, and there were armed guards patrolling the door.

  He didn't answer He Xinghui, but just left He Xinghui where she was. "You wander around, I'm going to get busy."

  He spoke concisely and left.

  He Xinghui wanted to chase Zhou Cheng, but was stopped by two guards.

  She turned around and saw Hua Mi and Shi Caixia walking over. He Xinghui asked Hua Mi warily,

  "What are you here for? What are you here for? How did Sun Shiping let you go?"

  Until now, He Xinghui still hasn't figured out the situation.

  In fact, Shi Caixia, who also didn't understand the situation, how she used the speed of light to reach outside the material warehouse in City C.