A small group of street gangsters rushed to the door of the material warehouse under Gong Yi's deliberate release.

  As a result, the garrison who ambushed nearby knocked them down one by one.

  He Xinghui, who was watching secretly, almost broke her teeth.

  It's just a little bit closer, a little bit they can rush over.

  The last street kid carried a gun to the door of the material warehouse, but was beaten to death on the heavy door.

  He Xinghui glanced around and saw that gunshots were still ringing in the distance. Brother Fan just sent 300 people over.

  If they don't recruit more people at this time, they won't be able to seize this supply bank.

  She ran forward all the way, and saw no one on the ground except street runners. It was estimated that all the garrison troops in the supply depot in City C had gone to fight in the area where the gunfire was intensive.

  He Xinghui called Brother Fan and quickly reported the battle situation here.

  Then, He Xinghui entered the material warehouse.

  She shouted in panic:

  "Hey, Big Belly Woman, did you hear that? There are bad guys rushing over."

  Then, He Xinghui paused, and she saw Hua Mi and Shi Caixia sitting in the material warehouse with bags of supplies next to them,a small table was also set up.

  There is a chocolate cake on the small table.

  An alcohol stove was placed next to the chocolate cake. There's a burning stove, and a small pot was placed on it, with pickled fish cooked in it.

Hua Mi and Shi Caixia each held a bottle of orange juice in their hands.

  Is this an outing?

  He Xinghui's mentality was about to collapse.

  She rushed over and shouted:

  "You are still eating and drinking here? Do you know what kind of fighting is happening outside?"

  Hua Mi and Shi Caixia looked at each other and drank orange juice.

  Continue to drink orange juice, eat pickled fish, and use a plastic fork to fork a small piece of chocolate cake.

  "Stop eating, these supplies are not yours!"

  He Xinghui couldn't see them eating and drinking so leisurely.


  She had done so much and suffered so much in order to live, but she still had to work hard for a bite to eat.

  How could this big-bellied woman and Shi Caixia be able to eat and drink well without panicking at this time?

  Obviously these supplies should belong to He Xinghui.

  Hua Mi sat in a chair, stroking her pregnant belly with one hand, took out two small packs of handkerchiefs, and gave one to Shi Caixia.

  She opened the other packet by herself, took out one and wiped the chocolate cake crumbs from the corner of her mouth.

  Keep eating.

  He Xinghui couldn't bear it anymore. She came over and tried to lift the table.

  "Don't eat any more. These supplies are all mine!"

  She spent so much effort, naturally it was for these supplies, but could it be because of that idiot Zhou Cheng?

  Shi Caixia couldn't stop her in time,

  "Oh, it's all food, don't waste it."

  The next moment, there was a clang on the table, and the food on the table shook.

  The tabletop that was about to be overturned by He Xinghui was pressed back down by Hua Mi's two fingers.

  A little bit of the pickled fish soup on the alcohol stove spilled out and landed on the back of He Xinghui's hand.

  She was so burned that she quickly retracted her hand and slapped Hua Mi,

  "You really can't shed tears until you see the coffin."

  Brother Fan's people were about to rush over, and she had already informed Brother Fan of the stalemate situation here. .

  As long as Brother Fan is not a fool, he will definitely send reinforcements.

  So why is He Xinghui afraid of Hua Mi?

However, He Xinghui was still too complacent.

  Before her slap could land on Hua Mi's face, she was kicked away by Hua Mi.

  The whole person hit the pile of supplies a few meters away.

  It smells like cement.

  He Xinghui rolled to the ground. She coughed a few times and felt that her internal organs had been displaced by Hua Mi's kick.

  Forgot, this damn big-bellied woman is a person with great skills.

  In the cement dust, He Xinghui coughed desperately.

  She raised her twisted face and looked at Hua Mi walking toward her step by step with her pregnant belly.

  He Xinghui laughed instead, with blood foam all over her teeth,

  "Do you think you will win? No, I tell you, it's impossible. Brother Fan will be here soon."

  "C City Material Depository, we are bound to win. ."

  Didn't they see that the garrison outside the material warehouse was empty? They must have gone to support Zhou Cheng. Zhou Cheng must have suffered miserably on the horizon.

  Soon, He Xinghui felt they'll win very fast.

  Hua Mi lowered her head expressionlessly, "A woman who is as evil as you and as stupid as you is not a beautiful sight.What? Still not convinced?"

  She squatted down with a little difficulty, protecting her pregnant belly with her hand, she took out He Xinghui's mobile phone from He Xinghui's clothes with one hand.

  Under He Xinghui's disbelieving gaze, Hua Mi tore off the universal signal connector from He Xinghui's mobile phone.

  Then she put the universal signal connector and He Xinghui's mobile phone into her pocket.

  It was actually thrown directly into Level 30 No. 3 Warehouse.

  "You can't contact your Brother Fan now, so I'll tell you the truth. Think about it with your water-deprived brainstem, is Zhou Cheng fascinated by you?"

  Hua Mi looked at He Xinghui with an almost sympathetic expression, "I've always been puzzled, where did you get the confidence to think that you can confuse the commander of a city's garrison?"

"Do you think these people are ordinary things ? Men? No, first of all, their aesthetics are different from other ordinary men."

  From the beginning to the end, He Xinghui acted quite confident.

  But Hua Mi really can't get it. With Zhou Cheng's poor acting skills, how did he seem to be seduced by He Xinghui?

 He Xinghui was stunned for a long time on the ground. She moved and seemed to understand something.

  But immediately, there was a sharp pain all over her body.

  This time, there was no soft and thick snow to hold her up. He Xinghui fell onto the hard metal floor, causing pain all over her bones.

  She spit out a mouthful of blood and smiled miserably,

  "Then what can I do? Tell me, what other methods can I use?"

  In the end, He Xinghui is just a weak woman.

  "When I was a teenager, I followed Brother Fan. The methods he taught me are all the methods I have.What can I do?"

  She didn't think about it in detail, she just wanted to complete it quickly. The task is to quickly find out the garrison firepower outside the supply warehouse of City C.

  Then get the C city material warehouse.

  She is the woman who is most trusted by Brother Fan. She has no good or evil, because before her world view and outlook on life were formed, she was already living in Brother Fan's hands.

  He Xinghui didn't understand, besides seducing men, how else could she get these supplies?

  It's like she tried every means to seduce men in order to get prostitution money.

  That's all she knows.

  At this time, Gong Yi hurriedly ran into the supply warehouse,

  "Honey, let's go quickly. Leave this place until Brother Fan comes. Let's evacuate first."