
 Hua Mi walked out of the tent with some envy.

  She and Shi Caixia are currently staying in the material warehouse in City C. For convenience, they have set up several tents on top of the material warehouse.

  On weekdays, those stationed on duty would come here to rest.

  Therefore, the tents are very large, and each tent has a smokeless firewood stove that is open 24 hours a day.

  In this cold and unusual weather, a warm tent will double your happiness.

  Hua Mi took the telescope from Shi Caixia's hand and said,

  "It would be great if I could have a snowmobile."

  Thinking of it, Hua Mi simply upgraded her level 17 factory to a level 18 factory.

[Level 18 Factory: Sled , Snow boots (one size fits all)]

[Limited production: Durian layer cake X100, Tiramisu flavor box cake X50]

[Synthetic production:]

[Synthetic production: Energy Beads]


[Get X1 in the lottery]

[X18 in the remaining lottery]

  Because there are so many types of materials that the factory panel can produce, many of them are suppressed on the lower-level pages. She can only see them by clicking on them.

  Hua Mi casually clicked on the limited production, and saw that the semi-finished pickled fish could already produce 90,000 servings at a time, so she didn't look carefully at the food types at the back.

  Regarding limited production, she waits until the factory is upgraded to produce all the products.

  Then there are the types of materials that are fixed to be produced.

  Although her prayers did not work and did not give her a snowmobile, she was able to produce sleds and snow boots.

  Then click on the lower-level page of [Snow Boots (One Size)]. There are also options for men's shoes, women's shoes, girls' shoes, boys' shoes, and various sizes.

  Hua Mi immediately produced X100,000 for each style of snow boots.

  She found an opportunity and called Chichuan while using her binoculars to look at the long row of snowmobiles parked outside the material warehouse under the snow pack.

  Hua Mi told Chichuan that Brother Fan was now hiding in the supply warehouse and asked Chichuan to bring a batch of food supplies.

  By the way, I'm dragging another batch of snow boots to sell.

  Chichuan responded without asking so many questions.

  On the other hand, Shi Caixia, who was next to Hua Mi, checked the reserve list of the supply warehouse in City C,

  "Ah Mi, there are no snow boots in our supply warehouse in City C."

  So how should Chichuan drag them?

Hua Mi did not answer Shi Caixia, but still looked at the door of the material warehouse. Ma Zhixuan and a group of people got off the snowmobile.

  She watched them carrying large and small bags of things down, frowned and asked,

  "Ma Zhixuan plans to take this group of people and live here?"


  Shi Caixia stood in the wind and snow, covering her eyes with her hands.

  "Why do I always feel that Mr. Ma has no good intentions?"

  "Isn't it just to transport supplies? Why are so many people coming?"

  A snowmobile is not that big, but this time Ma Zhixuan brought 20 snowmobiles , and each snowmobile was filled with packages of supplies.

  Including those who transported supplies, there were more than 50 men in total, all of whom were tall and strong.

  They were honest. They just carried all the supplies into the tent and silently set up several large tents next to Zhong Zimo's tent.

  Hua Mi looked at these people working neatly and said to Shi Caixia,

  "It's hard to say. You go and inform Zhou Cheng and ask him to be more careful. I don't think these men look like fuel-efficient lamps."

  Why? Actually, Hua Mi couldn't tell.

  These men were all wearing tattered thick coats, even though they were all tall.

  But in today's extreme environment, the management will not hire men who are not strong to work.

  But she always felt that the aura of these men was too sharp.

  So the best thing is not to let these men stop at the door of the supply warehouse.

  Zhou Cheng also felt it was inappropriate. Before the men Ma Zhixuan brought could set up the tents, he came to drive them away.

 "You have finished delivering all the supplies. Why don't you leave here quickly?"

  "Why are you still setting up the tents?"

  Ma Zhixuan shivered. He walked forward and said to Zhou Cheng with a white face, "It's so cold now and everyone is exhausted. Let them stay here. When the door of the material warehouse opens, they have to transport the materials and leave." , Ma Zhixuan took out the document signed by his brother, with his brother's seal on it,

  "These are bodyguards hired by the management. They are absolutely reliable. You also know that this world is really not easy."

"You also know that it is snowing heavily now. It's not easy for them to come from the city when the city is closed, and if they are allowed to turn around temporarily, they will die of exhaustion in the snow."

"The garrison is all for human service, right?"

  He tried hard to fight for these men who were carrying supplies. Arrived for a one night layover.

  Zhou Cheng said that the next morning, those who delivered supplies to Zhong Zimo and the administrators must leave here.

  Zhong Zimo on the side saw Zhou Cheng leaving. He frowned and stepped forward, took the document from Ma Zhixuan and asked,

  "When did Commander Ma sign such a document?"

  As Ma Yongchun's most capable secretary, Zhong Zimo had never heard that the management of C City hired a group of bodyguards.

  However, Ma Zhixuan snatched the document and said in a bad tone,

  "Who are you? You can't even open the door of a material warehouse. Of course there is no need to inform you of these things."

  He groaned angrily, his eyes filled with tears . With a desperate ambition, he stared at the door of the material warehouse that was half filled with snow, " Wait, wait, when I open the door of this material warehouse, I will make everyone who looks down on me... Look at me with admiration."

  After saying that, he ignored the contempt in Zhong Zimo's eyes and turned around and walked into the tent.

  There were several men sitting there, obviously the leaders of the 50 men carrying supplies.

  Ma Zhixuan put the document in his hand on the folding table of several men and said, "The matter is done, you can stay here for the night."

  "You promised me, as long as I open it for you ,the door to the material warehouse, the materials inside belong to me and my brother, don't regret it."

  Although Ma Zhixuan was forced to cooperate with these men, the conditions offered by these men made Ma Zhixuan very tempted.

  Their brother is trapped in the supply warehouse, and they just need to rescue their brother.

  What Ma Zhixuan wants is the supplies in the supply warehouse.

  So they each get what they need.

  Several men sitting in the tent were cleaning their guns in their hands. When they heard what Ma Zhixuan said, the men looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

  One of the men stood up, raised his hand and patted Ma Zhixuan on the shoulder,

  "Don't worry, we will do what we promised you."

  "But tonight, bullets don't have eyes, so you have to hide."