Gong Yi's garrison found nothing unusual about Vasily and others.

  As a person who walks on the edge of life and death all year round, he has unlimited means to sneak into the levels.

  What's more, in today's chaotic world, there are not many ways to test resumes.

  It is allowed to enter Xiangcheng during the day.

  Because many vendors need to go to the city to wholesale supplies.

  Hua Mi stuffed a lot of teleportation tickets into Gong Yi, then took the green passage and hurriedly entered Xiangcheng and found Cao Feng.

  She asked Cao Feng to check and found out that a group of men who looked very difficult to deal with had entered Xiangcheng just now. Where had that group of men gone now?

  Snow dumplings hit the ground, and soon the snow would cover people's knees.

  But soon, people from the tow truck team will drive a garbage truck over and sweep away the snow on the ground.

  No one drives in Xiangcheng unless necessary. There is no oil, and the liquid in the car will freeze as soon as it stops.

  So Cao Feng came very slowly.

  While Hua Mi was waiting for Cao Feng, she placed all her newly upgraded black soil in Level 30 No. 2 Warehouse.

  All planted: small-leaved Araucaria, blackboard eucalyptus, oak tree, orange tree, mulberry tree, toon tree, fir tree, linden tree, maple tree, juniper tree, birch tree, oak tree, chestnut tree, welcome pine tree, fragrant tree Cypress.

  There was no way, it was a bit crowded, but she didn't have time to go back to Lotus Shengxing Supermarket now.

  And the Lotus Shengxing Supermarket can't fit in the crowd.

  If the planting continues, the yard area of ​​Lotus Shengxing Supermarket will probably expand.

  Fortunately, dozens of square meters of black land are now planted with trees. Regardless of whether the species is expensive or not, the daily output of these trees can meet the heating needs of the survivors.

  The survivors no longer have to work hard to find firewood to keep warm in the heavily snowy environment.

  They can buy a pound of firewood for a little money.

  Even if they don't have money, they can join the debris removal team and clear snow in Xiangcheng and City B, and they can still get firewood in exchange.

  While waiting for Cao Feng, Hua Mi looked at the remaining draws.

  There have been 19 chances.

  She thought about it and pumped it 5 more times.

  [Get a multi-energy outdoor monitor with 360 degrees, no blind spots, no holes, and night vision X1000000]

[ Get a self-heating hotpot(durian flavor) x100000000]

[Get Ammunition x100000]

[White phosphorus bombsx1000]

[Remaining lottery x14]

 White phosphorus bombs are the perfect weapon to deal with zombie waves and mutated animals and plants.

  Hua Mi suddenly felt more at ease.

  Why are people so overwhelmed by mutated animals and plants that they can't breathe? It's because there's an endless supply of these things.

  After death, there is again, after death, there is again.

  Zombies are better, after all, they are transformed from living creatures, and they are dead when they are dead.

  Mutated animals and plants are the most exaggerated. They will spread like seaweed in every corner of the world.

  Once you don't pay attention to it and let it go easily, it won't take long for it to multiply into a large area.

  And the dangers are extremely exaggerated.

  There are only so many human weapons, and in extreme environments, there is no complete enough industrial chain to produce enough weapons to deal with these strange and mutated animals and plants.

  But with white phosphorus bombs, at least in the face of a large-scale wave of zombies and mutated animals and plants, the chances of survivors surviving will be much greater.

  Just as Hua Mi breathed a sigh of relief, Cao Feng's call came.

  He said anxiously on the phone,

  "Someone broke into the emergency area. There is chaos here. Sister Hua, I can't get to your place."

  As he spoke on the phone, gunshots rang out, and there were injured patients. A panicked voice.

  Hua Mi frowned, "Why did you go to the emergency area?"

  But Cao Feng didn't have time to explain so much. He was at the rescue center and was leading a team to the emergency area.

  So after a quick word, he cut off the call with Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi stared at the phone in her hand, paralyzed. The world is already so difficult. There are constant natural disasters, but also man-made disasters?

  These people are doing trouble everywhere, so why do they go to the emergency room?

  Why are you dissatisfied with this environment? You must take it out on seriously injured patients, pregnant women, and children.

  The emergency area was full of these people.

 Suddenly, an idea flashed in Hua Mi's mind. Are these people going for Qin Jianqiang?

  Qin Jianqiang is now in the insulated room of the emergency area, but the premature baby is more than a month old and has not yet passed the critical period.

  If Ma Zhixuan is kidnapped by those killers and they are ruined in the supply warehouse, will he come back for revenge?

  Now the only way to retaliate is to make trouble with Qin Jianqiang.

  Thinking of this, Hua Mi kept cursing secretly that he was simply a beast.

  Anyone who can think of this idea is worse than a beast.

  The phone rang again, it was Xin Qiuru.

  She didn't have the phone number of any leader in the garrison, so she could only call Hua Mi's mobile phone,

  "Ah Mi, it's not good, a group of people suddenly broke into the insulation room, it was a mess here, they took Qiang away. "

  "He is still so young, so small, he can't survive like this."

  As she said this, Xin Qiuru started crying.

  There were cries all around her, as well as the corpses of several killers and doctors.

  Several of the garrison were wounded.

  Apparently there was a quick shootout.

  Those killers came and left quickly, and they wanted to achieve their goals no matter the cost.

  Xin Qiuru didn't understand,

  "I don't know why they paid such a high price. They just had to take away the baby. Even if their companion died, they still had to make it happen."

These killers are really very smart. .

  And the division of labor is very clear, and the purpose is also obvious. They rush directly into the emergency room. Some are responsible for distracting the garrison, some are responsible for carrying the child away, some are covering, and some are using their own lives to intercept the garrison and kill them.

  To be honest, if you have such ability, why not take care of some personnel matters?

  Hua Mi fell silent. She listened silently to Xin Qiuru's cries. The emergency area must have become a mess.

  Xin Qiuru kept saying on the phone,

  "Being taken away will lead him to death. We spent so much time and energy just to save his life. He will die, he will die." Compared with other children, Xin Qiuru, and of all the medical care in the rescue center, perhaps the most unacceptable thing was that the child Qin Jianqiang died due to other factors.

  Because they really paid a lot for this child.

  Even Ke Minghong gave the order personally.

  Use all your resources and efforts to save this child.

  In such a desperate world, Qin Jianqiang has almost become the spiritual pillar of the entire rescue center.