Zhang Jifeng couldn't bear it any longer. He slapped the table and stood up, pointing at Gong Yi and roaring,

  "Who the hell are you?"

  Gong Yi looked up at him from the bottom up, " Didn't I introduce myself? My surname is Gong and my given name is Yi."

As soon as he said these words, not only Zhang Jifeng was stunned, but also Li Haifu and other superpowers were shocked.

  Gong Yi? Did he come to D city?

 Zhang Jifeng, in particular, seemed to have thought of something, and his face suddenly turned pale.

  Huang Mao behind him took two steps forward, with a wretched and uneasy look on his face, and asked in a low voice,

  "Who is Gong Yi?"

  He asked who Gong Yi was?

  Zhang Jifeng turned around and slapped Huang Mao, "Shut up."

  Then, Zhang Jifeng looked ugly, rolled his eyes several times, and immediately bowed to Gong Yi, "I'm sorry, I can't see Taishan. I immediately will follow your instructions and kill the woman on the second floor when I get back."

  Before he could finish his words, he suddenly took out a dagger from his sleeve and stabbed Gong Yi in the heart.

  Zhang Jifeng, with a distorted face, shouted loudly, "Go to hell."

  Gong Yi, right?

The garrison commander who single-handedly controlled the four cities of Xiangcheng, A City, B City and C City to see the King of Hell today.

  During this period, Zhang Jifeng and Chen Hu were together, and how many crimes did they commit?

 Fortunately, there is no garrison in D City. All the garrison in D City have been consumed by the continuous natural and man-made disasters.

  Even Sun Shiping, the garrison commander of D City, died while rescuing people.

  Otherwise, Zhang Jifeng really wouldn't dare to abduct so many innocent women and put them on the second floor below for the entertainment of men.

  He knew that the things he did would definitely not be tolerated in the eyes of the garrison.

  So Zhang Jifeng, who wanted to strike first and gain the upper hand, was torn apart.

  The body flew out and exploded into a large blood lotus directly outside the tent.

  No one could see clearly how Gong Yi took action.

  Maybe he didn't take action at all.

  Inside the tent, Huang Mao and the others stared for a long time before reacting. They were all so frightened that they knelt on the ground and shouted loudly, "Spare our life, spare our life."

"Let's go back and kill all the women.We will send An An away immediately."

  Gong Yi raised his head and glanced at them, then waved his hand and told them to go back and report the news.

  After Huang Mao and the others left in a hurry, Hua Mi stood thoughtfully at the door of the tent, looking in the direction of the management building.

  She asked Gong Yi, "Isn't Chen Hu in that management building?"

  Everyone knows that there are more than just Zhang Jifeng, Huang Mao and others in this management building.

  There must be many men who do evil things.

  Some people's sins may not lead to death, but some people are so full of sins that even death a million times would be light.

  Gong Yi shook his head, picked up the coat on the side, stood up and walked behind Hua Mi.

  He put his coat on her and said, "If he's not here, you still have to look for it. Look carefully."

  Hua Mi sneered after hearing this, "This Chen Hu can really hide. Where has he gone?"

  No one knows, maybe Chen Hu has already may have run far away, or it may be near them.

  The management building in D City actually has little to do with Chen Hu.

  This place is like a stronghold of Brother Fan. There is Chen Hu's shadow behind it, but it developed into this by himself.

  Listening to Gong Yi's explanation, Shi Caixia on the side was confused,

  "How can they develop into such a big cancer just by relying on their own efforts?"

  This is too incredible.

  Such a big cancer has harmed many innocent women.

  It is hard for Shi Caixia, who grew up in a peaceful era, to imagine this.

  Hua Mi couldn't help laughing and looked back at Shi Caixia, "Maybe he can really do it. Think about it, they are lawless now and no one cares about them."

  "Once people do evil, their power will expand. It's very fast."

  Because they can eat , they don't have to do anything at ordinary times, and there are also fat and thin women to choose from.

  Even men with good hearts will come to join them.

  It is easy for people to become bad, but it is quite difficult to become good.

  So Chen Hu is not here, he doesn't have to do it personally, he just needs to sow a little evil seed.

  It can gather a large number of believers.

  As he spoke, Zhou Cheng hurriedly entered the tent and said to Gong Yi and Hua Mi, "Someone came out of D City."

  Zhong Zimo and Mi Guoyuan left from D City with a large group of men and women.

  They seemed to have experienced a fierce dispute, and Huang Mao and other street gangsters were not seen in it.

  Seeing the tent set up by Li Haifu and others, Zhong Zimo and Mi Guoyuan looked at each other.

  Mi Guoyuan was the first to run forward and stood outside the tent with an excited face,

  "Commander Gong, we finally waited for you to come to rescue."

  As he spoke, his eyes turned red, along with a large group of crying women behind him.

  This scene really looks like being in a movie.

  It was as if Gong Yi was like a god descending from heaven, saving the suffering survivors.

  Mi Guoyuan desperately said words of gratitude.

  Zhong Zimo also glanced at Shi Caixia in the tent, came forward and thanked Gong Yi.

  Thanks to Commander Gong.

  Without the Commander, they would be stuck in the quagmire for the rest of their lives.

  The commander is so wise and powerful.

Hua Mi frowned when she heard this.

  She turned her head and looked at Gong Yi.

  If he is a man with a slightly bad temperament, it is time to drift off at this time.

  Gong Yi was okay, but Mi Guoyuan and Zhong Zimo deliberately approached him with obvious intentions of currying favor.

  He just raised his eyebrows and said calmly, "You guys settle down the survivors, I have other things to do."

  As a garrison commander who does practical things, he usually faces a lot of flattery.

  If someone like him could float, he would have done so long ago.

  Seeing Gong Yi's reaction as he turned around to get busy, Hua Mi felt relieved.

  Looking back, she looked at Zhong Zimo standing outside the tent.

  Of course Zhong Zimo also discovered Hua Mi, but what he was thinking about now was how to jump on Gong Yi's boat.

  He didn't take Hua Mi seriously.

  It was at this time that a woman with heavy makeup suddenly rushed out from the crowd of women.

  She roared at Hua Mi,

  "Why did you bring us out? It's freezing outside. Do you want to freeze us to death?"

  "Hua Mi, you are as vicious as ever."

  Everyone stared intently . Look, this person is not Qin Xiaolan, who is it?

 It's just that this Qin Xiaolan is very different from the original Qin Xiaolan.

  She was wearing thin clothes, her face looked dusty, and her face was covered with a thick layer of powder that was as thick as the bottom of a wall.

  Mainly, she looked at Hua Mi with a look of resentment, as if Hua Mi was the culprit who ruined her good life now.

  She wish she could tear Hua Mi into pieces.