Zhang Zimo received the news that Mi Guoyuan had been killed by Gong Yi.

  He decided to take the group of internet celebrity and female celebrities in his hand and run to City C in the opposite direction of City E.

  Take City C and then take a detour to City E.

  Near the igloo on the edge of the highway, the number of survivors gradually increased.

  Someone recognized a female star in Zhong Zimo's hand.

  He shouted happily,

  "Wow, are you that Dou Qiongxian? The same Dou Qiongxian who won the Best Actress last year."

The new generation of little flowers won the Best Actress as soon as they debuted, which shows the beauty of Dou Qiongxian.

  The women in Zhong Zimo's hands are all pretty.

  Among the survivors, another man recognized the other women behind Zhong Zimo.

  Someone shouted, "I saw Tsukahara Miyu, it's Tsukahara Miyu."

  The very famous actress was actually standing behind Dou Qiongxian.

  The survivors crowded around.

  They called the names of these women, each one of whom was a famous Internet celebrity or female star.

  Zhong Zimo's eyes flickered, revealing a trace of cruelty.

  He saw more and more survivors surrounding them.

  He grabbed Tsukahara Miyu from the crowd of women and threw it directly into the crowd, "I'm sorry everyone, we are still in a hurry. This woman is given to you. Please give way and let us replenish some supplies. ."

  It seems that there is no way to leave here unless a woman is given out.

  Tsukahara Miyu shouted anxiously. She wanted to run, but she was hugged by a survivor.

  The survivor shouted loudly,

  "Tsukahara Miyu, I often watch your short videos, your short videos are so good, hahaha, I didn't expect that I would actually hold a real person in my arms." Many people said that and They gathered around them enviously, and Zhong Zimo quickly led the remaining women into a car and headed to City C.

  Their own car was frozen, unable to leave the gate of D City.

  So you have to walk to the highway.

  On the highway, there will be people providing chartered services.

  Zhong Zimo had already contacted someone about the car. As soon as he got on the highway, he would help Zhong Zimo and others leave.

  Tsukahara Miyu outside the car window was still shouting.

  Although she is an actress, but those were all shot in short videos, and she cannot satisfy so many men at once.

  However, if Zhong Zimo doesn't introduce a woman, he will definitely not be able to leave today.

  He had no time to worry about Tsukahara Miyu's cries. At this time, if he didn't have a hard heart, what would be left behind would be his life.

  Tsukahara Miyu, who was buried in a large number of men, watched Zhong Zimo leave.

  No, her current fate is even worse than in the D City Management Building.


  On the bus, Zhong Zimo sat expressionlessly next to the driver, and the women behind him all had pale faces.

  Someone started crying.

  Zhong Zimo, who was in the passenger seat, turned around and growled,

  "Why are you crying? If you could capture the hearts of the garrison and the superpowers, you wouldn't have to accept such a miserable fate today.You are still willing to take the place of her? Voluntarily stayed to contain those men?"

  It was indeed what the Eighth Uncle's wrecker said.

  Beautiful women are not a good thing in this world.

  Especially, women who are beautiful and have a certain degree of exposure before the end of the world.

  Their faces are so recognizable that even if they want to live by the rules in the apocalypse, no survivors will be willing to give them this chance.

  Isn't Tsukahara Miyu the best example?

What's wrong with making short videos of actresses?

Nothing before the end of time.

  After the end of the world, it is her original sin.

  In the bus, the Internet celebrities and female celebrities who were crying quietly gradually stopped crying.

  Someone complained quietly, "It was the woman named Hua Mi who harmed us. If Hua Mi hadn't hindered us, we would have been only used by the garrison and the superpowers now."

  "If we were lucky, we would have been married to a garrison. If you are raised with a person with superpowers, you will not encounter such dangers."

  The best way out is to be raised by a man, and just serving one man is enough.

  The worst way out is probably to be plowed to death by countless cattle while plowing the land.

  The women discussed quietly.

  Zhong Zimo, who was sitting in the passenger seat, snorted coldly, "Follow me and I will give you this opportunity." "

  "Where we are going, it is said that there are many people with superpowers. If there is no light in the east, there will be light in the west. Wherever you go, In order to perform well, you can also win over a few survivors for me."

  Gradually, those women became completely silent.

  They acquiesced in the fate chosen by Zhong Zimo.

  And just behind their car, in front of the noisy igloo, Tsukahara Miyu was surrounded by a large group of men.

  A man ripped off her clothes and was about to make fun of her.

  Someone shouted, "The garrison patrol is coming."

  There is a garrison patrol on the highway.

  Dark evil may be forbidden repeatedly, but when there is a garrison, the survivors at least do not dare to do evil openly.

  If they still want to hang out at the Xiangcheng base, at least they don't dare to bully women so blatantly.

  Tsukahara Miyu thought she would be facing bad luck, but all the men around her just ran away.

  She cried and threw herself in front of the garrison patrol, shouting thank you loudly in bad language.

  Thank you, thank you, really appreciate it.

  Thank you so much for saving her from a bad fate.

  In the cold and freezing weather, Tsukahara Miyu untied her clothes shivering, and said lamely, "I would like to thank you, and use what I have to thank you."

  Serving a small group of garrison troops is much better than serving such a large group of men, it's much better.

  Tsukahara Miyu burst into tears and looked at the small team patrolling and garrisons with hope.

  However, they just walked past her without looking back.

  They shot, expressionless, and didn't even say a word to Tsukahara Miyu.

  They didn't come specifically to save Tsukahara Miyu.

  It is their mission to patrol this highway.

  After today, the people in their patrol team will be replaced by other garrisons.

  Their team has been selected to enter D City to kill zombies.

  After D City, they will have stronger bodies and be able to better maintain order in the Xiangcheng base.

  As for Tsukahara Miyu, the police will come soon to take her away.

  This is a process, and there is no need to worry about it.

  The tears on Tsukahara Miyu's face were still wet, and she ran behind a garrison for a short while before being stopped by Yang Honglin who had received the news.

  "Let's go and step on the sewing machine!"

  Yang Honglin didn't waste any time. He picked up the squealing Tsukawara Miyu and pushed her onto the special car for women who had lost their footing.

  She would enter a shelter for disabled women, where she would be trained to operate a sewing machine, and was eventually assigned to a factory to operate a sewing machine and make cotton-padded clothes.

  Perhaps, this is already the best destination for Tsukahara Miyu in the apocalypse.

  Compared with those actresses who were taken away by Zhong Zimo, Tsukahara Miyu was supposed to be the unluckiest.

  But perhaps the luckiest.

   Today women's lives are very hard. No one can rely on. The only thing women can rely on is themselves.

    It will only be yourself.