"How about we walk all the way to find your brother?"

  Zhong Zimo invited Vasily. He stretched out his arms and gestured to the beautiful women in the car behind him,

  "You guys also needs a pastime, isn't it?"

  Vasily hesitated and kept scratching the back of his hand. The skin there seemed to have some kind of skin disease.

  It was obvious that he seemed very tired now and his brain power was much less than before.

  And the rest of his brothers are similar to him.

  Some brothers even stood outside the bus with dull eyes, scratching their heads and ears.

  It was as if some bug had burrowed into his body.

  Zhong Zimo ignored the slightly uncoordinated movements of Vasily and the other killers.

  What big problem could there be? It's the end of the world, it's just skin itching.

  He pulled out a bag from under the car seat, took out a bottle of toilet water, and handed it to Vasili,

  "Actually, I have always admired you and want to make friends with you."

  "Don't you have any goals? How about walking together in the apocalypse? This way we can take care of each other."

  Vasili is the leader of the killer organization, and walking with such a capable person is a boost to Zhong Zimo.

  Seeing Vasily taking the toilet water and wiping it on the back of his hand.

  Zhong Zimo reached out again and pulled out a female star with deep eyes and slightly curly hair from the seat next to him.

  Pushed directly into Vasily's arms.

  Zhong Zimo said, "Do you still remember her? Caroline Cubero, she acted in a moral drama last year and won the Little Golden Queen."

  Vasili was stunned for a moment, and then he hugged the little golden figure in the movie.

  He seemed to have little interest in women's bodies.

  But this woman smells like meat.

  Weird meaty aroma.

  Vasily's heart beat faster for no reason.

  Finally, Vasily's slow-responsive brain gave him a signal, and he nodded and agreed to go with Zhong Zimo.

  Several other killers also got on the car, and several women came up to meet him at Zhong Zimo's suggestion. Several people dragged a killer and pulled him into the group of them.

  The driver came back from buying gas and frowned at the live erotic drama on the bus, with disgust in his eyes.

  As a veteran driver for many years, he knew that Zhong Zimo was not a good person with just one glance.

  Now a few more gangsters have arrived.

  These people made his bus a mess.

  The driver secretly kept this in mind and kept complaining to the group of drivers about the weirdness of this car all the way.

  The car arrived at City C as planned, and then changed cars from City C to City E.

  At this time, the snow stopped.

  In the temporary safety zone in D city, Hua Mi woke up from her sleep.

  Outside the car window were the cheers of the survivors.

  Gong Yi, who was holding her by his side, closed his eyes and touched her head. He said in a low voice,

  "Sleep a little longer. You have to sleep now if you want to. Otherwise, when the girls are born, you won't be able to sleep even if you want to."

  Hua Mi rested her head on Gong Yi's arm, closed her eyes, listened carefully, and asked: "What are they happy about? The snow has stopped?"

  Gong Yi said "hmm" and said seriously,

  "They are here and glad that not only has the snow stopped, but no new natural disasters are coming this time."

  Over the past six months, the survivors have experienced one natural disaster after another.

  The weird weather caught people off guard and made them exhausted.

  But this time, after the snow stopped, there were no earthquakes, no continuous darkness, and no thick fog.

 Except for the zombies who were easy to kill, they were thankful that humans finally had a chance to breathe.

  In the dim light, Hua Mi and Gong Yi looked at each other.

  Hua Mi frowned, and just when she was about to speak, a string of letters suddenly appeared in front of her eyes,

  [Enable security scan.]

  [Security and defense project completed]

  [Defense project rating: High-level protection Xiangcheng base wall construction completed]

  [Activate 18 square meters of black soil in the backyard of the supermarket. Please select a site for the black soil. ]

[Received lottery draw X1]

   The construction, was finally repaired before the snow stopped.  

 That's good news.   

Gong Yi also smiled. He stood up and told Hua Mi, "I'll arrange the protection on the city wall. You can sleep a little longer."

  When Gong Yi left, Hua Mi took the remaining dozen square meters from the last upgrade. Together with the 18 newly obtained square meters of black land this time, they were all placed in Level 35 No. 2 Warehouse.  

 The snow has stopped, and there are many trees in Hua Mi's Level 35 No. 2 Warehouse. She has to run to several teleportation points every day to clear these trees out of the warehouse.  

 If the weather warms up, these trees will use less.  

 So Hua Mi stopped planting trees this time and planted all crops.

 Just after planting all the grains, there was a knock on the door of the RV.

  Hua Mi got up with a full belly and opened the door. Outside the door was a strange couple.

  The wife was wearing a fur collared leather jacket, looked very capable, and was holding a snow shovel in her hand.

  She looked up and down Hua Mi's belly and laughed, "Why are you still coming to D City to pan for gold when your belly is so big?"

  The scope of the temporary safe zone is getting larger and larger, and many strangers will use teleportation tickets to come to here.

  Many people don't know Hua Mi.

  They only know that in the temporary safety zone of D City, Hua Mi's roof-top off-road dual-extended RV is definitely a sight to behold.

  Hua Mi stood in the RV holding her belly and did not answer the woman. She

only asked, "Is something wrong?"

  The woman in leather clothes smiled and said,"It's nothing serious. The snow has finally stopped. We want to organize a celebration. Where is your husband?"

  For a woman with such a big belly to come to such a dangerous place in D City, it is only logical and reasonable to follow her husband out.

  Hua Mi replied, "He have something to do and his out of town."

  The leather-clad woman said "Oh" and asked,"Then he left you here alone? He's not worried about you being in any danger?"

  The man standing next to the leather-clad woman , is the husband of the leather-clad woman.

  His gaze passed through Hua Mi and cast an inquiring gaze into the RV.

  Without waiting for Hua Mi to answer the woman in leather, the man said, "That's it, I plan to organize a team of survivors in D City. Taking advantage of this opportunity to celebrate the cessation of snow, I want to gather all of us who kill zombies in D City."

  "We can discuss together how to clean up the zombies in D City as soon as possible before the snow melts."

  The man's words made Hua Mi, who was originally impatient, look at the man carefully.

  She stroked her belly and asked,

  "Is there an arrangement at the garrison? If the survivors act rashly, they may be in danger."

  The woman in leather clothes smiled with a nonchalant look on her face, "We are so powerful, what danger can there be? We can't always be suppressed by the garrison, right."

  She called Gong Yi's protection of survivors "suppression"?