Shi Caixia pulled out her axe, and guarded the entrance to the temporary safety zone in D City with Dafu and Xiaofu.

  All the belongings of most survivors are placed in the temporary safety zone.

  If they want to teleport back to Xiangcheng, they must first run to the safe zone to get their belongings.

  In this case, Hua Mi would definitely not let the survivors in D City simply teleport back to Xiangcheng.

  She can stop every one.

  Otherwise, allowing these survivors to return to Xiangcheng instantly will also make the garrison of Xiangcheng monitoring points more difficult.

  Guo Se pointed at Hua Mi with a finger. She had a cold face and anger in her eyes.

  But Guo Se's lips only moved and he didn't say anything provocative to Hua Mi.

  She turned around and ran through the snow in the direction of Ni Shuiwen.

  Guo Se had no time to care about the wailing men on the ground.

  Shi Caixia looked at Guo Se's back and said, "Ah Mi, she must have called someone."

  Can they win? If they talk about last time, those on Ni Shuiwen's team chose to keep things quiet.

  So this time, it was obvious that they would not expose them so easily.

Guo Se hurriedly ran in the direction where the survivors were gathered.

  But the situation took a new turn when she left.

  The ice had been blasted open before, zombies swarmed out, and the survivors in front had gone crazy.

  Guo Se and Ni Shuiwen were quickly rushed away. Guo Se led a group of survivors alone and was squeezed out by the situation.

  Who knew that when their team was killing zombies in front, zombies walking half a street were wandering behind them.

  By the time Guo Se and her team finally finished killing the zombies and rushed out, many survivors had been injured.

  But overall, the survivors still had the advantage at that time.

  But now she ran towards the injured location of the survivor, and there was no trace of the survivor there.

  From time to time, a few zombies will appear.

  A few streets away, the roars of zombies could be heard one after another.

  Guo Se didn't know what was going on.

  She didn't even know where her injured teammates had gone.

  The development of the situation here makes Guo Se a little confused.

  She killed the zombies on the street and called Ni Shuiwen.

  But the call was never answered.

  After a while, she finally saw a few survivors, covered in injuries, dragging hordes of zombies from another street.

  As soon as they saw Guo Se, they shouted happily, "Sister Guo, Sister Guo."

  As their shouts of joy rang out, the last survivor suddenly fell to the ground, twitching all over, and his eyes went to turning up, most of the whites of his eyes were exposed.

  Everyone scrambled to drag the twitching companion who fell to the ground and continued running towards Guo Se.

  Guo Se's eyelids jumped. Although the zombies were easy to kill, the survivors were all injured.

  And she has been running around today, hasn't eaten anything yet, and already feels very tired.

  As Guo Se retreated towards another street, she dug into the pocket at her waist.

  There is a bottle of [Energy Water Drop] there.

  Taking a sip of [Energy Water Drop], her strength will be greatly improved.

  Guo Se took a deep breath and touched her waist with her fingers, but couldn't find it.

  Where is her [Energy Droplet]?

  For a moment, Guo Se's face turned pale.

  Why is it missing?

  She obviously put the bottle of [Energy Water Drops] together with her waist bag.

  But now even the fanny pack is gone.

  This is really a leaky house and it rains all night. She has never considered this situation.

  If you encounter a lot of zombies, what will you do when you get tired of killing them?

  Guo Se felt that the current situation was different from what the survivors imagined.

  She could only shout to the injured survivors, "Let's evacuate first."

  Evacuate all the way to the street next door. Maybe you can meet other survivors and let them go and help kill these zombies.

  After saying that, Guo Se ran away.

  The few injured survivors following her could only run forward together.

  Someone was running and shouting breathlessly, "These zombies are so persistent, we can't get rid of them no matter what."

  They all know that zombies move slowly, and their moving speed is not much faster than a normal person walking. .

  But they are difficult to kill.

  You must cut off their necks and spines accurately.

  It seems very simple.

  But this is not the case at all.

  When a survivor deals with a zombie, he or she may not be able to cut off the zombie's neck with one knife.

  The longest machete on the market is less than half a meter long.

  In other words, if a survivor approaches a zombie and wants to cut off the zombie's neck, he must be within one meter.

  It may not be possible to cut the zombie's neck with one knife.

  When in close contact with zombies, they have to avoid their hands, feet and teeth.

  You also have to endure the disgusting looks of zombies.

  A knife can't hit the zombie's neck. The zombie doesn't feel anything, not even the slightest hint of pain.

  They can crawl out without arms or legs and bite survivors.

  Can the survivors escape with severed hands and feet?

 It's not difficult to kill one, two, or even a dozen zombies.

  The difficult thing is that there are always large groups of zombies that feel no pain, are in hot pursuit, and can still make friends.

  Guo Se turned to another street and paused, her eyes widening.

  On the opposite street, a large number of zombies were walking slowly.

  Oh my god!

  They were all lured here by zombies.

  Guo Se made a breakthrough earlier today. Now that she lost the [Energy Water Drop], she felt more and more tired.

  She can only run to another street again.

  The few survivors following her had no choice.

  They followed Guo Se and continued to another street.

  Someone shouted, "Hurry up and go back to the safe area. Let's go back to the safe area. I have teleportation tickets in my car."

  Guo Se also wanted to go back to the safe area, and instead of going back to get the teleportation tickets, she had a few more bottle [Energy Water Drop].

  She wanted to go back and get the [Energy Drops].

  However, there were many twists and turns along the way.

  The street leading to the safe zone was blocked by dense zombies.

  These zombies are surrounding a dozen survivors.

  It is a team of survivors under Ni Shuiwen.

  When they saw Guo Se rushing over, they shouted happily,"Sister Guo, Sister Guo, give me some supplies, Sister Guo."

  Many of the zombies on the street came towards Guo Se.

  Behind Guo Se, the injured survivors shouted crazily, "Go quickly, go quickly, Sister Guo."

  The situation was the same as what Guo Se had encountered just now.

  She glanced at the besieged team of survivors on the street in front of her.

  With her heart pounding, she turned around and ran towards an empty street.

  It can't be saved.

  Although she also wanted to save them.