The crowd made even louder noises.

  This is the first time for many survivors to experience such a situation.

  In frequent natural disasters, it is true that they also have relatives who died, but like this, a few hours ago, their relatives were still alive.

  As a result, he jumped up and hugged him and took a bite.

  It seemed too tragic.

  Especially the tall, muscular man who was bitten.

  No reaction at all.

  The one who bit him was his own brother.

  "He, he was bitten."

  "Bitten by his brother."

  The crowd whispered.

  If the younger brother bites the older brother, will the older brother also become a zombie?

  Before the tall, strong man who had been bitten could recover, a survivor immediately stopped hesitating.

  They stepped forward and chopped the zombies in the open space into several pieces.

  After sharing the same hatred with the enemy, the survivors in the open space quickly became quiet again.

  One by one, they all looked at the tall man in the clearing.

  Everyone seemed to realize that this tall and strong man had just been bitten by his own brother.

  The tall man's neck was bleeding, and he looked at his brother's body at his feet with a pale face.

  He raised his hand and touched his neck again.

  It seems that he still can't accept what happened.

  At this time, Ni Shuiwen walked out of the crowd and said, "Wu Guilong, if you are bitten by a zombie, you will also become a zombie."

  The man named Wu Guilong had an ugly look on his dark face.

  He stared at Ni Shuiwen, gritting his teeth, "What do you mean?"

  Ni Shuiwen said nothing, just pursed his lips and looked at Wu Guilong.

  But everyone understand. Ni Shuiwen's meaning was very simple. In order to prevent the situation like that from happening again, Wu Guilong must die.

  They saw it with their own eyes, that was what happened around them. The survivors were bitten by zombies.

  They will turn into a zombie.

  People who were alive a few hours ago will turn into zombies a few hours later.

  So Wu Guilong was bitten and he wouldn't live long.

  A few days ago, the team was so awesome that they wanted to unite, seize the power of killing monsters from the garrison, and earn more crystal cores.

  It has now reduced to this.

  Wu Guilong just stood in the gaze of everyone, being pointed at by everyone.

  His brother had just died, and his brother was the most supportive of Ni Shuiwen's ambitions.

  Before everyone here knew Ni Shuiwen, Wu Guilong and his brother worked with Ni Shuiwen and his wife through various natural disasters.

  It was Ni Shuiwen who said that we still don't know what the future apocalyptic environment will be like, and they should keep up with changes in current events.

  So the two brothers followed Ni Shuiwen to the top of City D to fight zombies.

  It was Ni Shuiwen who said that if you want to gain a foothold in the apocalypse, you must obtain more crystal nuclei.

  It was also Ni Shuiwen who said that he would form a regiment, break away from the shackles of the garrison, and in the future he would lead this regiment into the strongest, largest and most powerful team in the apocalypse.

  As a result, Ni Shuiwen was the first to come out and said that Wu Guilong was going to become a zombie and he was bitten by a zombie.

  The situation is stronger than the people. Faced with the fingers and prods of the survivors, Wu Guilong felt aggrieved.

  He watched Ni Shuiwen step forward, raised the knife in his hand, and was about to chop at him.

  Wu Guilong took two steps back and dodged Ni Shuiwen's knife. His expression suddenly changed, "Ni Shuiwen, what are you doing? I haven't turned into a zombie yet!"

  He was in a very uncomfortable mood, but even so, Wu Guilong was now, there is still a clear understanding that he is a human being.

  He hasn't turned into a zombie yet?

  "What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for him to really turn into a zombie and come over to bite us?"

  Ni Shuiwen shouted when no one moved.

  In terms of strength, from the time he first met Wu Guilong, Ni Shuiwen, who was just a small leader of the company before the end of the world, was not as strong as the boxer Wu Guilong.

  It is precisely because of Wu Guilong's great efforts that Ni Shuiwen, his wife, and Wu Guilong's brother had more hope of survival amid frequent natural disasters.

  So at this time, if Ni Shuiwen kills Wu Guilong alone, he may not have the ability to kill the boxer Wu Guilong.

  Ni Shuiwen encouraged the remaining survivors to kill Wu Guilong together.

  But many people know that Wu Guilong is not easy to mess with.

  He is so strong that he basically doesn't need any weapons to kill zombies. He can beat a zombie's head into pieces with just one fist.

  Even now, this kind of person is not easy to deal with.

  Seeing that no one dared to step forward, Ni Shuiwen turned his attention to the garrison.

  He took a few steps forward, pointed at the ugly-looking Wu Guilong, and said to Zhou Cheng, who had finished his shift,

  "You guys don't care? There is a person here who was bitten by a zombie. You saw it, right? He was bitten by a zombie."

  Zhou Cheng took out the latest issue of Garrison Internal Reference from his pocket and flipped through it.

  He turned to an article written by an anonymous author named "Fried Golden Flower": "On the three directions of change after being bitten by a zombie."

  This manuscript was not written by a garrison elite. It was submitted by an anonymous author and submitted directly to Commander Gong, who forwarded it to the garrison internal reference editorial department.

  "It said that after being bitten by a zombie, 95% will become a zombie, but there is a 4% chance, nothing will happen."

  Zhou Cheng shook the garrison internal reference in his hand and read the article aloud . .

  Hua Mi, who was dragging a long knife and holding out a huge pregnant belly, listened expressionlessly.

  "It also said that after an ordinary person is bitten by a zombie, there is a 1% chance of evolving into a person with super powers."

  Zhou Cheng continued to read.

  Hua Mi added, "The premise is that before evolving into a superpower, he is not killed by other fearful survivors."

  Zhou Cheng nodded immediately, "Yes, that's right, that's what Fried Golden Flower said, Sister Hua have studied very deeply."

  "Learn from Sister Hua!" The rest of the garrison shouted in unison.

  Standing behind Ni Shuiwen, the pale Wu Guilong suddenly raised his face and looked at Hua Mi and Zhou Cheng with a sad expression.

  This famous boxer before the end of the world seemed to have experienced the tragedy of the death of his last relative in a very short period of time.

  His mood has not been adjusted yet.

  As a result, he will face the accusations of his companions, the danger of turning into a corpse, and the despair of dying at the hands of his companions while he still has human consciousness.

  In this desperate situation, it was the garrison they had disliked the most before who came out to say something fair.

  There is still a total of 5% chance that he will not become a zombie.


  Wu Guilong laughed, with tears in his eyes, looking at his companions who were pointing at him and wanting to kill him,

  "Living is not a very happy thing."

  This is a kind of very heavy heart.

  Wu Guilong became famous at a young age and held the boxing championship for several years. Most of the people around him were kind.

  His family, his friends, his opponents, countless fans who love him.

  All are friendly.

  He has never experienced a situation like today.