She tells them to tied him up with chains? !

 Listen, what is this tone? A pregnant woman even used a commanding tone to order the garrison to do things.

  Why is Hua Mi so arrogant?

 Can she fight?

 Ni Shuiwen felt sour in his heart, and he sneered coldly.

  It's strange that the garrison would listen to Hua Mi.

  These rigid-minded garrisons will only obey orders from their superiors.

  The survivors had already found out clearly that the highest-ranking garrison in D City was the garrison named Zhou Cheng.

  They heard that he used to be the garrison commander of City C, but later he surrendered to Gong Yi and handed over power.

  There were also survivors who looked at Hua Mi as if they were laughing.

  They won't help tie Wu Guilong, let Hua Mi scream at her throat to find the chains.

  Human nature, in terms of details, always reflects a certain kind of ugliness.

  Just when everyone was standing by and watching the excitement without taking any action, a garrison found a bunch of iron chains from the safety area and said, "Sister Hua, you can rest, we will do it."

  Several garrisons stepped forward and tied up Wu Guilong with quick hands and feet.

  In the astonished eyes of the survivors around him, one of the guards patted Wu Guilong on the shoulder and said, "I wish you good luck."

  Wu Guilong almost burst into tears.

  It was obviously just a perfunctory blessing, just like the "Welcome" you often heard when visiting a store before the end of the world.

  Or the common phrase "The weather is really nice today" when a friend greets you.

  But it is the most pertinent blessing without any malice in Wu Guilong's current world.

  Yes, in the last days, people's hearts are hateful. It is precisely because of this that the only bit of kindness becomes more dazzling and more inspiring.

  Following Hua Mi's instructions, the garrison tied Wu Guilong up with chains and brought him into the safe area.

  Huo Jing and the contractor were wearing iron armor and resting against a car.

  The two of them are the only ones working here. In order to keep up with the progress, they each have 10 bottles of [Energy Water Drops]. When they are tired, they take a sip, and the strength will work wonders.

  With the blessing of [Energy Water Drops], the two of them spent dozens of hours and used their own strength to pull the barbed wire fence in the D city safety zone into shape.

  Now the two of them are holding a bottle of [Energy Water Drop] and toasting to celebrate the completion.

  Hua Mi also received news here that the power grid in the D city safety zone was completed, and successfully obtained 19 square meters of black land.

  [Obtain lottery X1]

  [Remaining lottery X37]

  She has not placed 19 square meters of black land for the time being.

  Because considering that the temperature is rising now, in addition to D City, there are many cities with a large number of zombies.

  There will be many places where teleport points will be placed in the future.

  Moreover, the survivors in the Xiangcheng base are not short of supplies.

  At least compared to Hua Mi's previous life, the survivors in this apocalypse will not starve to death.

  Hua Mi did not have to rush to plant the newly acquired 19 square meters of black land.

  She followed Wu Guilong and the rest of the garrison back to the safe area.

  Huo Jing and the contractor, who were working on [Energy Water Drops], immediately stood up in high spirits.

  The contractor was wearing iron armor and stuffed the half-drunk [Energy Water Drop] into Huo Jing's arms.

  He ran towards Hua Mi with a bang, held out a remote control in both hands, and smiled flatteringly, " Miss Hua, this is the remote control I specially prepared for you."

  Hua Mi glanced at it, "What is it for?"

  Seeing the contractor offering a treasure, he pressed the remote control in his hand.

  The barbed wire fence outside the safety zone made a "sizzling" sound, and electric current instantly spread across the barbed wire fence.

  The contractor bent down, held up the remote control with both hands, and said loudly in a voice that could be heard by the survivors outside, "From now on, Miss Hua will rule this safe zone. If they don't obey, you will just turn off the electric switch in the safe area."

  Tell those survivors to be defeated. You want to be defeated, right?

See how he hug the thigh of Sister Hua and slaps the survivors outside.

  No wonder it's him who knows best.

 A proud smile appeared on Mr. Bao's face. With this flattery, Bao'er guarantees that he will be able to hug her thighs!

  Huo Jing, who was not far away, was dumbfounded as he looked at his uncle's flattering face.

  He couldn't help but secretly gave Mr. Bao a thumbs up.

  Hua Mi couldn't help but want to touch Mr. Bao's dog head.

  She held back and politely took the remote control delivered by Mr. Bao with both hands.

 "Thank you, you are considerate."

  The survivors outside the barbed wire whispered to each other.

  "What is the identity of this fat-bellied woman?"

  "The garrison listened to her. She also built a power grid in the D city safety zone."

"She can stop the power grid at any time. Then we offended her and she stopped the power grid. Now, can't zombies rush into the safe area?"

  "This woman's status must be high."

  In the low conversation, Ni Shuiwen's eyes were deep, staring at Hua Mi's back, not knowing where he was thinking.

  The 48 hours have not yet come, and the number of zombies in D City is getting smaller and smaller under the control of Gong Yi's layout.

  The tense and dangerous atmosphere is relaxing a little bit.

  With the completion of the power grid, the safety factor of the D city safety zone has improved a lot.

  The survivors suffered heavy losses, and many people had other plans in mind.

  In fact, when they fly back to Xiangcheng, they have to be quarantined and observed for 48 hours from the moment they land.

  It is better to enter the temporary safe zone, take a short rest, and continue killing zombies in D City. After suffering such a big loss this time, the remaining survivors will never dare to explode the ice privately from now on. .

  From now on, follow the garrison and let the garrison rush in front. They will pick up the leaks and earn more than ten or twenty crystal cores a day.

  Not bad actually.

  Everyone was making small plans. Outside the safe zone, the survivors who were under quarantine and observation gradually became calmer.

  The bodies on the snow were shoveled away by garbage trucks that came slowly.

  A survivor casually glanced at the densely packed garbage truck compartment and muttered,

  "I wonder who is sitting in there?"

  "It's just like a ruthless robot that only knows how to shovel corpses."

  Weird garbage truck , and there are weird sweeping robots all over the city.

  No one will really explore who is sitting in the garbage truck. Survival and struggle are at the core of all survivors.

  It's gradually falling into the night.

  As City D was lifted from the dangerous state, more and more survivors were rescued from the zombie flow.

  The garrison re-divided an isolation observation area and placed the newly returned survivors in batches.

  This crisis was created by the survivors' cleverness, and it took the garrison a day to finally calm it down.

  Ni Shuiwen took a look at the newly returned survivors, but did not find Guo Se among them.

  He quickly gave up and only set his sights inside the safe zone, landing on Hua Mi's RV.