Wu Guilong thinks that Hua Mi, a woman, may have adapted to what others often say:

  One pregnancy makes you stupid for three years.

  Otherwise, based on this algorithm, she would definitely suffer a loss.

  The price of a piece of bread in the safe zone now starts at 100 yuan.

  The price is not expensive. Prices have been greatly depreciated. Now around the Xiangcheng base, the money can still be used as money.

  But in other places, money is just a piece of waste paper.

  Hua Mi gave Wu Guilong 5 pieces of bread at once and asked Dafu to feed Wu Guilong.

  She seemed to just say it casually, not caring whether Wu Guilong really wrote her any agreement, and just went back to her RV.

  Only after Wu Guilong wolfed down the bread Dafu fed him did he signal to Dafu.

  Ask Dafu to bring him paper and pen.

  The young boy leaned against the car door, shaking the pen and paper in his hand, and said to Wu Guilong, "Uncle, you said you were going to become a zombie, so what's the use of writing this?"

  "My sister is a kind-hearted person, she actually wants to do good things to others, but she have to find such a vicious excuse."

  Wu Guilong in the truck, although he was tied into a knot, was twisting hard,

  "No matter what, I still have to be trustworthy as a person, maybe I became zombie, I still have some memory in my head. Do you think I still remember that I had to work for Sister Hua for 100 years?"

  He struggled to move his hands from under the iron chain, "Dafu, I told you to write, you help write, and then I make a bloody fingerprint."

  This is a very important thing.

  Wu Guilong felt that he had reached his limit and not only committed his whole life to Hua Mi.

  Even in the next life, he promised Hua Mi.

  Anyway, if you have to make up for 100 years, you will probably have about 10 hours left to live in this life.

  The remaining 100 years can only be paid back in the next life.

  He was very determined, and when he swore the oath, he really thought that he would be a cow and a horse for Hua Mi in his next life.

  After drawing the bloody handprint, Wu Guilong lay contentedly in the truck, looking at the stars while waiting to die.

  He also deliberately stretched his neck so that when he turned into a zombie, it would be easier for Dafu to strike.

  On this end, Hua Mi really didn't take the five pieces of bread to heart.

  She returned to the RV and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Gong Yi sitting in the RV.

  He took a shower in the small toilet. Now he was wearing a garrison T-shirt and large pants of the same color, wiping the hair on his head as he walked out of the toilet.

  Seeing Hua Mi come back, Gong Yi hurriedly bent down and wiped away the water on the ground with a towel, "Sit here, sit here."

  He diligently stepped forward to help Hua Mi and sit on the U-shaped sofa.

  When he sat down, he reached out to protect Hua Mi's bulging belly.

  Hua Mi felt that it was very crowded. Now she had a big belly. Sitting on the sofa, the edge of the table was against her big belly.

  She was emotionally unstable in the third trimester of pregnancy, and she couldn't help but get angry when she saw such a trivial thing.

  Hua Mi kicked the legs of the aluminum alloy table in front of her and said irritably, "Gong Yi, can you saw off this thing?"

  "Okay!" Gong Yi stood up immediately, "Saw it now."

  After a while, with a wave of invisible mental power, he sawed off an aluminum alloy table leg flatly.

  Gong Yi moved the table away and looked at Hua Mi lying on the sofa. He finally felt comfortable and he breathed a sigh of relief.

  He sat next to her, carefully raised his hand and touched Hua Mi's belly.

  Although he did not always physically accompany Hua Mi, Gong Yi paid attention to Hua Mi all the time.

  He is a psychic and does not need to sleep.

  Yes, the brain of a person with mental powers is too active. He often stays in high spirits for ten days and a half.

  So Gong Yi knew about Hua Mi's recent mood changes, being irritable, easily sentimental, and always forgetting things.

  Gong Yi didn't dare to mess with her.

  So now, seeing Hua Mi's listless spirit, Gong Yi touched her belly and took out a book "How to Be a Good Husband - Wife's Pregnancy" to read.

  Hua Mi didn't speak, and he didn't dare to say a word, for fear that if he said one more word, he would anger his wife.

  A beautiful girl, was in a very unstable state of mind because she wanted to conceive a child for him. She also suffered from pregnancy edema, and her body was bloated and deformed.

  Don't he have to give in to her more?

  After a while, Hua Mi took a nap, closed her eyes, and took out a cup of milk tea from the Level 35 No. 1 warehouse to drink.

  Halfway through the drink, Dafu called her outside.

  Hua Mi raised her hand and put the milk tea on the table.

  What about the table?

 She lost her composure for a moment and turned her head to look at Gong Yi with an expressionless face.

  Gong Yi originally relaxed his vigilance when he saw Hua Mi holding milk tea in one hand, maintaining a "putting" posture.

  As if facing a formidable enemy, he immediately reached out to take the milk tea from Hua Mi's hand and smiled at her,."Honey, what I'm saying is, you go out to do some errands first, and I promise to put the table back for you when you get back."

  Hua Mi didn't have to say anything , Gong Yi immediately stood up, pretending to be busy tinkering with the sawed-off table legs.

  Hua Mi pursed her lips. Seeing that Gong Yi was busy, she didn't say anything and just held her stomach and walked out of the RV door.

  Dafu was waiting for her outside. When he saw her coming out, he handed Hua Mi the letter of commitment signed with Wu Guilong's blood, "Sister Ami, that person asked me to give it to you. He...he hasn't turned into a zombie yet. "

  Dafu looked a little unbearable.

  He felt that Wu Guilong was actually a nice person, at least he was not as cunning as other survivors.

  Hua Mi glanced at Dafu and said calmly, "It hasn't changed now, but that doesn't mean it won't change in the future."

  Dafu hesitated and asked, "Does he still have hope? I mean, is this it? ? Is there no hope at all?"

  "Can we just watch these people turn into zombies without any solution?"

  He was a little sad.

  Since the end of the world, the little boy has been surrounded by his parents and sister.

  Because he had been working for Hua Mi, he had not suffered much from the previous natural and man-made disasters.

  After arriving in D city, the little boy seemed to have grown up in an instant.

  He had deeper thoughts on many things.

  Maybe, there will be a solution to this despair after all?

 Sister Ami knows everything, and she must have a solution to this dilemma.

  Maybe it is very difficult to achieve this method, maybe it is completely impossible to achieve it by oneself.

  But at least it will give desperate people a direction to work towards.

  Rather than like now, despair seems to have taken root and grown in people's hearts.

  Hua Mi smiled.

  Looking at such an innocent child, she couldn't help but raise her hand and touched Dafu's head,

  "I'll tell you a way to never let yourself fall into despair."

  "You have to keep working hard to become stronger. When you become the strongest, then your road will become wider and wider."

  "Despair will be further and further away from you."