Looking at the bruised and bloody man in front of him.

  He was beaten violently by Huo Jing not long ago, and he is still alive?

 Hua Mi held the large bag of crystal cores in her hand and looked at Ni Shuiwen's natural face.

  She smiled and said,

  "These crystal nuclei were given to me by your wife."

  A large bag of crystal nuclei, placed in Guo Se's pocket, could fill the entire pocket.

  And these crystal nuclei were obtained by Guo Se through life and death.

  What it have to do with Ni Shuiwen?

 Ni Shuiwen raised his hand, casually wiped away the blood flowing from his head, and said nonchalantly, "My wife and I are husband and wife. What's mine is hers, and what's hers is mine. I have the right to deal with what my wife left behind. This batch of crystal nuclei."

  "This is our joint property as husband and wife."

  For Ni Shuiwen, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is obviously an unfair transaction.

  He don't know how much money he can exchange for such a big bag of crystal cores. It's enough to buy countless long knives and even feed an entire team.

  She just gave it to Hua Mi directly, and it was only when Guo Se accidentally regained consciousness that she made such a decision.

  Ni Shuiwen believed that if Guo Se was awake, she would not do this.

  "Ah Mi, you have also seen what condition my wife is in. Her mind is no longer clear, and what she said does not count." Ni Shuiwen stopped in front of Hua Mi and refused to let her leave.

  Hua Mi smiled and raised her face,

  "But this is my rule. Whatever goes into my pocket is mine, and no one can take it out of my pocket."

  She is a woman who loves money very much.

  Hua Mi clearly remembers even the supplies her husband Gong Yi needs.

  They range from materials supplied to the garrison to [energy crystal beads] used by Gong Yi.

  For every transaction, Gong Yi had to give her money.

  Ni Shuiwen's face became ugly and unsightly, "Ami, aren't you blatantly robbing? Ask the people here, you take it before you even checked how many crystal nuclei there were in such a big bag. Is it appropriate for my wife to have just a long knife?"

  The survivors around him nodded in support.

  It's really a bit inappropriate.

  Someone whispered, "Did the big-bellied woman bully Sister Guo into being unconscious, so she planned to rob her?" "

  "If Sister Guo wakes up, she will definitely regret using so many crystal cores and buy a long knife. "

  Hua Mi continued to laugh,

  "She will regret it when she wakes up, and I won't return the crystal core to her." "

 " My principle is, if you can rob it then I can also do it. How about it? You are allowed to rob by force. So why can't I do it?"

  It's just a robbery, how about it?

 Just ask, how is it? ? ?

 A group of survivors looked ugly. It hadn't been long since they had planned to rob Chichuan.

  Now they are accusing Hua Mi of robbing Guo Se's crystal core. From what standpoint do they accuse Hua Mi?

 This position does not seem to exist.

  The accusations around him gradually subsided. The main reason was that Hua Mi was so powerful that they simply couldn't win.

  With this fighting ability to defeat pregnant women, they can go out and kill several zombies.

  Ni Shuiwen glanced around and found that both of the people who had been helping him became silent.

  He was anxious, waved his hand and said, "Our husband and wife's joint property cannot be given away without knowing it. You can help me get it back. I will give you 50 crystal cores for each person."

Hua Mi was holding it in her hand. The bag was heavy and probably contained thousands of crystal nuclei.

  Even tens of thousands are possible.

  Who knows how many zombies Guo Se has killed?

  She was trapped in the zombie stream for several days, and at the moment of life and death, she kept killing zombies day and night.

  The hard-earned crystal core must not be so cheap for Hua Mi.

  It was heard that one person could receive 50 crystal nuclei. The survivors' original indifference and unwillingness to meddle in other people's affairs changed again.

  Someone stood up and said sanctimoniously, "Commander Ni, you're too polite. It doesn't matter whether the core is crystallized or not. The key is that the truth is the truth."

He then politely said to Hua Mi, "Ah Mi, it's your business. You can't do this, it's too unethical."


  Hua Mi sneered and walked towards her RV, "What kind of morality is there in the end of the world? If I were a moral person, wouldn't I be swallowed by you guys?"

  As she was about to leave, she was stopped by two survivors.

  They also had polite faces, showing a good-negotiation attitude,

  "Ami, just return the crystal core that the wife punched out to her husband, and we will get her your long knife back for her."

  Everyone saw it. Guo Se staggeredly offered a large bag of crystal cores to buy Hua Mi's long knife and the right amount of supplies.

  Hua Mi put the long knife in Guo Se's hand and returned to the safe area with the crystal core.

  As for what Guo Se said, the remaining crystal cores should be exchanged for appropriate supplies.

  Guo Se can't live anymore. It looks like she will become a zombie. Zombies don't need any supplies.

  So replacing such a big bag of crystal nuclei with a long knife would make anyone feel sick.

  Hua Mi, whose way was blocked, held the crystal core in one hand and rested her hand on her lower back.

  Her face, which was swollen during pregnancy, became colder little by little, and finally revealed a trace of murderous intent, "Don't think that I can't kill you because I gave Guo Se my long knife, get out of my way!"

  She said coldly, She looked at the two little ones blocking her in front of her.

  They also saw Hua Mi killing people.

  But when Hua Mi was killing people at the survivor gathering, only one or two people stopped her, and she had a long knife in her hand.

  Now if a group of survivors come together, they may not be able to grab the bag of crystal cores from a big-bellied woman.

  The two little ones standing in front of Hua Mi didn't move.

  Hua Mi turned around and looked around. The survivors in the safe zone surrounded her.

  They all remained motionless, looking at Hua Mi with numb, greedy eyes.

  Ni Shuiwen said, "Ah Mi, I don't want to embarrass you. Just put down my crystal core and we will still be friends."

  Her husband is a high-level garrison, and Ni Shuiwen doesn't want to offend the man behind Hua Mi.

  But just because Hua Mi's man are on guard duty, that doesn't mean he can be arrogant and rob Ni Shuiwen of so many crystal nuclei.

  Moreover, the garrisons inside and outside the safe zone of D City have all gone to kill zombies, and this safe zone has been left unattended.

  Whoever has a bigger fist can be the master of this safe zone.

  What happened to Hua Mi? If her hands and feet were kept clean, the garrison wouldn't notice.

  Hua Mi smiled and raised the crystal core bag in her hand.

  This bag is packed in a very ordinary plastic bag.

  Through the transparent plastic bag, you can still see the bright crystal core inside.

  A very solid, heavy bag of crystal nuclei.

  Hua Mi said, "Okay, if any of you wants this bag of crystal nuclei, come and get it."

  "If you have the ability, take it!"