Watch how Hua Mi's people in D City, one teleport ticket per person, and not a single zombie they will kill.

  The dozen or so exhausted survivors, while killing the zombies that climbed up, shouted angrily, "You don't give us teleportation tickets, and you don't come to kill the zombies. Are you deliberately trying to kill us?"

  So Hua Mi is like this, this is forcing them to death.

  Hua Mi was about to get into the RV when she heard this and sneered coldly,

  "Oh, you just know?"

  Those who can be subdued have already been subdued, and those who should submit have already submitted.

  The rest who are left behind are those who have different intentions, have evil intentions, and are not on the same side as Hua Mi?

  Why do you need Hua Mi's people to rescue you?

  When they wanted to steal other people's supplies, no one thought about being kind.

  Gradually, more zombies climbed into the safe area.

  Among the dozen survivors, someone realized the seriousness of the problem and threw himself at Wu Guilong's feet like a dog. "Guilong, Guilong, come quickly and help kill a zombie."

  This person was exactly the one who previously, wanted to grab the teleportation tickets and supplies from Chichuan.

  Wu Guilong looked at the survivors at his feet with complicated eyes, "My boss said, we're going to stop killing ."

  As soon as he finished saying this, the survivor who had previously held a knife to force Hua Mi to hand over supplies tore up the teleport ticket and left.

  Look, in fact, it's not like they really don't have teleportation tickets in their hands. When the crisis comes, they run faster than the other.

  Wu Guilong raised his feet and shook off the hand holding him. The survivor, who was crying and asking for help, turned around and entered his car.

  Because Hua Mi was completely don't want to help.

  After a while, more than a dozen survivors flew out of the D city safety zone.

  Some people were cursing and spitting at Hua Mi's RV as they left, "I wish you and the zombies would die together."

  If they didn't help kill the zombies, even a dozen of them wouldn't be able to survive.

  They originally thought that if they stayed here, even if they didn't kill the zombies, they could still take the opportunity to get some supplies from Chichuan.

  As a result, there are now so many zombies that it is impossible to defeat them.

  It's better to run while they can.

  A city of zombies was finally left to Hua Mi and her people.

  Guo Se organized her supplies, got out of the truck, and was stunned for a long time when she saw the scene in front of him.

  Just opposite her, a zombie crawled over.

  She picked up the long knife and killed.

  When she turned around, she saw Hou Jing and the contractor re-laying the power grid in the safety zone.

  Guo Se could never figure out why they had so many power grids?

  Immediately afterwards, a bunch of people appeared in the center of the safety zone, including Ah Fu, Ye Rong, Qin Zhen, and Yu Mengmeng,some carrying supplies on their backs, and some carrying children.

  A dozen survivors flew away, and a lot of people came.

  And it looked like it was organized and planned.

  A woman said, "I'll just kill a few, and I'll go back and use the sewing machine to make coats."

  Immediately, someone looked at the zombies tremblingly and replied to her,

 "Now that the weather is getting warmer, the efficiency of our factory will be worse. A lot, we have to respond to Miss Qin's call and come to D City to earn extra money."

  During this period, D City was very lively, but there were also earth-shaking changes inside and outside the Xiangcheng base.

  Qin Zhen is a high-end talent in the management class. While taking care of her children, she encourages the workers in the factory to go to D City to kill zombies.

  There are many factories, many responders, and few doers.

  Even though there are few people taking action, there are still many brave men in the safe zone of D City.

  Qin Zhen was like the leader of a group, holding a loudspeaker in her hand and shouting loudly to the workers wearing red motorcycle helmets, "Remember, you are here to make extra money, not to work hard. You can't destroy your humanity and do things that endanger others."

  "Find your position and kill the zombies you can. Don't take risks and don't try to advance."

  Everyone who can work in the factory has some organizational discipline. Also follow the arrangements.

  In the power grid circle, a group of workers wore red helmets and held up banners.

  The banner read [Warmly celebrating the victory of the first zombie-killing event for workers at the Xiangcheng base]

  Everyone pulled the banner, raised the machetes in their hands, took a group photo, and then stood in the right position and started killing zombies.

  During the whole process, there wasn't any big trouble.

  Qin Zhen entered Hua Mi's RV and spoke to Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi called Wu Guilong and told him, "Look carefully, these are real workers. If they are in danger, please help."

  Wu Guilong responded on the phone, got out of his silent mode, and obediently went to protect those workers. .

  Zombies began to overrun in D City, and the news spread like wildfire, spreading throughout the entire Xiangcheng base in an instant.

  Soon, Yang Honglin's police team also organized police officers to come over.

  If there are no scattered survivors, no one dares to enter D City. Everyone will think that D City is a dragon's den.

  But at this time, organized and planned groups have better access to first-hand information about D City.

  The contractor had some infrastructure workers on hand, and they also called the contractor.

  He organized a group of people over there.

  There were hundreds more people in the entire safety zone instantly.

  More people came to Chichuan to buy things.

  There were gradually more and more people on the rooftop. Shi Caixia was explaining to everyone how to kill zombies while shaking the two axes in her hands.

  She chopped off the zombie's head like it was chopping vegetables.

  The zombies that climbed up to the rooftop were not enough to kill.

  The garrison began to enter the building below the safe zone and began to gradually clear the zombies in the building.

  The first disaster in the last days is an earthquake. In an earthquake, buildings that should collapse have already collapsed.

  If there is no collapse, the quality is really good. Even if it is buried in the zombie wave, it will not collapse.

  Hua Mi took a nap in the RV, and when she came out, she happened to see Guo Se coming down from the battlefield.

  She called out to Guo Se, "My husband said that there are some zombies in D City that have wandered out of the city. What are your plans next? When do you plan to leave D City?"

  Guo Se was stunned and looked at Hua Mi, "What? What do you mean? Do you mean you are leaving?"

  She witnessed this frozen city go from deserted to lively, and then from lively to experiencing an earth-shaking crisis.

  Now is perhaps the busiest time in the city.

  Guo Se never thought that Hua Mi would leave.

  Hua Mi nodded and looked at the well-organized safe area. "There are a lot of zombies here, but many zombies have wandered outside D city. I plan to go outside to kill zombies."

  She looked at Guo Se.

  Guo Se shook her head, "I will probably never leave D City in my life."

  She had an agreement with Hua Mi. As long as she stayed in D City for one day, Hua Mi would provide her with everything she needed.

  After leaving D city, Guo Se lost Hua Mi's material supplies.

  So she will stay in D City and kill all the zombies until they no longer have any interest in D City.

  Even if she was left alone, facing a city of zombies alone.

  Guo Se will not leave D city.