After a while, Xin Qiuru brought Tu Lijia to check the ward.

  Yang Honglin and Liu Shengyuan also came in.

  A small single ward was packed with people.

  Hua Mi told everyone very seriously,

  "Such low-level mutant beasts have no thoughts and emotions. They only have the most primitive instincts, so if you see them, don't doubt them, just kill them."

Because of this mutation ,Beasts are mutated from humans, so they have human forms.

  But not human.

  "If they combine with other species, they will have both human and animal characteristics. Don't be fooled by their appearance, just treat them as zombies. The only difference between them and zombies is that they can reproduce."

Hua Mi informed everyone in the ward about the characteristics of the mutant beast.

  The top priority now is to kill all in that bus.

  Because now the mutated species only stays at the combination of people.

  It's not that complicated, at least that's how human characteristics are. No matter how difficult it is to deal with, it's just like that.

  But if it spreads to other species, the characteristics of humans + animals will become more difficult to deal with.

  After they all took their places and went about their own business, Hua Mi pulled out the small table on the hospital bed and started writing for Internal Reference.

  Xin Qiuru on the side frowned, "I put you in the hospital just because I want you to calm down, take good care of the fetus, and prepare for delivery. How can you rest when you are so busy?"

Hua Mi stopped her hand, with a look of helplessness on her face, said, "I can't help it. I just thought that after all, I couldn't bear to destroy this place and these people, and I couldn't bear to let them die."

  In her previous life, she wouldn't have cared about the lives of those around her.

  She doesn't even care about her surroundings.

  In that life, all she have to do is live her life clearly.

  But in this life, she personally built the Xiangcheng base and personally selected the friends around her.

  How can she let go of this place? These people will be lost in the apocalypse?

  After all, in extreme environments, good things disappear too easily.

  Xin Qiuru watched Hua Mi start to shake the pen. She sighed and told Tu Lijia to take good care of Hua Mi.

  Turn around and check other wards.

  As soon as Xin Qiuru left, Shi Caixia came back with two axes on her back and said to Hua Mi anxiously, "Zhong Zimo hasn't answered the phone."

  During this period, Zhong Zimo would send a message to Shi Caixia every day.

  Because Zhou Cheng was very concerned, Shi Caixia never replied to Zhong Zimo's message.

  Now she want to contact Zhong Zimo, but she find that she have lost contact with this person.

  Hua Mi frowned and listened, "He haven't picked up yet? I'm afraid it's all bad." "

 " Then I can only place my hope on the driver. I hope Gong Yi can get there in time."

  Prioritize the matter, No matter how many zombies there are in the city, they are still under control.

  Now Vasili's car of mutant beasts has obviously exceeded the controllable range.

  So as soon as Gong Yi received the message from Hua Mi, he went to City E to find the driver.

  At this time, Zhong Zimo, who had been out of contact, frowned and looked at the empty driver's seat.

  He took out his cell phone and wanted to contact the driver who ran away.

  He had obviously paid enough, but when he came back from searching for supplies, the driver was gone.

Zhong Zimo wanted to scold the driver.

  As a result, the mobile phone signal is an X.

  Zhong Zimo lowered his head and cursed secretly. His universal signal connector fell off at some point.

  This thing is easy to use, it can be attached to the back of the phone, just like a low-quality phone holder.

  There is a risk of it falling anywhere due to poor stickiness.

  Zhong Zimo put away his cell phone expressionlessly, thinking that it was okay, since he had already spent all his money to rent this car.

  The original C City account has also been completely spent by him.

  Money, in this environment, depreciates faster than he imagined.

  Zhong Zimo raised his head and looked at Vasili and the killers numbly.

  He suddenly felt something strange.

  Speaking of which, due to the melting snow and the obstruction of the AE Expressway during this period, it was extremely difficult for them to go to E City and join Chen Hu.

  Because of countless obstacles, big and small, Zhong Zimo completely ignored the anomalies of Vasili and others.

  In fact, he had only been away from the bus for a few days.

  When he came back after searching for supplies, why were all the women's bellies bulging?

 Moreover, when he left, Vasily and others were having sex. When he came back, Vasily and others were still having sex. At

this time, Zhong Zimo was staring at the people in the car in surprise.

  Suddenly, Vasily raised his head and looked at Zhong Zimo with his cloudy and lifeless eyes.

  Zhong Zimo outside the car window was startled.

  He had no idea why Vasily and the others, who had been immersed in the gentle land of women, suddenly changed their appearance.

  He only knew that at this time, he had to run.

  Run quickly.

  Zhong Zimo alerted Vasily in the car.

  Several mutant beasts hit the window naked.

  They can't even open the car doors.

  The taste of food makes them crazy, and when Vasili and others were human, their physical fitness was much stronger than that of ordinary people.

  Without letting them hit it a few times, the window broke, and several mutant beasts jumped out of the bus.

  Zhong Zimo ran quickly in front, losing all the supplies he had finally found on the road.

  When he ran onto the highway, he looked in the direction of City E and City A.

  In fact, it is closer to go to City E, but City A is close to Xiangcheng. If you get on the Xiang A Expressway, you may encounter the garrison and police.

  And if he goes to E City, Chen Hu may not necessarily help him.

  Zhong Zimo didn't struggle much. Under the influence of exquisite egoism, he ran towards City A without hesitation.

  On the way, he was lucky enough to find a bicycle, and he rode it to find a car parked in a gas station garage.

  He drove the intact car and rushed directly towards the Xiangcheng base.

  Due to the construction of the Xiangcheng base, the original Xiang A Expressway has been dredged.

  So along the way, Zhong Zimo drove straight in, leading Vasily and other male mutant beasts to run towards Xiangcheng.

  He drove faster than the mutant beasts. Zhong Zimo felt a little relieved when he saw survivors on the road.

  But he didn't say hello to the other survivors either.

  Not even a word was said, and there was no reminder, just passing by the survivors.

  When they arrived at the wire fence at the Xiangcheng base, the car driven by Zhong Zimo was forced to stop.

  One of the guards held up an AK47 in his hand, pointed at Zhong Zimo and roared, "The car is driving so fast, what happened ? Tell me quickly!"

  The internal reference for the new issue has not been released yet, but the internal reference for the previous issue has already been repeated. Reminded them countless times.

  When the snow melts, the zombies will soon move out to Xiangcheng.