Ignore Shi Caixia's exaggerated look of shock.

  Hua Mi fearlessly held out her big belly and turned around to walk into the Tomson Shangpin Villa community.

  She paid full price for a suite here.

  Although she had never moved in, she could afford it. When she saw Qin Zhen selling a house, she asked Qin Zhen to leave a house for her.

  Tomson Shangpin Villa Community is very close to the power grid, and the owners there dare not cause trouble. Recently, the internal reference said that a zombie wave may be coming.

  The owners all dragged their families and moved inside the Xiangcheng base.

  Hua Mi passed through the teleportation point, entered the empty community directly, and walked towards her room number.

  There was silence behind her.

  Suddenly, when she opened the door, she was picked up by someone.

  Gong Yi's voice was filled with cold anger, "Aren't you in the hospital? Why did you come here again?"

  He was so busy that he didn't even have time to see his wife in the hospital.

  He rushed directly from D City to the east side of the Xiangcheng Base.

  Hua Mi smiled, raised her hand to hammer Gong Yi's shoulder, and let him put her on the sofa,

  "Didn't the two babies tell me that they wanted to see their father? So before you go to E City, Just bring them to see Dad."

  Make, make, make flower baskets! Hua Mi would not admit that she wanted to rush to E City to see what those mutant beasts were like.

  Gong Yi stared at Hua Mi with horror in his eyes, not believing Hua Mi's lies at all.

  He stood up and looked at Hua Mi, who was half lying on the sofa with an innocent look on her face.

  Gong Yi loosened the collar button on his garrison uniform.

  He said seriously, "Miss Hua Mi, let me formally remind you that you are currently in the hospital, because your condition has become serious enough that you must be hospitalized."

"You are being seriously irresponsible to yourself. Severe neglect of children, indifference to life, and too much carelessness about the future."

  While lecturing, he looked at the watch on his wrist and calculated the time for the garrison elites to gather.

  "If your condition is not serious, what about Dr. Xin? Why you are required to be hospitalized? Does she need the medical expenses? No, she does not need it. She has seen the seriousness of your problem and asked you to stay in hospital out of an attitude of being responsible for you and your children. Ms. Hua Mi, you have committed such similar things more than once or twice. What do I ask of you? I don't have high demands on you. I have never had any expectations of you since the day I got married. No matter what the request is, the only thing I ask of you is that you can ensure your own safety. Now that the child is in your belly, you must ensure your own safety as well as the safety of the children." Gong Yi was very serious. Standing in front of Hua Mi, his body was straight, and he was not willing to let Hua Mi stand and listen to the lecture, "What is a child? A child is our future? What are you? You are my wife, the person I will spend my life with , if there is anything wrong with you and your child, I will live with guilt for you and your child for the rest of my life."

  "You have to work hard for our future and our family. The direction of your hard work is to protect and be good to yourself, this is what you need to do urgently right now."

  During the entire lecture, Hua Mi lowered her head and touched her tall belly with both hands.

  At this time, she would not challenge Gong Yi.

  Because she felt it with her heart, although Gong Yi was a bit verbose, his starting point was entirely for Hua Mi's good.

  So although Hua Mi was used to being free, she was still willing to listen to Gong Yi's lecture.

  She hadn't felt such stern concern in a long time.

  Gong Yi reminded Hua Mi of her father, who had passed away many years ago.

  "My time is limited now. Please reflect on it carefully and submit a handwritten review of 500 no, 300 words."

  Gong Yi originally asked Hua Mi to submit a 500-word review, but considering that she is pregnant, writing may not be convenient.

  After training for 20 minutes, Gong Yi reduced the number of words in the review to the minimum standard.

  After saying that, he bent down, kissed Hua Mi on the face, turned around and hurried out of the door.

  Hua Mi was still lying on the sofa, raised her hand and touched her face, and couldn't help but smile.

  At this time, outside the iron gate, Zhong Zimo had been dragged away by two guards and shot in a remote place.

  He shouted desperately, wanting Shi Caixia to save him.

  But Shi Caixia was hugged by Zhou Cheng who suddenly appeared.

  Zhou Cheng was very anxious and covered Shi Caixia's ears with both hands, asking Shi Caixia to look at him.

  He said, "Zhong Zimo must die. If he doesn't die, anyone can go to the Xiangcheng base to attract monsters in the future."

In an emergency, it is human nature to run to a safer place.

  But even though it is human nature, this phenomenon cannot be tolerated and becomes the norm.

  "Understand? This kind of thing cannot be routine."

  Zhou Cheng looked at Shi Caixia nervously.

  He was afraid that Shi Caixia would miss his old love and really save Zhong Zimo.

  Then Shi Caixia will be squeezed out of Hua Mi's small circle immediately.

  The point is, what does this prove? It proves that Shi Caixia still has unresolved love for Zhong Zimo.

  Publicly and privately, Zhou Cheng didn't want to see Shi Caixia make mistakes.

  In the apocalypse, the wind with a fishy smell is blowing rustlingly.

  Shi Caixia looked up and looked at Zhou Cheng's mouth shape. Her ears were covered by Zhou Cheng and she couldn't hear Zhong Zimo's wailing.

  But Shi Caixia was not in a hurry at all.

  She stood up on tiptoes and kissed Zhou Cheng's lips gently, "What are you talking about? I can't hear you."

  She smiled, and seeing Zhou Cheng's petrified shock, Shi Caixia asked again,

"What's wrong? You don't like it? Haven't you always said that you want me to be your girlfriend?"

  Zhong Zimo and others have been eliminated from Shi Caixia's life a long time ago.

  She is not worried about Zhong Zimo, and she will not let herself be betrayed by others because of Zhong Zimo.

  Shi Caixia really couldn't hear what Zhou Cheng was saying, and she couldn't understand the mouth movements.

  She just felt that maybe if she were more honest, the anxiety in Zhou Cheng's eyes would be lessened.

  Look, as expected, after she agreed to be Zhou Cheng's girlfriend, Zhou Cheng became stupid.


  Gong Yi stood behind Zhou Cheng with a face like a lady, "Let's assemble!"

  The silly Zhou Cheng returned to the gathering team with stiff hands and feet.

  His mind is very unclear right now, and he is relying entirely on instinct to take sides.

  Outside the team, Shi Caixia snickered and turned away, a blush appearing on her face.

  There is no mental burden at all when getting along with a man like Zhou Cheng.

  At least Zhou Cheng has no requirements for her. He likes her and thinks she is fine no matter what.

  So after kissing Zhou Cheng, Shi Caixia was in a good mood.

  She watched the garrison elites get into the car, and under the leadership of Gong Yi, they headed all the way to E City.

  Shi Caixia also turned around and prepared to go find Hua Mi.

  As soon as she entered the Tomson Shangpin Villa community, she saw a group of people walking across the street.

  Qu Yimin's voice was high-pitched, and she said as she walked,"This Xiangcheng base is really rubbish."