In fact, the entire Xiangcheng base is an infrastructure that Hua Mi spent money to build.

  Therefore, the entire Xiangcheng base is considered her property.

  Qu Shiheng's face was ugly, "Are you a robber or have you gone crazy? Who are you? How dare you even think about our Qu family's property?"

After he finished speaking, Shi Caixia looked at Qu Shiheng with sympathy.

  Qu Shiheng and Qu Yimin both looked young, and they obviously had no relevant experience when going out to do errands.

  Don't they know that when going to a new place, they need to do some research first?

  The surname is Hua, with a big belly and strong fighting ability. Who else could this be besides Sister Hua?

 At the Xiangcheng base, Sister Hua is like a local snake.

  Police, garrison, medical care, material transportation, infrastructure projects, various factories... Hua Mi takes it all.

  Obviously, even though both Qu Shiheng and his sister knew that Hua Mi had a back-up, her man was a senior garrison officer.

  But they didn't think much of her.

  After all, Qu Shiheng's current combat effectiveness is not bad.

  What's more, the team that Qu Shiheng brought to Xiangcheng now includes several people with powers.

  He didn't think that he should give Hua Mi more face.

  Hua Mi took out a map from behind and unfolded it in front of Qu Shiheng's brother and sister.

  A big red circle is drawn on the map.

  Hua Mi took it for granted, like a bully, and said, "This big red circle is all my property. The so-called Xiangcheng base,means that I spent money to rebuild the ruins of the original Xiangcheng, A and B cities. Built it."

  "Every inch of land in this circle is mine. I don't care who owned it before. What I built is mine."

  Qu Yimin, who was standing next to Qu Shiheng, pointed at the Hua Mi angrily and roared, "What's yours? This is obviously our Qu family's. You've clearly robbed it." "

 " Yes, I robbed it. How about it?"

  Hua Mi shook the map in her hand,

  " The city has been shattered, a large number of people have died, the order has been reorganized, and the whole world has been shuffled. Who cares who you are?"

  When they were teammates with the Qu family brothers and sisters, apart from showing off,or they didn't care. Hua Mi has been bullied.

  They just chose to sit back and watch at the end.

  Because there were so many zombies, they would not have time to escape if they rescued Hua Mi.

  Because Hua Mi is just a teammate, not a very important person that they must sacrifice themselves to save.

  Although Hua Mi was a wood element user in her previous life, so what?

 Although on weekdays, everyone gets along well.

  Therefore, the grievances and grudges of the previous life are all cleared here in Hua Mi. There is no affection to talk about, and there is no life and death to remember.

  In this life, both of us are strangers.

  Qu Shiheng's face was livid, his hand dropped, and his fist was wrapped with a ball of fire, "Really? It seems that if we don't show you some color, you don't take us seriously either."

  This Xiangcheng Base, he and Qu Yimin had had enough.

  The garrison and police did not bow to them and did not give them the good attitude they deserve. Now even a pregnant woman dares to speak nonsense in front of the Qu family.

  Today, Qu Shiheng will use flowers to find sacrificial flags!

 As soon as the fire emerged from his fist, Shi Caixia's expression suddenly changed.

  The ball of fire just rushed toward her face, but she hadn't realized what was going on.

  Now, at a glance, this Qu Shiheng is probably the fire superpower written on the internal reference as "Fried Golden Flower".

  At this time, when everyone was attacking physically, a magic attack suddenly appeared.

  Not a good thing for survivors.

  Especially this magic attack, which stood on their opposite side.

  Shi Caixia looked at Hua Mi worriedly.

  Hua Mi sneered and watched Qu Shiheng throw a ball of fire at her.

  "Your accuracy is so bad that you can't fight hard."

  She avoided Qu Shiheng's small ball of fire, pointed her toes, and jumped into the air, carrying with her the snow particles that had not yet melted on the ground.

  When it fell towards Qu Shiheng, she had not hit the ground yet, but the long knife fell first, and struck directly towards Qu Shiheng's head.

  No mercy was spared.

  Because there is no humaneness to speak of.

  Qu Shiheng could barely avoid it, and one of his ears was cut off.

  He belatedly screamed, "Ahhhhh!"

  Qu Yimin, who had been stunned, was standing not far from her brother. She took two steps back and fell into the snow.

  Qu Yimin looked up at Hua Mi with a pale face.

  "You, why did you hurt someone? You"

She said it as if Qu Shiheng didn't do it first.

  Hua Mi slammed the long knife on the ground and put her other hand on her bloated waist.

 "Who are you? Why can't I hurt you?"

  The two brothers and sisters looked very childish.

  Obviously, the apocalypse has only been around for more than seven months, and they have not experienced the brutal beatings of the apocalypse.

  They haven't seen the true face of the end of the world yet.

  So they appear much more childish than in their previous lives.

  When Hua Mi met these two brothers and sisters in her previous life, they had already lost their innocence and romance. Although they were arrogant, they also understood that the strong are respected.

  If you grab it, as long as you can get it, what if you don't accept it?

  Qu Shiheng was so angry that he covered his ears with one hand and waved to the power users behind him,

  "Kill her, kill her! Kill her for me!"

  That hysterical look, Like an angry bird.

  Several power users and a group of strong ordinary people came forward to besiege Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi flew back a bit, and when she landed on the ground, she took out her Gatling and fired wildly at the large group of men rushing towards her.

  Her eyes turned red, "Who do you think you are? You dare to go to the Xiangcheng base to make trouble. Today I will teach you how to behave."

  "Madman! You madman!!!"

  Qu Yimin shouted. Before bullets could reach her, she was pulled by Qu Shiheng beside her, and the two of them disappeared.

  No one dared to rush in front of Hua Mi anymore.

  Behind Hua Mi, Shi Caixia was still full of sympathy, looking at the large group of men lying on the ground.

  The last person who dared to kill Hua Mi had his body chopped into two pieces.

  This group of people are doing better now, leaving a whole corpse behind.

  Qu Shiheng and Qu Yimin, who had teleported away in panic, were trembling with fear and huddled in the teleportation point of the Xiangcheng base.

  People around them looked at the two brothers and sisters with strange eyes.

  Suddenly, with blood all over his face, Qu Shiheng shouted in a broken voice,

 "I am a fire superpower. I want to see Gong Yi. I was attacked. I want to ask, is this the place where your Xiangcheng base is? Is it safe?"

  Qu Yimin sat on the ground for a long time and didn't come back to her senses. She was still thinking about the scene where Hua Mi wielded Gatling and fired directly.

  Qu Yimin opened her mouth and murmured, "We don't want Tomson Shangpin Villa Community anymore, we don't want it anymore, wow~~~~ We don't want it anymore."