Qin Zhen left in a hurry to arrange the production work of various factories in the Xiangcheng base.

  When the power grid in the D city safety zone was pulled up again, Hua Mi's black soil level was upgraded to 19.

  She regained 19 square meters of black land.

  These black lands, together with the 17 square meters of black lands that were not used up last time, were all thrown into the level 35 warehouse by Hua Mi.

  So far, Hua Mi has accumulated X38 lottery opportunities.

  As night fell, gunshots were heard in the distance from the south of the Xiangcheng base.

  Gong Yi has not made any movement in the east, but fighting has already started in the south of the base.

  Hua Mi stood in front of the window with a big belly, looking at the south under the stars.

  She took out her phone and opened the dialog box with Gong Yi.

  The text message still stayed at the last time. He was nagging her to stop running around and take good care of the baby.

  Hua Mi couldn't help but smile.

  To be honest, if it was before the end of the world, maybe she and Gong Yi could have a dull and ordinary love.

  This man made her realize a little bit of the charm of love.

  She put away her phone, and there was no need to ask Gong Yi what was going on there. Maybe he was battling a mutant beast.

  Before Gong Yi took the initiative to send a message to Hua Mi, she took the initiative to find him only a few times.

  Hua Mi returned her attention to the south of the base, where the gunfire was more intensive.

  The elite garrison troops have been transferred to the east, and most of the garrison troops in the base are moving to the south.

  The gunshots rang out intensively, which meant that more people had actually ended up fighting the zombies with cold weapons.

  Because there were so many zombies coming, guns had to be used to deal with the zombies that were farther away.

  Hua Mi silently opened her supermarket control panel.

  There were 38 lottery opportunities, and she hoped that she would win a hot weapon every 38 times.

  Any hot weapon is good. After accumulating lottery opportunities for so long, Hua Mi has been waiting for this moment.

  Hua Mi's huge belly began to stir frequently, and the two little guys seemed to be fighting in Hua Mi's belly.

  Hua Mi's belly is uneven.

  She had some pain and her stomach tightened. It was only more than seven months old, but she was already having contractions.

  Xin Qiuru said that because her belly was too big, Hua Mi might have reached her limit.

  The child in the belly is also at risk of coming out prematurely.

  She is now cooperating with Xin Qiuru as much as possible, eating nutritious meals every day and staying in the rescue center without any hassle.

  But she didn't bother and just lay there all day long. The child in her belly seemed to be unable to bear the loneliness and started fighting day and night.

  Yes, the kind of pinching each other in Hua Mi's belly.

  Cold sweat broke out on Hua Mi's forehead, and she put one hand on the window to slow down the contraction and prepare for the two babies to make more ferocious noises.

  After a while, she rubbed her hands, put them on her huge belly full of stretch marks, and said softly, "Okay,

you two put your grudges aside and let's work together. This apocalypse will not only belongs to mom and dad is also yours, so we have to work hard together."

  The two little babies in the belly seemed to understand what Hua Mi said.

  The originally restless fighting behavior has become much quieter for the time being.

  Although there were some sneak attacks from time to time, they were not serious and did not cause Hua Mi any pain.

  She started drawing.

  She drew all the 38 prizes in one breath, pushing the level 35 warehouse to level 40.

  The further you get to the back, whether it's warehousing or factories, the upgrades are very slow.

  But after each upgrade, the surprises given are enough.

  Hua Mi's level 40 warehouse gave her space for a level 40 warehouse of the same size, with warehouse No. 4.

  Hua Miquan put on the weapon drawn from the lottery.

  There were 38 lottery opportunities, most of which were various daily necessities, and a small amount of garbage that was not very practical.

  For example, 10 million tons of carbon paper, 10 million tons of glass stockings,

and some gas stoves, spatulas, spoons, and light bulbs that start at 10 million tons may seem very practical, but should not be used for the time being.

  There are also tear gas canisters, body armor, armored vehicles, grenades, starting at 10 million, and various construction materials.

  And Gatlin was drawn out by Hua Mi again, with an amount of 10 million.

  Not bad luck.

  Hua Mi was a little relieved. These things were used for the garrison of the Xiangcheng base, which would allow the Xiangcheng base to defend itself against the zombie wave for at least three years.

  Three years from now, there will be more people with superpowers than there are now.

  Even if there weren't many people with super powers, three years would be enough time for Hua Mi to win many lottery opportunities. By then, she would always be able to try her luck and come up with a few useful gadgets.

  Hua Mi called Cao Feng who was staying in Xiangcheng overnight, pointed him to the underground garage of Lotus Shengxing Supermarket, and asked Cao Feng to take out the thermal weapons inside and lay them out for the garrison at the Xiangcheng base.

  This batch of weapons of hers is just in time to help the garrison in times of need.

  Cao Feng said to Hua Mi on the phone,

  "Sister Hua, you don't even know how many zombies came last night. It is said that the ice in G City and H City collapsed at the same time, and you don't know how many zombies came out. "

  The avalanche happened overnight.

  It was expected, but it caught people off guard.

  The cities Cao Feng mentioned are all near Xiangcheng.

  Some locations are closer than D City to the original Xiangcheng City.

  The garrison who stayed at the Xiangcheng base fought zombies all night yesterday.

  At first, everyone thought that the zombies would be defeated soon. They had dealt with such things one after another during this time.

  Every day, there is always a small group of wandering zombies approaching the Xiangcheng base.

  It will be solved quickly and won't cause much trouble.

  But the zombies last night were like the dam starting to release water, not only were they not finished.

  There are more and more, more and more, Cao Feng even starts to panic. If the fight continues like this, sooner or later the hot weapons stationed in the garrison will be exhausted.

  He was very grateful to Sister Hua for gifting these weapons to the garrison.

  Although Cao Feng goes in and out of the underground garage under Lotus Shengxing Supermarket every day.

  Just before yesterday, such a huge batch of weapons had never appeared in the underground garage.

  No one would be foolishly entangled in these issues at this time.

  Not long after, it was the next morning.

  Inside the Xiangcheng base, people are panicking.

  Even if Hua Mi people live in the rescue center, she can hear people talking outside,

  "I heard that there are a lot of zombies coming from the south of the base. Can't they be unable to defend it?"

  "What can we do if we can't defend it? We can still go? Is there any other place? There is no other place to go."

  After a while, someone said cautiously,

  "I heard that E City is developing quite well. Last time I heard that a fire-type superpower from E City came. It's very impressive,he even hired people at the Xiangcheng base."