Hu Yanxiang gathered a group of people and constantly encouraged the workers at the Xiangcheng base to ask for guns.

  Who doesn't want weapons at this time? Everyone wants it.

  It's just that the guns and ammunition at the Xiangcheng base are very strictly managed.

  Even the guns and ammunition you bring will be confiscated when you enter the base.

  This, of course, caused dissatisfaction among many people, especially those who originally had guns and ammunition.

  If they want to hold guns, they are not qualified to enter the Xiangcheng base. If they don't hold guns, they always feel that walking in such a world is extremely difficult.

  So given the opportunity to fight and get permission to hold a gun, they would definitely not let it go.

  Hu Yanxiang's team quickly expanded, and more and more people supported him, joined him, and shared his hatred.

  Qin Zhen frowned and kept explaining why guns were not allowed in the Xiangcheng base.

  "Although the guns and ammunition were confiscated when entering the base, this does not mean that the Xiangcheng base has confiscated your weapons. Guns and ammunition."

  "If you want to go out of the city to kill zombies or mutant beasts, you can also apply to get your guns and ammunition back."

  "But guns are not allowed in the Xiangcheng base."

  Shi Caixia on the side was also explaining , "The reason why guns cannot be held in the Xiangcheng base is that guns cannot be widespread. Most of the people in this base are old, weak, sick, disabled and pregnant. We always have to think about these people."

They held the microphone and their voices is very loud.

  But opposite Qin Zhen, the workers on the whole street were louder, "You can't explain to us. We have to do extraordinary things in extraordinary times. We will not guard the base for a woman without any protection."

  " What's more, when did this happen? No one knows whether the Xiangcheng base can still be defended."

  Anyway, they just want guns.

  Hua Mi walked over and took the microphone from Qin Zhen's hand,

  "Let me ask you, are you the ones guarding the base from beginning to end?"

  "Aren't you the ones who have been working on infrastructure construction? The people who fight to defend the base, Is it always just the garrison?"

  In fact, the number of workers engaged in infrastructure construction is much greater than the number of garrison workers.

  Among them, there are also people like Hu Tingxiang who were engaged in infrastructure construction when they were at the Xiangcheng base.

  After leaving the Xiangcheng base, they can also go fight zombies.

  Hua Mi really understands the psychology of these people.

  If you have a gun in your hand, it is of course more convenient to kill zombies and get more crystal cores.

  Isn't that better than working hard to build the city wall?

 Seeing Hua Mi coming forward, Hu Yanxiang in the crowd looked gloomy and stopped standing out.

  He winked at the person next to him, and the person shouted, "But it's different now. We fought all night in the south of the base yesterday. Didn't you hear?"

"You are used to being pampered, so of course you won't understand us. Don't hide this kind of bad news from us. We already knew that all the ice near Xiangcheng has collapsed."

  "Endless zombies are pouring towards the Xiangcheng base. If you can't equip us with guns, where do we get the courage to build the city wall?"

  The situation is like this. Anyway, if they don't give guns, they won't build the city wall.

  Without building walls, zombies will invade the base faster.

  But if they were given guns, they would build the city wall properly?

 Will you guarantee not to shoot indiscriminately in the Xiangcheng base?

  Who can guarantee that these people will not leave Xiangcheng immediately after getting the guns?

  Human heart, never have expectations at any time.

  Hua Mi held the microphone and sneered, "No gun. If you don't fix it, get out of Xiangcheng. Who has the patience to pay attention to you?"

  She was angry. There were only a few thousand people in the garrison, and they still had to protect such a huge group of survivors.

  The key is that these survivors are still going to cause trouble and are still disobedient. At the critical moment, they are still here, blah blah blah.

 They don't even think about it, are there intact eggs under the overturned nest?

 If the Xiangcheng base is gone, will there be a human paradise elsewhere?

  Nowhere is as good as the life at the Xiangcheng base.

  Hu Yanxiang said in a low voice,

  "Let us get out? Haha, just get out. I think E's achievements are pretty good. Ask the Xiangcheng base to give us teleport tickets to E City, and we will leave immediately."

The man next to him received the instruction , shouted loudly, "No one wants to stay in such a dangerous place. You release the teleportation tickets in E City and we will buy them with money!"

No one knows how the teleportation point appeared.

  There are rumors inside and outside the Xiangcheng base that the world has become like this, and the emergence of the teleportation point is the result of some kind of natural refraction.

  Balabala talks about a lot of scientific principles.

  In short, everyone believes that teleportation points are everywhere, and as long as they are discovered, they can be teleported directly there in some way.

  They believe that not only the Xiangcheng base has multiple transmission points, but E City should also have one.

  So these workers who want guns and to be teleported to E City.

  This also avoids danger on the road.

  Hua Mi was very cold and said word for word, "No, just walk there by yourself."

  Indeed, no, although she still had 36 square meters of black land in her hand.

  But she has never been to City E, so how could she have a teleportation point in City E?

  The crowd on the opposite side was swarming, and the voices of dissatisfaction gathered into a muffled thunder.

  Hua Mi was impatient and said,

 "If you want to get out, hurry up and stop chirping. The base temple in Xiangcheng is too small to accommodate giant Buddhas like you."

"Mr. Bao, notify the East Gate garrison immediately and ask them to open the electric gate. Let these people out."

  It is not known whether the mutated beasts to the east have been controlled by Gong Yi.

  The Xiangcheng base has already divided the east side into a dangerous area, and everyone in the base knows this.

  Hu Yanxiang was dissatisfied and stopped hiding. He shouted at the top of his voice, "I heard there is danger outside the east gate. If you don't release the teleportation point in E City and don't give guns, how can we get out? What should we do if we encounter danger outside?"

  Hua Mi's cold eyes looked at Hu Yanxiang among the crowds of people,

  "What's wrong? We are your nannies? We are about to be surrounded by a wave of zombies and mutated beasts, and we are still responsible for sending you to the West to learn scriptures?"

Qin Zhen couldn't help but burst into laughter.

  The workers on the opposite side immediately started making a fuss, shouting and yelling at each other.

  From nowhere, a bottle of mineral water flew out and hit Hua Mi directly in the stomach.

  Hua Mi turned around and did a spinning kick with a big belly, kicking the bottle of mineral water back.

  The man who threw the mineral water fell to the ground instantly.

  The belly in the third trimester of pregnancy seriously affected Hua Mi's performance.

  But when it comes to massacre mode, she can still handle it.

  Shi Caixia took the initiative and yelled at those people, "What are you doing? No one is stopping you when you want to leave. We have been benevolent. Why do you want to hurt a pregnant woman?"

  "You are not human, you are all animals, you are all beasts. !"