This is definitely not the case with these women. Because they received generous supplies and remuneration, they just helped the garrison at the Xiangcheng base.

  In fact, their psychological gap is also very large.

  Everyone originally thought that they were walking on the edge of danger, half-footed in the coffin, and taking their children with them. Once they died, they would have to take their children with them.

  If desperate, who would be willing to come here to do this job?

 Those who came here to build the city wall had their heads in their belts.

  To be honest, they were all ready to die.

  As a result, they didn't expect it to be safer than they thought.

  A woman said in a low voice,

  "I think this place is so safe, why don't those people come to build the city wall? The wages are so high now, and a lot of supplies are given. There are almost no zombies to harm us. They are all taken care of by the garrison." "

  The woman next to him shrugged, noncommittal, "They were probably frightened by the zombies in the south, and for those men, they may have a better way out, unlike us, except for fighting on the construction site, we have no choice. No way out."

  Don't talk about others, let's just talk about herself, carrying a child on her back and holding a child in her hand.

  There was a mother-in-law who was paralyzed in bed at home, but the man left the Xiangcheng base and went to E City.

  Euphemistically speaking, to open up a better future.

  In fact, there is no hope at all whether he will come back in the end.

  After all, when her man left, he didn't even think about how old and young the family was.

  With him gone, who will feed his family?

 So if a woman doesn't move bricks, can she survive?

  Many people left the Xiangcheng base and chose to go to the safer E City.

  Through word of mouth, E City is now a place like a paradise on earth.

  Although the construction there is not as good as the Xiangcheng base, it is very safe.

  Unlike the Xiangcheng base, it will soon be overwhelmed by the zombie wave.

  Therefore, in the past few days, a large number of survivors have been leaving from the east and seeking refuge in E City.

  Of course, for these women on the construction site, it's not that they don't want to leave, it's that they simply can't leave.

  If the man doesn't take them with him, they don't have the physical strength and materials to support them in the long journey to City E.

  Furthermore, they are dragging a child with them. If they encounter someone with evil intentions along the way, not only the woman will suffer, but the child will suffer as well.

  If you stay in Xiangcheng, at least bullying the old, weak, women and children is strictly prohibited here.

  Women feel very safe in Xiangcheng.

  They don't want to leave this place, and there is no support from the backbone of the family, so they have no choice.

  It is precisely because they have no choice that they can find such an easy, safe, and rich job.

  What a blessing, hallelujah, thank God, thank the men who left for women to discover new lands.

  Soon in the afternoon, several more women came to the construction site in groups looking for work.

  Some brought children, some did not.

  After the first batch of women ensured the quality and quantity of the project construction, when another woman came to move bricks, the contractor was very happy to agree.

  They are really meticulous in their work. After the work is done, they will consciously pick up all the garbage on the construction site and put it in the roadside trash can.

  In fact, Huo Jing has emphasized the rule of picking up garbage with the workers on the construction site countless times.

  But there are still very few people who take away the garbage from the construction site and put it into the trash can properly.

 They always have to go to the end and the sweeping robot comes and sweeps away all the garbage on the floor.

  The women were also quiet while eating.

  They cherished this kind of labor opportunity very much. Once they finished eating, they didn't need Huo Jing or the foreman to rush them to work.

  They will consciously go to their respective positions and continue to build the city wall.

  This kind of work progress is not necessarily much worse than the work progress of men's work?

  And there are not as many things as men.

  One day later, both the contractor and Huo Jing were very satisfied with these women.

  When it was time to settle supplies, the contractor and Huo Jing packed the supplies in plastic bags and distributed them to each woman.

  Every woman's face showed an expression of relief.

  In fact, doing housework and serving a family is not much easier than moving bricks on a construction site?

 What's more, the labor intensity today is even lower than the labor intensity they used to serve a whole family.

  A woman held a large bag full of supplies in her arms and said happily to her female companion, "When I am usually so busy at home, I never have time to rest. At the end of the day, the water is all gone. I didn't have time to drink, and I didn't get any salary yet. My husband kept saying all day long that I didn't do anything at home and I had to rely on him to support me."

"I didn't expect that it would be so easy to move bricks on a construction site."

  "I really have to thank the men who left for giving us such a job opportunity."

  Another woman smiled with wrinkles on her face, "Isn't this more money than standing on the street? Standing on the street for a month, There may not be so many supplies on this day."

  She weighed the large bag of supplies in her arms.

  Three meals and two snacks a day are provided at the construction site, and the materials are additional subsidies given to them.

  After working for a month, you can get a bonus of 200,000.

  Where can they find such a good job in this apocalyptic world? With such good treatment, who is still doing housework at home?

  The companions nodded one after another, their faces filled with the joy of a great harvest.

  Some people were sighing while walking, "Look at how many supplies we have in our hands. If we had put them outside, the supplies in our hands would have been robbed long ago."

  "But we are walking in the Xiangcheng base . There is nothing going on inside, who dares to come and snatch the supplies in our hands?"

  This is one of the reasons why everyone loves Xiangcheng so much, that E City, no matter how good it is said by the men.

  At least in the minds of women, nowhere can they feel more comfortable and secure than at the Xiangcheng base.

  In the next few days, more and more women were attracted by the abundant supplies and high salaries to build the city wall.

  More people means more power. According to the balanced design and scientific arrangement, the tasks assigned to each person are actually not many and not tiring.

  The contractor started three shifts.

  Within the wire mesh on the east side of Xiangcheng, the city wall quickly rose high.

  At this moment, the zombies south of the Xiangcheng base formed a wave and began to attack the walls of Xiangcheng.

  There are more zombies on the east side.

  But this still has no impact on these women to the east.

  They built the city wall within the power grid and stationed themselves near the power grid to kill zombies.

  The power grid is several hundred meters away from the city wall.

  The so-called danger is probably that when women stand on the top of the city wall, they can see the zombies outside the power grid with their naked eyes.