Qu Yimin, a proud little princess, looked at Hu Yanxiang as if he were a fool.

  Although the Qu family has a lot of supplies, Qu Yimin feels that there is no need to be so kind to workers like Hu Yanxiang.

  These workers came to City E because they could no longer stay in Xiangcheng. It was not because City E begged them to come.

  The so-called rush here is not worth it.

  So since this is the case, then these people should work hard for E City and reflect the value of their coming to E City.

  Otherwise, E City wouldn't take in some freeloaders, right?

  To be honest, Qu Yimin felt that it was too much to give these workers such a large basket of instant noodles.

  "Let me say it again, these instant noodles are the rations for all your workers. What are they for you alone? Can you eat so much by yourself? Will it kill you?"

Hu Yanxiang finally came to his senses. He looked at Qu Yimin for a long time. He think maybe he heard it wrong? Such baskets of instant noodles are for all their workers?

  But when they left Xiangcheng this time, the first batch of workers to arrive in City E numbered 1,000 people. Why did these more than 1,000 people only have this basket of instant noodles?

  Seeing the look on Qu Yimin's face, Hu Yanxiang was not joking. He explained hurriedly, " No, these things are not enough for us to eat, and the varieties are too monotonous. There are only instant noodles. Is there no milk, fruit or something?"

  "You know, in Xiangcheng, everyone can get such a large basket of supplies after working every day."

  "As long as we work hard, we will still have money every month."

  Hu Yanxiang emphasized as much as possible. With their own worth, strong men like them can not only build city walls, but also go out and kill zombies when necessary.

  This is what they did in Xiangcheng before.

  Because they don't have to worry about supplies at all, when there are too many supplies at home and there is no place to put them, they will go out and kill zombies for a while.

  Qu Yimin interrupted Hu Yanxiang very impatiently, "Xiangcheng is Xiangcheng, and E city is E city. If Xiangcheng is so good, why do you want to leave Xiangcheng?"

  "And our E city is much safer than Xiangcheng. I heard that there are so many zombies in the south of Xiangcheng that they are crowded to the east."

  "Think about it for yourselves, the zombie wave will attack Xiangcheng just around the corner. Now that you have saved a life, that is because you have sized up the situation and proved that you are all smart people."

  "And you are very lucky. We, City E, have taken you in and given you a home and a job. When other cities see so many of you, they don't want to talk to you."

"So don't be picky and choose, eat well, and go to work quickly after eating."

  Qu Yimin left these last words and left directly.

  She didn't care at all about Hu Yanxiang's reaction after hearing this.

  Hu Yanxiang's face turned green with anger.

  He turned around, holding the basket of instant noodles, and walked back to his companions.

  There was a man who was so tired that he wanted to find a place to sit. As a result, there was feces and urine everywhere on the ground.

  He could only lean against a dirty pillar and said to Hu Yanxiang with a mocking expression, "I want you to go get some supplies to fill our bellies. Why did you only come back with supplies for yourself?"

The man was very dissatisfied with Hu Yanxiang's work efficiency and asked eagerly: "We have been traveling for so long. When are they going to arrange tents for us to have a good rest?"

 " There is not even a place to sit here. I'm almost exhausted."

  Hu Yanxiang put the basket of instant noodles in his hand on the ground with a very bad expression on his face.

 "This is what we eat. There are more than 1,000 people. Share all the food and go directly. Let's start building the city wall."

  "I've got the drawings back. There's no place to rest. Let's start clearing out a place next to the barbed wire fence. Let's just lie down tonight." After he said this, everyone was silent for a moment.

Immediately someone started making a fuss,"Why?? With such a small amount of supplies, all of it are instant noodles. How can we eat them? We don't even have saliva. Isn't this deliberately torturing people?"

"Didn't you say that Xiangcheng is not as good as E City? Is E City a paradise on earth? Why are we here now? E City is like this. It's unbelievable. It's so wrong."

Hu Yanxiang's face was also very ugly, and he shouted at everyone:

  "We are already here, what else do you want? Why don't you go back to the Xiangcheng base to feed the zombies now." "

  "They said that there are so many zombies in Xiangcheng that they have spread to the east. What's the east? It's not like you don't know the situation, just a few power grids guarding it."

 " Sooner or later, the Xiangcheng base will be breached by the zombie wave. If you return to the Xiangcheng base, you will die sooner or later."

  Everyone was silent again.

  "But, but..."

  Someone looked weakly at the basket of instant noodles with a disheveled look on his face,

  "But this is too little. How can we share such a small amount of food among so many of us?"

  Hu Yanxiang waved his hand, determined. No matter what, he made it clear that he was a hands-off shopkeeper, turned around and said to everyone,

  "You can divide it however you want, I'll put the things here for you anyway."

  Speaking of Hu Yanxiang, he is a person with no sense of responsibility.

  The main reason why he wanted to instigate so many people to come to E City was to impress Qu Shiheng.

  Of course, if he can gain everyone's respect and become the leader of a team, he is also happy to play this role.

  But the premise of all this is based on the premise that everything goes smoothly. Once he encounters any difficulties, he is a person who gives up easily.

  Just like in D City, in fact, apart from Ni Shuiwen taking the lead, Hu Yanxiang was also the one who shouted fiercely.

  It can be said that when the ice in D City was exploded, Hu Yanxiang played a big role in instigating it. Almost half of the survivors were instigated by Hu Yanxiang.

  However, his character determines that he does not have the ability to lead.

  After arriving in E City, everything he saw discouraged his ambitions.

  Then he could just settle for the next best thing and change his goal.

  Now that his goal of befriending Qu Shiheng has been achieved, he wants to change his goal. What does the happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy of these survivors have to do with him?

  Seeing Hu Yanxiang turn around and leave, the survivors were very uncomfortable.

  The atmosphere fell into an embarrassing situation, and everyone missed Xiangcheng in unison.

  There is no such operation in the Xiangcheng base. The contractor and Huo Jing of the Xiangcheng base are both very responsible people.

  Hu Yanxiang, the leader, is far behind compared to Mr. Bao and Huo Jing.