The man waiting outside the tent is Chen Hu's cousin.

  The Chen family was originally considered a very large local family in City A.

  But after the end of the world, less than ten months later, the entire Chen family was like a collapsed building.

  It vanished into nothing in an instant.

  There is no power around Chen Hu that can help him escape from E City, except for his cousins.

  Now only a few of his cousins ​​are still with him.

  Chen Hu carried his old mother on his back, raised his hand, and patted his cousin on the shoulder.

  He promised his cousin: "I won't go on like this forever. Don't worry, one day I will make a comeback."

 " When the time comes, I will give you everything you want."

  The cousin nodded, his eyes twinkling. With tears of emotion he said, "Don't worry, boss, as long as we are here, you will not die in front of us."

  He also called Chen Hu his boss. After all, when Chen Hu was prosperous, his cousins can't enter the core of Chen Hu's power at all.

  Several members of the Chen family left the E City base in this dark night with heroic words.

  The direction they were going to was not another base, but Xiangcheng.

  In Chen Hu's words, the most dangerous place is also the safest place.

  He and Qu Shiheng teamed up to cause such great damage to the Xiangcheng base. When Hua Mi and Gong Yi calm down, they will definitely not let go of the E city base.

  What's more, the current situation of the E City base is really worrying.

  Still staying at the E City base is acting like a fool.

  As a result, Chen Hu carried his old mother on his back. Not long after he left, Hu Yanxiang discovered that Chen Hu had left.

  He quickly informed Qu Shiheng of the news.

  Qu Shiheng was very unbalanced and cursed when he heard this, "How could this Chen Hu do such a thing?"

  "He is a betrayal of our alliance, which is absolutely unforgivable."

  He also knew at the beginning that Chen Hu Hu was chased by Gong Yi, so he generously took Chen Hu in.

  He believes that Chen Hu is a very powerful person. As long as Chen Hu is given a chance to make a comeback, Chen Hu will definitely give back more and better benefits to the Qu family.

  Chen Hu also vowed in front of Qu Shiheng that as long as he could make a comeback, he would give the Qu family everything the Qu family wanted.

  What's the result now? Chen Hu didn't remember his oath at all. He abandoned E City and walked away.

  Hu Yanxiang was furious when he saw Qu Shiheng.

  He pretended to step forward and persuaded: "Young Master Qu, I think let's forget about this matter. Everyone has his own ambitions. Don't worry, I was born as a person of E City and die as a ghost of E City. I will never leave you. "

  Qu Shiheng turned his head and looked at Hu Yanxiang who had a flattering look on his face.

  Of course he knew that Hu Yanxiang said these words to please him, but it was precisely because Hu Yanxiang was so humble and flattering that it made people like Chen Hu even more hateful who broke the covenant.

  Qu Shiheng would never allow betrayal, especially when he spent so much effort and lost so many heads to attack Xiangcheng under Chen Hu's instigation.

  All still ended in failure.

  What's even more disgusting is that if Qu Shiheng hadn't been instigated by Chen Hu, he wouldn't be in such a fight-to-death situation with the Xiangcheng base today.

  In fact, from the very beginning, Qu Shiheng took Qu Yimin to the Xiangcheng base because he wanted to discuss the material cooperation plan with the Xiangcheng base.

  It was Chen Hu who had been instigating Qu Shiheng to make some irrational decisions.

  This has led to the current embarrassing situation in E City Base and Xiangcheng Base.

  Look, once there is a crack in the relationship between the two parties, the reason for the breakdown of the cooperation between the partners will be caused by the other party.

  Now in Qu Shiheng's mind, all the disappointments he encountered were caused by Chen Hu.

  It's all Chen Hu's fault.

  In the tent, Qu Shiheng looked gloomy. He ordered Hu Yanxiang, "There are not many people around Chen Hu now. You lead people to chase him. No matter dead or alive, you bring back his body."

  "I want to keep him . His body is useful."

  He wanted to send Chen Hu's body to Hua Mi and Gong Yi.

  Qu Shiheng saw that the E City base was enveloped by the plague. Of course, he had to find a way.

  Chen Hu wanted to leave, how could Qu Shiheng let him go so easily?

 At this moment, there is no better way to surrender to Xiangcheng than to take Chen Hu's body.

  Hu Yanxiang nodded immediately. He had fallen out of favor in front of Qu Shiheng recently.

  Because the wall of the E City base was not repaired, Qu Shiheng was very dissatisfied with him, and gradually no longer reused Hu Yanxiang.

  Therefore, Hu Yanxiang urgently needs to make some achievements.

  He turned around and walked out of Qu Shiheng's tent, summoning the few remaining strong men under his command to chase Chen Hu's car.

  Because of the strength of the Xiangcheng base, the Xiangcheng base has previously been committed to clearing obstacles on various highways.

  Coupled with the hard work of the E City base, the highway between E City and Xiangcheng was quickly cleared.

  Hu Yanxiang drove his car and chased him all the way to the Xiangcheng base. He didn't find anything unusual on the road.

  He don't quite understand why so many people turned into skeletons in the depression of the E City base. If he had to give an explanation, maybe a lot of zombies died outside the E City base?

This is the mainstream statement in the E-city base.

  Besides, if there was anything wrong on the road leading to Xiangcheng, it might have been noticed by the people at the Xiangcheng base.

  The man driving Hu Yanxiang's car, after driving for a short time, whispered to Hu Yanxiang: "Brother Xiang, do we really want to go to the Xiangcheng base? Think about it, what is the current situation of the Xiangcheng base? There are all zombies outside."

  "I guess Chen Hu went to the Xiangcheng base and was buried among the zombies."

  Hu Yanxiang thought for a while and felt that what this person said made sense. Now the Xiangcheng base has been surrounded by a wave of zombies.

  If they go any further, they will encounter zombies.

  Chen Hu didn't take many people to the Xiangcheng base. If he included his damn old mother, there would only be five people at most.

  How could those five people defeat so many zombies?

 So Hu Yanxiang told the man driving the car, "You drive forward for another half hour. After half an hour, we will not go forward."

  "You all keep your mouths shut. If Qu Shiheng asks , just say that we pushed Chen Hu into the zombie wave, and Chen Hu has been eaten by zombies beyond recognition."


  Everyone nodded and drove towards the Xiangcheng base for half an hour. .

  They decided to go home.

  On the way back to the E City base, several people found a body similar to Chen Hu's, tied the body to the roof of the car, and returned to the E City base with a bang.

  In today's world, corpses can be seen everywhere, and this is not an exaggeration.

  People who have never been out of the Xiangcheng base do not understand what kind of hellish scene this is.

  There were so many corpses. When driving on the road, you would see an unrecognizable corpse at a distance.

  What Qu Shiheng said was actually not a lie. Even though the situation in E City Base was so bad, compared with other places, E City Base was still very safe and convenient, with sufficient supplies.

  At least there are so many people alive in the E City base.

  If you are lucky, you can find a lot of supplies among the rubble inside and outside the E City base.

  Hu Yanxiang and several men are really brave.

  In this way, they dragged the body that looked similar to Chen Hu's in front of Qu Shiheng.

  Qu Shiheng was filled with disgust as he looked at the corpse with most of its face chewed off.

  He glanced at it casually, waved his hand, and said to Hu Yanxiang:

  "Send this body to Xiangcheng Base."

  "Just tell Hua Mi at Xiangcheng Base that our E City is very sincere and wants to cooperate with Xiangcheng Base. Get back together."

  "It was all Chen Hu's fault before. If Chen Hu hadn't instigated me behind the scenes, I wouldn't have behaved so irrationally."

"You must remember thatnyour attitude must be good, after all, you represent me."

  Qu Shiheng added, "Whether our E City base can have sufficient food, medical supplies and water sources all depends on whether we can please this bitch named Hua Mi." Qu Shiheng said with tingling teeth. Of course he hated Hua Mi very much, but now he had to please Hua Mi.

  The condition of the E City base is really terrible.

  There are large numbers of people every day. Because of diarrhea, they pooped and peed everywhere.

  Finally, he died in the feces and urine at the E City base.

  That's real shit.

  Qu Shiheng has never seen a survivor become like this.

  Their whole bodies will appear skinny due to blood loss.

  Not only had Qu Shiheng never seen such a scene, but no one in his family had either.

  But because he is a superpower, he can hold on, but more and more people in the E City base cannot hold on.

  He suddenly had a very sad sense of fate, a feeling that he could not tell anyone.

  In this state of mind, the Qu family's uncle put a lot of pressure on him.

  If Qu Shiheng can't solve the dilemma of the E City base well, then the people of the Qu family will say it.

  Even if they donated supplies to the Xiangcheng base and moved the Qu family to the Xiangcheng base, they would not leave the supplies to Qu Shiheng.

  This represents Qu Shiheng's complete failure. He has lost his base and will also lose his status.

  Qu Shiheng was unwilling to admit defeat so easily, so he had to lower his proud head, offer Chen Hu's body to Hua Mi, and actively seek peace.

  As a result, Hu Yanxiang cursed secretly and had to drag the body of "Chen Hu" and drive to the Xiangcheng base.

  However, they all agreed not to approach the Xiangcheng base.

 On the way, they made a call to someone they knew well at the Xiangcheng base.

  They reported their sincerity in offering Chen Hu's body to Qin Zhen.

  They were unable to contact Hua Mi directly, and not everyone knew Hua Mi's mobile phone number.

  If you want to show your sincerity to E City, you must first pass Qin Zhen test.

  The so-called sincerity means directly telling the people in Xiangcheng that they sent Chen Hu's body and begging for forgiveness.

  Then? Gone.

  When Hu Yanxiang hung up the phone, someone in the car whispered:

  "Actually, since we have come out of E City Base, why do we have to go back to E City Base?"

  "The current situation in E City Base is like this. Who knows what will happen in the future?"

  Another man said with sorrow,

 "But what can we do if we don't return to the E City base? Look outside the Xiangcheng base, there are all zombies." "

 " Even if we fight to the death , fight our way to the edge of the Xiangcheng base, the Xiangcheng base will not accept us."

  It's not that no one has fought into the zombie wave, and it's not that no one has overcome all difficulties and obstacles to get to the Xiangcheng base.

  Instead, the Xiangcheng base is now completely closed and no one is allowed to enter the Xiangcheng base.

  It's true that even when they reached the gate of Xiangcheng Base, they couldn't even shout to open the door of Xiangcheng Base.

  No one can tell when the Xiangcheng base will be reopened.

  So aren't the survivors leaving? It looks like the Xiangcheng base is holding on, but is it coming back?

 There is no door.

  The men in the car were silent. Everyone looked at Hu Yanxiang, hoping that Hu Yanxiang could give them an idea.

  Hu Yanxiang pondered for a moment and said to everyone:

  "Let me tell you the truth. In fact, the Qu family still has a lot of supplies. Many, many more."

  "Otherwise, such a large E City base would have to provide so many survivors every day. How did the Qu family come up with steamed buns?"

  "If we don't go to the Xiangcheng base now and go to any city or small base, life may not be as easy as at the E city base." "

  "After all, Qu Shiheng is a fire-type superpower. If there are any demons and monsters in this base, Qu Shiheng will set them on fire if they bring trouble in front of him."

"My opinion is, whether Xiangcheng forgives E City or not, Whether Hua Mi forgives or not forgives Qu Shiheng is none of our business."

  "There is no need for us to risk our lives in order to seek forgiveness from Xiangcheng."

  "We will tell Qu Shiheng directly that Chen Hu has been sent to Hunan by us. Outside the city base, but the Xiangcheng base does not open the door."

  "This is also true." "

 " And taking advantage of this time, we can go find Miss Qu."

  Thanks to the existence of the universal signal communicator, even in this apocalypse ,All signal base stations were destroyed.

  As long as they have this universal signal connector, if their mobile phones have power, they can still make unimpeded calls.

  Therefore, Hu Yanxiang had long known from Qu Shiheng that although Qu Yimin failed to reach the north of the Xiangcheng base, she successfully escaped from the zombie wave and escaped from danger.

  Currently, she is staying in a small survivor gathering place outside F City.

  She couldn't move because all the bodyguards protecting her had been killed by the zombie wave outside Xiangcheng.

  Hu Yanxiang told the three men in the car, "We asked Qu Shiheng to understand.After we delivered Chen Hu's body, we were beaten and scolded by Xiangcheng. We had no choice but to pick up Miss Qu. After all, we were beaten and scolded by Xiangcheng."

"Miss Qu is his biological sister, wait until we receive Miss Qu."

  Hu Yanxiang's expression suddenly became ambiguous and he smiled.