Seeing that Lin Zhigang was still motionless, Hua Mi's face became colder and colder, "You know, the most difficult time for a woman is when she gives birth to a child?"

 " At that time, I could kill anything. With the blood flowing like a river, and if I'm going to crush you to death right now, it's very simple."

  She was not joking with Lin Zhigang, and she didn't have that much time to keep talking to Lin Zhigang.

  After all, she was in confinement now and she needed to stay in a good mood.

  Lin Zhigang lowered his head, neither speaking nor leaving.

  Then she heard Hua Mi say:

  "You are in front of me now, talking about these benevolent and righteous things, but have you ever asked your father?"

  "Your father really cares about the lives of the survivors in F City. "

 " Maybe that's not the case. Sometimes, human nature cannot be explored."

  When staring at the abyss of human nature, the abyss is also staring at itself.

  This is a very dark topic. Hua Mi is a person who has lived through the end of his life.

  She knew clearly that it had already reached this point. Are those so-called commanders really trying to find a solution for the survivors of the city?

  If no one else talks about it, just talk about Qu Shiheng.

  He insists on establishing an E City base. Most of all, he wants to stand out in the apocalypse and build a career.

  Become a leader.

  Hua Mi finds it difficult to understand the original intention of these people doing these things, but this is a man's ambition.

  The same goes for the management commander of F City.

  If he valued the lives of survivors enough, he would have moved closer to Xiangcheng.

  Is it because Xiangcheng is not rich in supplies? Is it because the walls of Xiangcheng are not strong enough?


  But from the very beginning, Lin Zhigang's father, the management commander of F City, only thought about the conflict between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman would benefit.

  It was hard to say that he already had such thoughts and would still care about the lives of the survivors in that city.

  Having said this, Lin Zhigang sighed, finally got up and walked out of Hua Mi's ward.

  As soon as he closed the door of the ward, two guards immediately came forward and asked with vigilance:

  "Why did you enter Sister Hua's ward?"

  "Doctor Xin didn't say that there will be a new doctor today."

  Lin Zhigang quickly took it and he showed his doctor's ID and explained:

 "I don't mean any harm. You can go in and see Miss Hua. She is very good."

  However, Lin Zhigang was still taken away by the two guards at the door, who began to harass him for several hours and ask.

  After a few hours, he finally got rid of the garrison in the emergency area.

  Lin Zhigang immediately took out his cell phone, called his father, and informed his father of Hua Mi's attitude.

  His father was very annoyed on the other end of the phone,

  "Why is it so difficult to get some supplies from the Xiangcheng base? It's not like we don't give them crystal cores. Is this Hua Mi a woman? You've already begged her so humbly, why does she still have to seal off the Xiangcheng base?"

  Lin Zhigang lowered his head and pinched his eyebrows, "Dad, when people were in such difficulty, we haven't helped her."

  "There are now a circle of zombies outside the Xiangcheng base. Opening the Xiangcheng base at this time is indeed risky for the Xiangcheng base."

"My suggestion is that we first send out a group of people to help clean up some zombies outside the Xiangcheng base to show the sincerity of our F City. Then after that, let's talk to Miss Hua about the wholesale of supplies."

  The management commander of F City pondered for a moment on the other end of the phone.

  He asked hesitantly:

  "If we spend such a high price to clear out a circle of zombies outside the Xiangcheng base but in the end, that Miss Hua didn't agree to open the Xiangcheng base and refused to let us sell wholesale supplies. What to do?"

  Lin Zhigang lowered his head. He seemed quite helpless and wiped his face with his hand.

  He tried to reason with his father,

  "Dad, now we are asking for help from Xiangcheng, not Xiangcheng from us." "

  "Since Xiangcheng was closed, the people here can still live a good life, very, very well. "

  "Now people outside Xiangcheng are living in dire straits."

  "We cannot take the initiative in this dependence relationship because we don't have any bargaining chips in our hands." "

 " Xiangcheng needs nothing.....nothing. There is no shortage, so we can only show our sincerity first before we can impress Miss Hua, right?"

  Lin Zhigang said this from the bottom of his heart.

  He believed what he said, and many survivors who brought goods told his father.

  Xiangcheng is indeed not short of everything now. Originally, Xiangcheng sold supplies and wanted money.

  But now Xiangcheng doesn't need money. For a while, what it wanted was crystal cores.

  Now there is no need to make money from the crystal core in Xiangcheng.

  Hua Mi seemed determined and surrounded Xiangcheng.

  Those who have gone out cannot come in again, and no more supplies from Xiangcheng will flow out.

  This caused people in Xiangcheng to want to go out less and less.

  Of course, Xiangcheng will now call on survivors to go out of the city to fight zombies.

  But everyone who goes out of the city must go to the mission center to receive mission registration.

  After completing a set of complex procedures such as the number of people in his team, scanning pupils, and so on, the Xiangcheng base will let these people go out of the city to fight zombies.

  They can fight zombies outside the barbed wire fence.

  After fighting the zombies, go back to the barbed wire fence to rest.

  If the person released does not return to the barbed wire fence at the specified time, the barbed wire fence will be closed on time, and no one will wait.

  Lin Zhigang's father said angrily:

  "This is unreasonable. If Xiangcheng continues like this, it will become an isolated base."

  Lin Zhigang asked, "Even if Xiangcheng becomes an isolated base, so what? It needs to be open ? But what can it get from the outside world?"

  No, it doesn't need to. There is everything in the mall base.

  It's just that the original free buying and selling of materials has become a rationing system.

  The original survivors could purchase supplies from Xiangcheng as long as they had money and crystal cores.

  Now it's time to distribute supplies to jobs.

  Survivors who go out to do missions come back and turn in crystal cores. After reaching a certain number, they can get mission rewards.

  The mission rewards are generous materials.

  No one knows how much supplies there are in Xiangcheng, but currently, according to Lin Zhigang's observation, the supplies in the Xiangcheng base are far from being scarce.

  The F city management commander on the other end of the phone said hesitantly: "Then let me think about it. Since you are inside the Xiangcheng base, you don't have to think about coming out again."

  After all, he can't go back in after he come out.

  Although he is forward-thinking and possesses the mindset of a superior, he is still a good father.

  He hope Lin Zhigang, his son, can live a peaceful life.

  He had been urging Lin Zhigang non-stop to follow the survivors out of Xiangcheng before the Xiangcheng base was destroyed.

  But now he doesn't press.

  He hoped that Lin Zhigang, his son, could stay at the Xiangcheng base forever.

  And it was precisely because of such selfless fatherly love that Lin Zhigang had no choice but to watch F City come to an end.

  After hanging up the phone with his father, Lin Zhigang sighed deeply.

  This problem is really unsolvable.

  However, soon, his father came up with another way for F City. He contacted Chen Hu directly without notifying Lin Zhigang. To be precise, it was Chen Hu who took the initiative and contacted the management commander of F City. Got in touch.

  That's what Chen Hu is like. He seems to be looking for a place all the time. If this doesn't work, he will change places immediately.

  That one didn't work anymore, so he abandoned it immediately and took root in another place.

  So afte in E City he saw that he was about to die, Chen Hu decisively abandoned Qu Shiheng. Contacted the commander of F City,

  Chen Hu, who was on the outskirts of Xiangcheng.

  Although it is said to be on the periphery, it is actually far, far away from the Xiangcheng base.

  This was really beyond his expectation. He originally thought that the more dangerous a place, the safer it would be.

  He thought that after his people arrived outside the Xiangcheng base, they would find a way to take root.

  But the reality was completely different from what he thought.

  The difference is that there are too many zombies outside Xiangcheng.

  Several times, Chen Hu, his sick old mother, and his cousins ​​were chased and bitten by zombies.

  It was only because they ran fast that they got away from the zombies.

  So they ran away from Xiangcheng.

  When they arrived at a safer place, they discovered that the place they arrived was close to the boundary of F City.

  Here, although there will be zombies appearing suddenly from time to time.

  But fortunately, Chen Hu found a small gathering place for survivors.

  The supplies in this gathering place are quite sufficient.

  When he brought his mother here, he also found a lot of supplies along the way, so he could still live well.

  The first time Chen Hu contacted F City Management Commander Lin Xia, Lin Xia didn't want to deal with people like Chen Hu.

  At that time, Lin Xia also said to Chen Hu,"You have no use value now. What do you want from me?"

  "What can you do to help us in F City?"

  He kept looking at Xiangcheng and E City.There are fierce fights between cities.

  So after Chen Hu called him and explained his identity, Lin Xia's first reaction was that Chen Hu had come to destroy F City again.

  However, Lin Xia was now forced to do something by Hua Mi.

  If the Xiangcheng base is closed and cannot be opened, supplies cannot be wholesaled.

  F City cannot develop, and even his own living environment outside has become very bad.

  This is a very real problem. Lin Xia wants to leave F City and run into the Xiangcheng base, but now he has no way.

  So Lin Xia found Chen Hu again in desperation.

  He thought that Chen Hu should have a solution.

  After all, Chen Hu was able to escape from Gong Yi so many times. This man must have some real ability.

  If Chen Hu could give him a way, even a way out, Lin Xia believed that it would be worth cooperating with this person.

  Chen Hu chuckled on the other end of the phone. He said to Lin Xia: "Think about it for yourself. E City has become like this. Why is E City not extinct? Can it still live well?"

  "This is one of the reasons. There must be a reason."

  "The biggest reason is that the Qu family in E City has mastered the existence of many material storage areas."

 " I don't have any great abilities. Unfortunately, I also know , there are many material hoarding places."

  "But some material hoarding places are the property of the Qu family."

  "If Commander Lin is willing to take this risk, I can tell Commander Lin about these material hoarding places."

 On the other end, Lin Xia closed his eyes and asked calmly:

  "What do you want?"

  Chen Hu is not a simple person. Whatever he gives, he must get something in return.

  If Lin Xia couldn't afford this return, then he would rather not get this batch of supplies.

  Now this F city is very small, and there are many survivors in this small F city.

  However, these are not things that cannot be given up.

  If the time comes when Lin Xia needs to sacrifice his life, Lin Xia will not hesitate to give up the lives of the survivors in F City.

  He is not that great, does not have such high sentiments, and would not do anything for the survivors of this city.

  Chen Hu chuckled on the other end of the phone,

  "Commander Lin is just joking. How can I have such great ambitions? Will I ask Commander Lin to do something that is impossible? My request is very simple, that is Commander Lin, can you give me some [Energy Water Drops] so that my mother can continue her life."

"Isn't this too much to ask?"

  Only a few of Chen Hu's family members died.

  He didn't want his mother to leave him, so he kept using [Energy Water Drops] to hang his mother's life.

  But as his situation became more and more difficult, he couldn't even get a drop of [Energy Water Drop].

This was one of the reasons why Chen Hu had to contact Lin Xia urgently.

  He wanted to use the material hoarding land in his hands to exchange for [Energy Water Drops] in F City.

  On the other end of the phone, Lin Xia couldn't help but laugh a few times,"I really didn't expect that our majestic Chen Hu, Boss Chen, is actually a filial son. This is really embarrassing for me, Boss Chen. I have a bit of respect."

  He and Chen Hu are similar in age, but Chen Hu has no children of his own, while Lin Xia has a very old son who stays at the base.

  They are all of the same age, have experienced the apocalypse in the same way, and their social status is similar.

  Therefore, Lin Xia can understand Chen Hu's filial piety very well.

  He said to Chen Hu simply:

  "I don't have [Energy Water Drops] in my hand. I'm afraid I can't provide you with this thing."

  Chen Hu laughed and said

  "A city as big as yours is now more developed than E City. It's much safer, but you told me that you don't even have a bottle of [Energy Water Drops] in your hand? Who are you trying to lie to?"

  "Besides, isn't your son at the rescue center in Xiangcheng? He has more [Energy Water Drop] in his hand."