While Hua Mi was talking to Huo Jing about the group of survivors stranded in the Xiangcheng base, a garrison hurried over and stood beside Hua Mi.

  He saluted Hua Mi with a standard garrison salute and said,

  "Sister Hua, that woman has been interrogated. She does have a gang." "

  "This gang exists among the stranded survivors in the north of the Xiangcheng base, and the number is still there. Quite a lot, quite big."

  "According to the woman, there are about several hundred."

  "The woman didn't know the specific list, but she told us that this group of people has a great influence on our Xiangcheng base, especially on Hunan. Sister, your opinion is very important."

  This is probably someone who has never been to the Xiangcheng Base, and has only heard that the Xiangcheng Base has sufficient supplies and energy.

  But they never thought that after actually entering the Xiangcheng base, they would find out how good this base really is.

  The more they think this base is good, the more they feel that closing this base and not allowing it to be opened to the outside world will be a very cruel and heavy loss to the outside world, those survivors who are suffering.

  They are all human beings, so why can some people live in the Xiangcheng base?

  And some people can only suffer outside the Xiangcheng base?

  The garrison said to Hua Mi carefully:

  "The woman who attacked our brother and sister, her husband, mother-in-law, children, etc. are all outside the Mist Wall."

 " When the commander was building the Mist Wall, this woman's husband, mother-in-law, etc. He and his children were not together with this woman."

  "So they were separated."

  It took almost no effort to pry open the woman's mouth.

  There seems to be something wrong with this woman's mental state.

  After intensifying her emotions a little, she told the garrison everything like a bamboo tube falling to her stomach.

  Why does she do this and who are the people who help her do this.

  While the woman was venting her emotions, she also told the garrison that she was feeling a lot of depression in her heart.

  Because the Cloud and Mist City Wall was built in an instant, it did not go through a long process of piling up. It was the materialized city wall of Gong Yi's mental power.

  So she and her family didn't react at that time.

  When she was close to the Xiangcheng base, she was included in the Mist Wall, and her family stood far away, so they're naturally excluded from the Xiangcheng base. She was forced to be separated from her family . It is said that there are many survivors outside.

  Therefore, this group of stranded survivors who were stranded in the north of the Xiangcheng base and had already lived in tents had great opinions on Hua Mi.

  They believe that if Hua Mi had not blocked the Xiangcheng base, then today, all their relatives and friends would be able to enter the Xiangcheng base, such a good place.

  Everyone they care about, everyone they love, will be happy.

  Hua Mi, who closed the Xiangcheng base, was the culprit who prevented their family from being reunited and their happiness.

  "How can we blame Miss Hua?"

  Huo Jing frowned and looked at the garrison who came to report the review results. He asked: "From the beginning, we have said that there is danger outside the Xiangcheng base, so we want to close the Xiangcheng base."

  "During that time, many people have seen what happened in the Xiangcheng base, but now it's the other way around, saying that Sister Hua has closed the Xiangcheng base."

"Are they still talking about the truth?"

  When Huo Jing heard this, he would only feel aggrieved for Hua Mi.

  Obviously, if it weren't for Hua Mi, the entire Xiangcheng base would not have been established.

  Some people simply don't see this.

  They will only think that it was Hua Mi who caused the Xiangcheng base to be closed down.

  Garrison opened his mouth and glanced at Hua Mi, but he didn't speak.

  There are some things he dare not say.

  In fact, when this woman was venting her emotions, she once shouted crazily. She meant to blame Hua Mi, why did she want to have a child?

 If Hua Mi had not given birth to a child, Chen Hu and Qu Shiheng would not have taken advantage of the situation. If Chen Hu and Qu Shiheng had not taken advantage of the situation, the Xiangcheng base would not have suffered such a heavy blow.

  So much so that they have now entered a state of self-isolation.

  The woman's complaints actually represent a woman's thoughts, which are not uncommon in the entire Xiangcheng base.

  As soon as everyone talks about it, they will say, since the end of the world has come, why do women still have children?

  Hua Mi herself had to be blamed for all the strange things coming and going. Who else could they blame?

  If she doesn't give others the chance to sneak in, will others take advantage of the Xiangcheng base?

 Of course, the garrison would not say this to Hua Mi. They were not people who didn't know right from wrong.

  All the guards treated their brother and sister as their own children, so when the woman said such words, every guard was particularly angry.

  But they kept in mind how terrible postpartum depression is, and no one would say such bad things to Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi raised her eyebrows and glanced at the guard who was hesitant to speak.

  In fact, she understands everything without being told by the garrison.

  Because her hearing is very good now, Hua Mi can hear people speaking softly in the distance.

  Now her mind was filled with many survivors blaming her behind her back.

  The meaning is roughly the same.

  Just like a girl who walked out at night in a fancy dress and was assaulted by a bad guy, people only blamed the girl. Why did she dress like this and walk out at night? The truth is actually the same.

  "Who caused the Xiangcheng base to be closed down? Don't you have some clues in your mind?"

  Huo Jing was still scolding.

  Hua Mi raised her hand to interrupt Huo Jing's words.

  She turned around and said to the garrison expressionlessly:

  "The reason why they couldn't be reunited with their families was because something unexpected happened. Although the Commander's mist wall is to protect Xiangcheng, it is also It really prevented their family from being reunited."

  "We have to correct the chaos now, correct our mistakes in time, and apologize to them."

  Hearing her words, Huo Jing opened his mouth eagerly and looked at Hua Mi,

  "Miss Hua, that's not the case. "

  The garrison also frowned and couldn't help but shake his head desperately.

  No, why should they apologize? Why correct mistakes? Want to bring order out of chaos?

 What did they do wrong?

 If you want to apologize, it is obviously these people who should apologize to Sister Hua and Xiangcheng Base.

  These stranded survivors caused so much harm to Sister Hua and even dropped bombs on two innocent children. Don't these stranded survivors deserve to be cut to pieces by a thousand cuts?

 Moreover, the stranded survivors also caused chaos to the Xiangcheng base and increased the burden on their garrison.

  It is already very hard for the garrison to guard the Xiangcheng base. Those policemen maintain the order and stability of the Xiangcheng base day and night. Aren't they tired?

 Just because these stranded survivors were separated from their families, they vented their conflicts and hatred on two innocent children.

  It is these radical-thinking people who are wrong, not the Xiangcheng base.

  At this time, both Huo Jing and Garrison thought, was Hua Mi suffering from postpartum depression?

 So much so that Hua Mi had already started talking nonsense.

  But then they heard Hua Mi say,

  "Since these stranded survivors have such big objections to me and want to be reunited with their families, then just put things in order and let them go out."

"They're all saying that they must be reunited with their families. We must not force them to stay in the Xiangcheng base."

  "You just follow the list provided by this woman and dig up whatever you find. I don't mind sending all the people yoy dug up out of the north of the Xiangcheng base. Go."

  "Remember, no matter what these people do in the future, they will not be able to enter the Xiangcheng base again." "

  "After all, there is a person like me in the Xiangcheng base who they hate deeply. How can they stay here? How about breathing the same air as me?"

  Hua Mi had no choice but not to kill the woman who attacked her.

  She chose to let it go.

  Look at how kind she is. This is because Hua Mi has correctly realized her mistake. She wants to set things aside and set these stranded survivors free.

  The woman who threw the bomb was named Chen Xiumin.

  At this time, she was detained in a small garrison camp in the north of the Xiangcheng base.

  She watched in horror as the two guards entered the tent.

  At this time, the rag in the woman's mouth had been removed, and she had finished venting her emotions.

  After venting her emotions, Chen Xiumin seemed much normal.

  At least she started to think about her current situation with normal people's thinking.

  Facing the garrison, she shook her head and shouted loudly, "What do you want to do to me? You are also a garrisons.The garrison was such a great and noble profession. You cannot destroy the greatness of this profession. ."

  "I'm warning you, if you do anything to me, I will never let you go."

  Tang You, who entered the tent, rolled his eyes at the woman with a speechless expression.

  He took out a needle in his hand, grabbed the woman's hand, and pricked the needle into the woman's fingertip.

  A test tube was used to take the woman's blood.

  The woman screamed, she really thought that the garrison at the Xiangcheng base would do something to her body.

  Do worse things.

  However, she just heard Tang You say,

 "What is your name? I just took a drop of your blood and recorded your DNA."

"Don't worry, you and your accomplices seek kindness and get kindness. From now on, we will be kind to you again. You won't see our sister Hua anymore."

  "Don't you hate our sister Hua very much? Sister Hua said you should stop breathing the same air with her."

  "Okay, okay, get up and we'll take you out of the Xiangcheng base."

  Chen Xiumin's eyes widened in shock.

  She didn't realize what Tang You meant by what he said to her. She only stood up and walked out of the tent under the supervision of Tang You and others.

  When she was almost close to the Cloud and Mist City Wall, the woman discovered that many survivors had gathered here.

  The survivors looked disgraced and embarrassed. They were all the people who helped her plan the bomb attack.

  Chen Xiumin is familiar with every one of them.

  Chen Xiumin looked them up and down and found no signs of being beaten or tortured.

  But their image is far less clean and tidy than before.

  Although they lived in a humanitarian aid tent at the Xiangcheng Base before, the Xiangcheng Base provided them with food and water every day.

  They will use this clean water to clean their bodies.

  But now, because when they were caught by the garrison, they ran too awkwardly and hurriedly, causing them to be covered in dust.

  Making them extremely uncomfortable.

  Seeing Chen Xiumin coming over, the survivors lowered their heads, with hidden hatred in their eyes.

  It's all Chen Xiumin's fault. If Chen Xiumin hadn't done something dirty, they wouldn't have been killed too.

  They wouldn't be involved today.

  Although these stranded survivors think so in their hearts.

  But they all acted very pitifully, trying to win the sympathy of the garrison with such pitiful gestures.

  Some people even let out whimpering sounds from their mouths. They looked at the garrison with innocent faces and tears on their faces.

  They hope the garrison will find their conscience, let them go, and stop targeting them.

  Chen Xiumin asked tremblingly:

 "Why are you here? Where are the guards sending us to?"

One of the survivors looked at Chen Xiumin full of complaints and deliberately raised his voice so that all the guards could hear it, he said: "Why are you so impulsive? You actually took a bomb to blow up Hua Mi's two children."

"Why are you doing this? Usually everyone complains, but no one do it seriously."

  Chen Xiumin looked at the man who said this, and she didn't seem to understand what the man was talking about.

  Now listening to what this man said, it seemed like she was blamed for all this?

  But, it wasn't like this before.

  It seems that everyone is united to boycott a certain person and has a common imaginary enemy, so their group becomes particularly cohesive.

  They used to support each other, and during the days when they lost contact with their loved ones, they shared their thoughts about their loved ones with each other.

  Their team is extremely integrated. They miss their families and hate Hua Mi. They embrace each other and warm each other.

  But now, someone actually said that everyone usually complained, but no one took such complaints seriously.

 Chen Xiumin couldn't believe her ears.

  As a result, there was not just one person who said this, and soon after, someone else came out to speak out.

  They seemed to be eager to distance themselves from Chen Xiumin, "Yes, how could we have imagined that Chen Xiumin actually made a bomb and attacked Hua Mi's two babies."

  "Although we complained about Hua Mi, Children are innocent. We have never thought about doing anything to them." "

 " Yes, I also have two children. They are outside the base now and I don't know what happened to them. How could I have the heart to do anything to them?"

  "Chen Xiumin, you are too inhumane. If I had known that your personality was so extreme, I would never be friends with you."

"You deserve to die if you do something to a child."