France to Los Angeles

The continuous ringing of his cell phone woke Aeryn from a sound sleep. He glanced at the bedside clock. The numbers read it was only five o'clock in the morning. His anger flared as he grabbed for his phone as it rang once more.

"What?" Aeryn rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"It's Sunday, and the sun isn't even out yet."

"Yeah, yeah. I know, but this is urgent. We have that meeting today in LA."

Aeryn shook his head." You can handle the meeting."

"I can manage the meeting with Andrei, but you have the whole mafia meeting at nine this morning. I'll pick you up."

Before Aeryn could respond, the call ended. He tossed his cell phone onto the nightstand and stood, stretching his arms above his head getting, all the creaks and tightness out of his body. Time has limited. He needed to get his morning jog in, then shower and dress for the morning activities. With only one hour and fifty-five minutes to spare, Aeryn began his morning routine.

When Aeryn was ready in his black 2-piece, he called Gavriel.

"Buddy, I'm on my way there."

"Okay, hurry,"

When he got there.

They flew to LA on his private jet. Its interior was in black, white, and grey color, which shows its uniqueness?

They reached Los Angeles from France at 9 pm. Both have tired, so moved to their flat in LA.

Aeryn had a shower and wore black trousers and a grey t-shirt.

After that, he reached the dining table in the living room, Where Gavriel had already bought their dinner.

They had their dinner in complete silence. Then discussed the business and retired to rooms for sleep. In sleep, Aeryn dreamed about his dream girl.

On another side,

"It's 7 am. Eva, baby, wake up. Go to the office" Eva's mother, Luna, opened the curtains on the windows.

When the light from the sun fell on Eva's face, she groaned in frustration.

"Why are you waking me up? Mom, I want to sleep more."

Luna sat on the edge of the bed. Eva put her head on her lap. "You've been waking up late at night again. How many times have I told you to forget about all that shit?"

"Mom, I'm okay. I was working late at night. You know the most famous CEO of the Wilson group will come tomorrow for a meeting. I want to give them a professional look. If this meeting goes well, our business will be at the top level in France. I don't want to lose this opportunity to expand our business."

"Okay, as you wish, but please take care of yourself first. You get ready. I'll make breakfast."

Evangeline POV

"Mom, you are great."

"You too. Now go get ready and come down."

I walked to the washroom and did my morning chores.

After a long hot shower, I put on my skin-tight white dress, reached my knees, and had white heels.

I slightly curled my hair and did some makeup. When I was ready, I went downstairs to the dining room, where everyone was already present.

"Hello," I sat down on my chair. My mom immediately served me breakfast. Although we had maids, my mom still liked to dish up. I was having my breakfast when my dad, Aiden Andrei, asked me about preparations for the meeting.

"Everything is ready," I replied.

"That's good."

We ate the rest of our breakfast in silence. When I had done, I stood up to get a start on the day, but Bella stopped me.

"Eva, will you drop me at my school because the driver is on leave,"


She smiled brightly and came along with me. I dropped her at school and went to the office.

There I checked all the preparations for tomorrow's meeting and attended today's meeting.

The meeting went well, and I did some office work. Lastly, I told all precautions regarding meeting my secretary Emma and went home.