The Burst Of Burnt Ashes

Aeryn's side

While crying for a minute or two, he got up from the ground. He moved towards his car and sat on the seat. While driving, he messaged Gavriel. He said;

"I have urgent work to handle. So, I'm going there. As for here, handle it for me."

" All right," Gav said. Because he knows if he has said urgent work, it means he does not want to tell him. So, he didn't ask him about his work.

Aeryn went to the warehouse Where his mafia men work. He moved towards the basement and called his two men. While they were coming, he removed his upper clothes. When they reached the basement, they saw him. His upper body was naked, and he was only in his pants. He ordered them to flog him.

They looked towards each other in horror.

"Did you both listen to me or not?" he exclaimed in anger.

"But, Sir, how can we do this?" One of them said while stammering.

"You are my men. Everything is possible for you if I said."

"But, Sir," Aeryn stopped them by shouting.

"Pick up this whip and start flogging. Otherwise, it will not be good for both of you."

They picked up the whip. Aeryn sat on the bench and, they started flogging him slowly.

Aeryn got angrier. He shouted at him again and said;

" Do it fast and hard."

While hesitating, they started beating him hard and fast.

In spit of harsh flogging, he didn't move an inch from his place.

He has not moved. It doesn't mean he didn't feel pain. He is also a human being. He also feels pain. But he wanted to hurt himself for the reason that he caused pain to his angel.

He didn't want to hurt her. Just, he wanted, to give her a slight punishment. He ought to scare her. He approached her and touched her, and said those things. So, she won't wear that type of exposed clotting again. But everything went wrong.

He lost control of himself When Aeryn told Eva about her exposed skin. Aeryn was restless. But he controlled him. But When he mentioned cleavage exposing, Aeryn lost it. He didn't even know when his inner demon took control.

He was getting himself flogging, not because he punished her. But because he took her advantage. He tried to force himself on her without her consent.

The punishment was fair. Eva deserved it. How can she show her skin to anyone? When it belongs to him. But he made a mistake by forcing himself on her. That's why he thought of punishing himself. So, he won't do it again.

His men were flogging him for almost half an hour. Now, blood dripping from the scratches and, his back was shining with blood. His men stopped.

He looked towards them with red eyes.

They fell on their knees with a thud and said;

"Sorry, Sir, we can't do this anymore. If; you want to punish us. We are ready. But we can't do this anymore."

He gestured them with his hand to leave.

They left.

He wore his shirt and left for his flat.

He reached there and went to his room. He put off his shirt which, was now stained with blood.

He went to the shower cubicle and turned on the shower. Water was dripping down his body along with blood. In the shower cubicle, many things were going on his mind.

He had a shower for almost 30 minutes. Then he moved to the bed. He laid there. He started thinking about the whole situation again. Even after punishing himself, he again started feeling guilty.

"Angel! I'm not like this. I don't want to do that. I love you and, I won't force myself on you. But I lost it When I saw lust in that man's eyes. When he was talking to you, He was starring at your cleavage. How can I tolerate this?" he exclaimed while tears came in his eyes.




Bella's POV;

When mom told us about Eva, sister sleeping in her room, we got to relax. Then everyone went to their rooms.

I moved towards my closet while thinking about that guy.

"What his name was? Ahhmmm Gavriel Wilson...?"

"Yeah, his name was Gavriel."

While thinking about him and his dead handsome face, I picked up my night suit from the closet and went to the washroom.

I had a shower and changed into a night suit.

I saw myself in the mirror. I was blushing.

"Oh my god. Is it blush? Am I blushing? But why?"

"Is it because I'm thinking about him."

Oh my goodness, just thinking him made me blush. What it would be, like when we make love.

"Oh my goodness, what I'm saying?"

"No, Bella, You can't think about him like that,"

You are 19 years. Sis Eva is not married yet, and you are thinking about lovemaking at this age. OOOHHHH

She jerked his thoughts.

But again she said;

"Gavriel is handsome. But Mr.Aeryn is more good-looking."

He is way more handsome and hot. But he is not of my type.

He looks like a devil. His expressionless face, he suits with Eva sis."

He and Eva are for each other. Both have the same expressions. No one can understand what's going on in their life.

No one can judge their mode from expressions, so they are best for each other.

Mr.Aeryn looks like a Greek god while Eva is a goddess, heaven-made couple.

She said while fantasizing about them. But soon, she started fantasizing about her and gav. Then she fell asleep.



Gavriel POV;

At the whole party, I was staring at her. I was unable to move my stare from her. She looked damn cute in her short white dress, and She had a fair skin tone, green eyes, big eyelashes, a pointed nose, and thin but perfect lips. She has different features from Evangeline, but she is also pretty gorgeous.

After reaching home, I went for a shower and then moved to the bed for sleep.

As Aeryn was not here yet So, I was not able to sleep. I started thinking about her. Her innocent and pure face stole my heart. I don't know she felt some spark between us or not. But there is something between us, pulling me towards her. She will be my one-night stand or more than this. I didn't feel anything about my previous whores. But seeing her, my heart said;

" Gav, She is not a one-night stand material. She is the one for you. You can spend all night with her without getting bored. She is the one to whom you don't want as your whore. But something different, maybe a partner."

But then he thought, 'No Gav she is just like other girls you can't fall for her and make your life hell. So just use them and step aside."

By saying this, he didn't realize he drowned to sleep.