Rage of Love

In the morning, Bella woke up. She stretched her hands above her head and moved towards the washroom. She did her morning chores and had a hot shower. Bella went to the closet and decided to wear ripped jeans with a crop top. She wore sneakers and moved downstairs in the dining hall. Everyone was already there. Bella greeted everyone and went towards Eva, who was also there before Bella. Today she has an important meeting. That's why she woke up early to go to the office.

Bella kissed Eva's cheek and said in Eva's ear.

"You are the best." Eva smiled.

"What are you whispering in her ear. Tell us also." Luna asked.

"Nothing, mom. I'm just telling her she is the best." Now Bella moved towards Luna and kissed her cheek also and exclaimed:

"Mom, you are the best mom. Thank you for permitting me to go to France." Bella said, sitting on the chair.

Luna glared towards Eva.

"You already told her. You both sister's uff can't keep a secret for a while." Everyone laughed. But Aiden cries out fakely.

"Bella, your sister is the best. Your mom is also the best and me. Nothing,"

"Dad, you are also the best. How can I forget you? But you didn't help me yesterday. I was a little bit angry, but now mom permitted me. So, it's okay. I forgive you." Bella kissed her father's cheek, and everyone burst into laughter.

"Bella, I'm allowing you to go, but that doesn't mean you can do everything of your will. You can only go If you accept my conditions." Luna exclaimed in a motherly tone.

"Why? mom, when you're allowing me, then why these conditions." Bella cried out.

"Bella, listen to mom. Listen to her conditions If you would agree with them. Then you can go." Eva spoke out.

Bella sighed and said:

"Fine, tell me the conditions."

"Conditions are simple. You have to call me twice a day and report to me everything. Immediately call me if anything bad happens to you. Stay away from bad guys. You're going there for an internship. So, stay away from clubs or bars-like places. Don't go out at night. Eat on time and take good care."

"Anything else," Bella mocked.

"Eva, call Aeryn and tell him to arrange for security," Luna ordered Eva.

Eva nodded while Bella exclaimed with a sigh.

"Seriously, security, no way, mom." Bella blurted out.

"Yeah, security, and I won't listen to anything else." Now go and start your preparations.

Bella stood and went to her room.

While Luna looked at Eva and Eva exclaimed:

"Mom, don't worry. Everything will be okay. I'm going to the office, and I'll talk to Aeryn there." Eva stood and went outside the house to go to her office.


In the office, Eva was working on a project with Emma when Aeryn came. Emma excused herself and went out.

"Good morning, sweetheart. How was your morning? Did I come in your dreams?" Aeryn was back hugging her while she was still on her chair.

Eva smiled, and Aeryn kissed her cheek. Eva blushed.

Then Aeryn moved towards the chair and sat there.

"Aeryn, We'll talk later. I was discussing something important with Emma."

"More important than me," Aeryn asked, raising his brow.

"No, but it's about a meeting that I have in almost 15 minutes. So, please, we'll carry on from this after our meeting."

Aeryn didn't say anything and stormed out of her cabin.

Eva sighed. And Emma came in. They discussed their meeting and then went to the meeting hall. After the meeting, Eva went to Aeryn's cabin and saw it empty. She called Aeryn, but he didn't respond.

Eva huffed in frustration.

"Not now, Aeryn," Eva said to herself and started thinking about ways to make him pleased.

She called him again and again, but he didn't respond. Then she messaged him.

"What about the date?"

He saw the message but still didn't reply. Eva rushed towards his flat. She belled the ring, but no one responded. Then Eva went to her home in frustration and anger. Now she was angry at him for ignoring and avoiding not answering her calls or messages.

She reached home and went to her room in annoyance. Luna saw her going to her room in vexation. So, she followed her. Eva threw her clutch and phone to the bed and moved her fingers through her hair in frustration.

"What does he think about himself? Only he is the one who got angry." Eva scowled.

"Who thinks about himself, and who got you angry?" Luna asked her.

"Aeryn, mom, instead of him, who will be there to anger me. If there would be anyone else, then I would have already relieved my anger on him."

"Yeah, it's right. But what about your date?"

"I don't know, mom. I messaged him, but he didn't answer. I don't know what to do."

"It's okay. Calm down and ask Aeryn again." Eva was going to say something when a notification beeped on her cell phone. She hurriedly picked it up and saw a message from Aeryn.

"Get ready for dinner and come to this location." He tagged a location with a message. A heartfelt smile came to Eva's lips.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. See, I told you Aeryn is a good man, and most importantly, he loves you. So, go and wear something hot to please him."

Luna winked at her, and her face became tomato red. Luna kissed her forehead and went away.

After going Luna out, Eva rushed to her closet and started seeing a dress to look hot. After a lot of searching, finally, she selected clothing to wear. A smirk came to her lips by watching that dress, and she said to herself.

"Wish you best of luck, Mr. Aeryn Wilson. I dare you to stop your mouth from being open(ogling) after seeing my hotness."

Eva chuckled by imagining Aeryn's open mouth with his jaw touching the floor.