Sensational News

It was 7 a.m. when Eva woke up. She opened her eyes to see Aeryn, but he had gone. Eva stood up from the bed and stretched her arms above her head to take out all the tightness and creakiness in her body. She retired to the washroom for her morning chores. Eva had a shower, and when she came out of the bathroom, her cell phone rang.

She grabbed it from the nightstand and looked at the screen. It was a call from Emma.

"Yeah, Emma. I'm coming within an hour." Eva said, moving towards the closet.

"Ma'am, did you see the news?" Emma asked.

"News, not what happened." Eva picked up a dress from the closet and moved towards the bed while talking to Emma.

"Mam, you and, um, sir, are all over the internet." Emma's voice was low.

"What do you mean, me and sir?" Eva asked, not understanding the meaning.

"Ma'am, I have sent you the video link. You can watch it yourself."