Memories From the Past

After Aeryn went out, Eva started crying. She didn't think that she would meet Asher like this as Aeryn. She started thinking from the start when she saw Aeryn for the first time. In their first meeting, he called her Angel.

"How can I not recognize you? I felt that damn connection with you, but I refused to accept it. You were the same as him. Even you punished me in your way for wearing that dress. Despite that, I didn't doubt you, Asher. Your way of kissing was like him; everything was like him, and that's why I always thought about Asher when I was with you."

"But I think that was because I loved Asher, but I was wrong. That was because you were Asher."

"How can you do this to me? Everything happened because of you. It was you who betrayed me. It was you who had a relationship with Lisa. Then how can you say that I betrayed you? What did you want me to do? Watch you and Lisa together." Eva cried her heart out. All her pain came out through her eyes.