Preparations for Reception

After disconnecting the call, Luna dialed Aiden's number, who lifted in the second ring.

"Is everything alright at home? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Aiden. I'm fine, just come home. We have to go to France, take Bella as well with you, and come home fast." Luna exclaimed in a single breath.

"Eva, Eva is all right. Nah, What happened? Tell me." Aiden's voice has a touch of panic.

"Eva is good. She called me to invite us to the reception party of their marriage. That is the day after tomorrow, so we have to depart today. Come home fast."

"You scared me, Luna. I'm coming back in an hour."

"Come fast." Luna ended the call and then called Bella, who was already in the office. She was sad and frustrated because Emma had informed her that Gavriel had gone to France last night to attend some function.

Bella picked up the call.

"Yeah, mom. Is everything alright?" She asked, leisurely.