I Own You

After struggling with the outburst of her emotions, Bella gathered herself.

"Bella, you can't be weak. You have to get strong for yourself and your child. You have to fight with this world for both of you."

She wiped off her tears and got fresh in the washroom.

Coming from there, she made herself busy with office work so she wouldn't remember him and his conversation.

At the off-time, Bella gave instructions to Emma regarding the next day and walked out of the cabin.

In the parking area, she opened the door of her car with the keys when a person came from behind. He sprayed something on her face. As she took a breath, she felt her head heavy, and she swung in the arms of that man.

"Welcome to my cage." He kissed Bella's forehead with affection, and an evil smirk glanced at his face.

Two hours later,

Bella opened her eyes with a little headache. She rested on the headboard and glanced over her surroundings.