Sweet Teasing, Sweet Jealousy

Next Morning

Aeryn woke up to the sound of the alarm. He snuggled onto something soft and turned the alarm off, extending his hand.

He again snuggled, applying pressure. A soft, low grunt escaped from Eva's mouth.

When Aeryn opened his eyes, he found himself snuggled against her breast. A sheepish smile came to his lips.

Aeryn lowered the duvet from her breast and started to give wet kisses.

He licked Eva's neck and collarbone. He outlined her nipples with his tongue and gave a gentle suck.

Soon, Eva's hand reached Aeryn's head, and she tried to push him more into her.

Aeryn smiled, and if Eva was awake, she could sense it through her skin.

Watching Eva's desperation, Aeryn backed off. He pulled himself away from her, and Eva tried to find him when her hands didn't get him. She opened her eyes in frustration.

The first thing she saw was Aeryn's face, a smiling one more like a smirking one.

"What?" Eva raised her brow.