
Bella had a shower and changed into a comfy nightdress. She applied body lotion to her hand when she thought about taking pills.

"My handbag," Bella exclaimed.

"Oh! My God, no, if Gavriel saw them in my bag, No, it can't be happening this soon. I can't let him know." Bella ran to the lounge to use the landline, as her cell phone and handbag were in Gavriel's apartment.

She reached the lounge and was about to dial Gavriel's number, but she thought, "What if he got an alert from my call, as if I'm hiding something from him.

"No, I'll talk calmly, and she won't notice." Bella dialled his number, and Gavriel lifted the call on the second ring.

"Everything is alright. I just dropped you now." Gavriel was concerned.

"I'm fine. I just want to say, "Take my handbag and cell phone to the office tomorrow." Bella tried to be straightforward.

"Alright, anything else," His voice was soft yet husky, sending shivers through her body.