Hidden Help

She was crying, holding herself tightly. Her heart was aching because of betrayal. She was sad because she gave him a chance again and again, yet he betrayed her. She wanted to run away from there. So Bella pulled off her drip and stood up on her feet to run when someone opened the door of the room and entered inside.

"Bella, what happened? "Where are you going?" Amelia exclaimed, looking at her devastated condition.

"Amy, Amy, I," Bella tried to speak but ended up hugging her and crying out.

"Shush, I'm here." Amelia caressed her back and said some soothing words.

Bella needed a sincere shoulder to share her burdened feelings with and now she found her friend she wouldn't resist. She let out all her emotions and pain through her eyes.

"Amy, Amy, he, he," Bella again tried to speak, but no words came out.

"Alright Bella, relax. I'll listen to you later. First sit here." Amelia helped Bella to sit back down on the hospital bed.