The night is young (1)

The night is young, and we've just cleared our misunderstandings. Now, we can focus on the future with more hope.

After being told that I can touch and kiss him as I want, it's even harder to keep my arms in check.

Ignis just observes me from close, but he doesn't start kissing. We're just hugging and happy, but I'd like to finally do what I've dreamt of.

Am I the only one wanting it? Isn't he the least attracted? Doesn't he quiver at least half as I do?

I caress his lips with a finger, and he bites the tip of it all of a sudden. I wince, but I don't retreat my hand while Ignis sucks on my finger.

It's weird, but even my knees feel the excitement from this small gesture.

My face must be convincing because Ignis lets go of my finger and aims for my lips, kissing me in the rough, passionate way I've started to love. The dress flies over my head, like yesterday but without all the wait.

«Veronica, you're beautiful,» Ignis whispers while making me lie down.

I close my eyes and enjoy the thrills caused by his voice.

Now that there isn't anything on the way, his mouth moves down on my belly. The path of kisses starts from my chin and passes on my chest, in between my breasts.

Ignis insists only a moment before resuming his journey and licking around my belly button. I inhale abruptly, surprised by the ease with which he touches and kisses me.

And here I thought he didn't like me...

His fingers grip my underwear, and I widen my eyes in expectation. This is something we haven't done yet: we never stood naked one in front of the other. Oh, well, at least I always had something on me.

«Can I?» he asks, looking me in the eye.

I nod, unable to talk once again. This time, though, the lump isn't due to fear or shame. It's something else, almost painful yet beautiful.

I wouldn't exchange these thrills for anything in the world.

Ignis pecks my stomach once again before pulling the last piece of clothing covering me. The underwear slips on my legs, uncovering me slowly yet unstoppably.

I swallow, and my hard breath makes me wonder if I'm overreacting to all of this.

When it reaches my knees, I move one of my legs to accelerate the process. I fold my knee and get the leg out of the underwear under Ignis's surprised expression.

Doing like this, I just revealed myself to him. But I don't care about shame. Not now.

Maybe, later, I might say sorry anew and convince Ignis that I'm a proper and shy lady, perfect to be his wife. But later.

He kisses my knee, moving up with his mouth and looking at me for the whole time. Every single peck is given only after checking my reaction, and he stops for a moment when I clench the sheets and bite my lips.

When he's sure I'm not complaining, he continues upwards. He licks the inner part of my thigh, and I moan out loud. I cover my mouth with both my hands, but Ignis's amused smirk heartens me.

I don't need to hide it, right? I can just be honest.

«Don't be this shy, wife,» he murmurs before kissing me again.

He licks and sucks on the same spot, and a light bruise appears when he's done. A small mark to remind me about this for the next few days.

His fingers caress my core, finally touching the most secret spot on my body. His tongue does the same a few seconds later, and I jolt.

A groan leaves my throat, and the room disappears when the warmth from down there takes over everything.

Ignis backs away, as worried as I was before.

«Veronica?» he murmurs, kissing the skin on my hip and peeking under his locks. «Are you all right?»

Oh, I'm more than that.

«Do that... Do that again,» I murmur with a high-pitched voice. «I like that.»

He sighs, relieved, and his head returns between my thighs. He guides my leg on his shoulder, and his tongue teases me again.

It's light, almost unnoticeable. However, the thrills are more than noticed.

When he gains some confidence, he moves his tongue in circles. His finger splits the lips, running on the opening and teasing me. While pleasure mixes with curiosity, I lean on my elbows and take a look.

Our eyes meet just while I sigh, and a wave of energy crosses my belly. A smug smile welcomes my moan as Ignis returns to his ministrations, making me pant even more.

He reaches the opening with his mouth, and his tongue slips inside before retreating. Then, again.

I inhale abruptly while my voice complains about something. Rather than stopping, though, it pushes him to continue. I want Ignis to go on with this, to even do more, to be rougher or move faster...

I lean back and fall on the sheets, sinking in the mattress. My free leg copies the first, circling his head with no shame. I arch my back as my moans get louder and more frequent, transforming into cries of need.

My back arches and my feet curl. A new, pulsing feeling builds up in my belly, deep down and hidden.

I lose contact with the world as the pleasure overflows whatever barrier kept it in till now. Even my fingers feel it.

It's like shattering in a thousand pieces, disappearing for a moment and, the next second, coming back to one's body and feeling everything with too much clarity.

The little light coming from the candles doesn't reach my eyes while I sink in the darkness. Warmth crosses my body, and thrills move my back while I calm down.

A pair of strong, hot arms surround me, and I lean my head on Ignis's shoulder, satisfied... blissful like never before.