Husband and wife

«Do not rush!» Ignis exclaims when I pull him on me soon after he takes off the last pieces of clothing.

Finally naked, I can take a good look at him. His thighs are so powerful: no wonder he can ride a horse for the whole day without a break. His back is sculpted, and I'd like to stick my nails in it to feel how firm it can be...

I am not rushing at all. I'm just a bit worried Ignis might leave if we take too much time, but that shouldn't happen. I hope.

My eyes caress his body, shifting down against my will. His erect member makes me quiver, and I lock my legs out of instinct.

I already know how it feels to touch it, yet... How will it feel inside?

I swallow, regaining composure and lying down.

His hands are next to my head, blocking me under him. But I can still move, so I lock my legs on his hips and pull him in for a kiss.

When his member hits my core, I moan and stroke my hips, rubbing myself on him. Every move sends electricity to my belly, and I start panting so soon.

I split my mouth to breathe, and I groan and whine just like before. Ignis isn't as unconcerned, for he also does pant with me.

«I want you so much,» he murmurs to my ear, and I arch my back at the sound.

«Now?» I beg, but he doesn't seem to concede.

I've had my part of pleasure already, so I should avoid being too annoying.

«I said no rush,» he murmurs. «Why are you in such a hurry?»

«I'm not in a hurry! Just a bit... Ehm... We should move on, right? We shouldn't waste too much time already.»

«You talk too much,» he says and pecks my nose.

His hand touches my core, massaging lightly until hearing a few moans. Only then, he moves his hands on my hips.

«Are you all right?» he inquires. He's asked me so many times, and I guess it's not even the last one.

He'll continue to be considerate. Too considerate, given the situation.

I nod, moving my gaze to the side not to let him see my annoyance.

His lips kiss my neck, and I arch my back to try getting closer.

«I can't hold back anymore,» he hums, and I bite my lips not to exult.

«Be gentle,» I murmur, pretending to be shy and proper.

«I'll try...»

I weaken the grip of my legs and let him position himself. His tip pricks on my entrance. It crosses the opening and slides inside.

Bit by bit, so slow... My inner walls stretch to let him accommodate.

It's weird being filled like this.

«Does it hurt?» Ignis says, slowing down even more.

I gasp, annoyed by the interruption. Oh, it's so difficult to get things done.

«No, it doesn't,» I purr.

It's just weird.

«Tell me if...» he starts, but he stops talking to sigh.

When he's completely inside, his breath accelerates, and he clenches his fists on the mattress. His forehead is covered by sweat, even if we didn't do anything much.

As for me... Oh, it's a little uncomfortable. Just a little.

I don't dare to move, and my chest trembles with every gulp of air. My fingers stick in Ignis's shoulders, and my eyes lock when he moves to retreat.

It's still slow. Ignis moves away and pushes back in, making me arch my back.

I groan, confused by all the feelings that assault my body. Most of all, it's burning. Ticklish to some degree, and it pushes me to move my hips too.

But I can't.

Ignis stops moving all of a sudden, observing my face like a scared rabbit.

«Does it hurt?» he asks again.

«I'm not hurt,» I murmur. «It's not pain, Ignis...»

«I... Can I... ehm...»

«Continue,» I breathe, tightening the clench of my legs. «And move faster, for goodness's sake!»

He bends down to kiss my lips while our hips react as if they had a life of their own.

While our tongues dance, so do our bodies.

What at first was just a waving feeling transforms into something more. Pleasure accumulates again, and I pant frantically while inciting Ignis to accelerate.

He reaches deeper inside me, hitting places that were supposed to hurt. Yet, not a single string of pain crosses my whole body.

They lied, didn't they? How can love hurt, after all?

Was it all just a story to keep girls in check?

«Oh, Ignis,» I murmur while reaching the second climax of my life.

Soon after the first, at that. Among the many things I didn't know before, there's the fact that women can feel pleasure without consummating. Ignis proved it so well, with the same tongue he's now using to kiss me.

When I think I'm close to finishing, I realise that my husband is not. His panting and moans are more frequent, but he has enough breath to kiss me wildly. He has enough mind to check on me from time to time, and he never lets go of his last bit of rationality.

But this is how he is. I don't hate it that much. It makes me feel cherished and loved.

At this thought, my resistance falls down, and my nails stick in Ignis's shoulders, leaving pink traces where I press the most. My feet curl, and my eyes roll back.

I stop the kiss because I have no control, and I shout a couple of screams before finally calming down.

My inner walls first clench around his member, and then they tremble in the delicious feeling spreading from my core. Ignis gives a few more pushes before releasing his semen, and I can finally rest assured.

We're husband and wife now. We're also lovers.

I cuddle on the side when Ignis rolls down, and I look for his embrace as soon as I can move freely.