Private chat (3)

I walk Ignis to my room, the only place where we can truly be alone. Far from interruptions and unwanted attention.

The residence is filled with guards, even some that were already here when we arrived. My siblings tend to wander around in search of trouble.

The only place where we won't be interrupted that easily is my room. Not to mention that Ignis won't be able to escape my questions.

«I will be your Queen,» I say as soon as the door is closed. «But that doesn't mean I forgive you.»

«No, of course not,» he agrees. Yet, no matter how tragic his tone is, his eyes avoid mine to hide the relief. His fingers are itching to touch me, but he luckily refrains from doing that.

Luckily for him.

Yet, his calm is so bothersome. I'd say something to make him burst out in fury. To break that wall keeping him from grabbing and shaking me until forcing some mercy in my head.

I scoff, wondering why I'm acting like this.