The meaning of a smile

«You won't have my heart, King Aurelius.»

Ignis's eyes widen, and I attempt a shy smirk.

«Remember how I feel when I smile with warmth. You broke my heart once, and it can't be repaired just because you want it.»

«Veronica...» he whispers, looking for my hands.

Instead of stepping away, as I'd prefer, I let him grip my fingers.

«Yes?» I say with a polite smile.

«I'd prefer it if you were angry,» he replies. He looks down, feeling as sad as a man in his position can.

«I am angry.»

«Then show it. Don't make me hope for your love if there is no chance. Don't play with my feelings like this.»

«Oh, but do my feelings have any value?»

He seems to understand because he lets go and leans back.

With some distance among us, we can both breathe more freely.

It's time to end this conversation and have my room back to myself.

«I'm tired; I'd like to sleep,» I say.