Create pleasant memories

Since my letter is gladly accepted by Ignis, he signs it and moves to the next one.

Why? Don't my words have any weight to him?

I lean towards him and press my hand on his arm. Then, I move it up to his shoulders and caress it with my finger.

«You know... All this talking about fornication reminded me of something...»

I also lean my head on his shoulder and wait for his reaction. It's not that late to come, judging from his trousers. The fabric in the area of his crotch tented up in a moment.

I'm experienced enough to know this means that whatever I am doing is working.

«Veronica, you will kill me one day,» he sighs.

Oh, maybe it's because I promised and backed away last time. I heard stories about how men suffer a lot when they're teased but not gratified. But I didn't give them too much weight.

In the end, it's more frustration than anything else, right?