Ignatius Nerva (2)

After reaching the peak of pleasure under Ignis's kisses and caresses, I let him do what he wants because I have no energy to fight back.

Also, it's not like I have any other ideas. And I can't take the lead now because last time I got hurt.

Just for this time, I'll let him do it. I'll try again later, or another time most likely.

«Ignis,» I sigh when he kisses my neck.

«You know my name now, ah?» he chuckles before nibbling my ear. «Say it, again.»


«Because I'm asking you.»

«Is it that important to you, your Majesty?»

«Veronica,» he moans. «Oh, I should call you Ronnie, shouldn't I?»

«No, not that!» I complain.

Why should he use my childish pet name? No one has called me like that for a few years, at least.

«Why not?»

«Because I told you not to.»

I pull his hair until he looks at me. I kiss him, and then I roll on him.