Getting used to the place

It's been three days without seeing Ignis. Without the legitimation of a crown, I can't exactly roam in the King's Palace.

I have to be asked for before going to Ignis's room.

And he hasn't asked. He avoided me for three whole days!

He did send a message of apologies. Oh, he didn't say apologise because there is a G. He said sorry.

Seems like he's very busy with some secret things I might be able to know in the future. Yet, right now, I can't even inquire about ruling matters.

In the hopeless attempt to see him during the meals, I eat in the dining room with the rest of his family. Since Ignis isn't here, they leave me alone.

It's odd they don't take the chance to pick on me. And I would even let them! I don't care so much about what they say, so they could use these meals to say their worst. Since Ignis isn't here to listen, their words have no meaning.